Pleaase tell me I'm wrong about Americans today.

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Reply to Joab and 2nd Amendment

Actually the proper response to this idea that Americans exterminated certain groups of people is both yes and no. To be certain the Europeans entered North America with the idea that the land was theirs for the taking. The brutalities inflicted on the native populations were in most ways inexcusable. But to view the native peoples as totally innocent in also naive. Both sides inflicted atrocities on each other and both sides viewed the other as somewhat subhuman and worthy of extinction. The biggest factor in the radical decline of native populations was generally the onset of disease brought in by the European peoples. These diseases were taken as a matter of course by the Europeans and took the natives by surprise. Another contributing factor to the "defeat" of the natives was the fact that they were not politically united. The Europeans looked upon them as one homogonous group and would sign a treaty and be very confused when most of the native groups refused to abide by the treaty.
Slavery was very common throughout history and was condemned by many groups as far back as the first century. The use of slavery by the Americans was no better or worse than the use of slavery by the English in the sugar islands or by the Portuguese in Brazil. What was truly unique about American slaver was the simple fact that it was racially based and not based upon debt or defeat in war. The single largest supplier of slaves for the English slave trade was the African kingdoms that existed in the central portion of Africa. These groups got their slaves through either conquest or by imprisonment for debt, or through punishment for crimes committed.
In conclusion, history is best viewed by attempting to see the big picture instead of focusing on what you think you believe. It seems to me best to read the facts and then to decide how you will handle them. As for me I refuse to be ashamed of the fact that my ancestors helped to for a lack of a better term "conquer" this continent. I also am very proud of my Native American ancestry (Choctaw) and I am saddened by the fact that the Trail of Tears was inflicted on innocent people (precisely why I detest Andrew Jackson). As to slavery, it is hard to understand any human being owning another but you have to look at 18th and 19th Century history through the eyes of their beliefs not ours. And realize that many of the founders were radically anti-slavery (Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin). The faults of their lives in no way diminish what they did in getting the ball rolling. These men and women were able to establish a nation founded on the principles of freedom and equality before the law. This very fact enabled all the many freedoms we enjoy to be put into place even though it took in many ways much too long to achieve true freedom. This is precisely the reason that I feel that America is in trouble because we believe that freedom means everyone having everything the same which is not only practically impossible but also theoretically impossible.
That all being said I believe that there is room for all points of view concerning our history and our freedoms. Just remember, lets always go back to the original documents to actually interpret our freedoms not use some judicial precedent to rely on.
Some good books to read:
Keepers of the Game; Calvin Martin Indians and the environment
Many Thousands Gone; Ira Berlin; slavery in the first 200 years of North American settlement.
American Colonies; Alan Taylor; controversial book that explains the destructive nature of European colonization.
Stonewall thank you for addressing my actual comments.

My statement was simply that an entire culture was systematically destroyed.
I made no judgement of that culture, good or bad or in between

I also stated that our ancestral heroes practiced slavery. I made no mention of them inventing the practice. Possibly I misused the term "enslaved" but I think it would be nitpicking to dismiss the entire statement based on what may or may not have been an incorrect word. I also make no attempt to excuse it.

I did not in any way mean to say that I am totally ashamed of our heritage.
Simply that this nation was founded by ruthless men, sustained by ruthless men and is today being run by ruthless corporations run by ruthless men.
America is as it always has been

As I stated earlier " To the Victor Goes the Spoils"
I vote, but I vote Libertarian because the Republicans sell our gun rights (and other rights) out just the same as the Democrats. I can see clearly there are very little differences between the two main parties anymore, yet everyone tells me I'm wasting my vote.
So, since I cannot in good conscience vote for two parties I consider to be traitors to the Constitution, and I'm wasting my vote on the Libertarians, why should I continue to vote?
My opinion is that nothing is as bad as it looks. The bad always gets more attention and media making it look bigger than it is. I could be wrong.

Its like that McDonalds commercial that really pisses off

"Ive got a fruit buzz"
"Wow, cool"
"I know, it makes me feel like..."
(Lamely hits a ball)
"Ya, Wierd!"
"I know..."

Cause trying is so "Un-cool" *sigh*


I guess i should say that the american spirit still lives inside, and that has always prevailed over anything else. Just when thigns are looking their worst we triumph. It makes me proud, honestly. We as americans have always managed to get back on our feet.

Sept 11 showed some of that spark, and that it can be ignited, it just takes the right circumstances. Until Iraq everyone was all for anti-terrorism (Afghanistan).

I think we need something big to happen..something inheritly bad to fix the problem, to make us realize some very important things.

The young of todays generation seem misguided- il ladmit it because i see it everywhere. We are spoiled and depressive, and disrespectful. But we are YOUNG. And the only reason that is so today is because our culture is out of equilibream. Parents let their children run wild or 'martyr' themselves "For the childs good". The parents got that way becuase they had such stricter ways of thinking when they were young.

But if there is one thing recent history (Read twentieth century) has proved, its that children rebel and turn opposite from their parents. With nay luck this generation will reach an equilibream between ultra liberal hippy communists and the ultra conservative. If that doesnt happen with this generation then it will likely happen soon enough.

Once things get bad enough in nature, things restart. So i belive will happen with america. It will take hardships and turmoil likely, but it will get done.
Hey Bossman,
I don't feel that anyone wastes their vote as long as they vote. I get abundantly tired of people griping of how things are going and then I find out they don't vote. As for me when people ask me how I voted I generally tell them it is between me and the ballot box. However, if they ask me where I stand on a political issue I generally tell them exactly where I stand. This comes in handy when my students ask me about my political feelings. As for me however, give me a good Whig anytime!
Thanks for the welcome DocZinn, I really enjoy this forum for the information and the sometimes lively "conversation".


Longsuffering Texas Rangers Fan
Boomer Sooner!!!
Say what? The Spaniards and English/Americans slaughtered native peoples by the hundreds of thousands (particularly Spaniards). The native people couldn't even come close to giving back a fraction of what they had got, as they were vastly undergunned (in technology), and unorganized in thier resistance to the attempted genocide and relocation efforts. A blatant mis-statement there, ruining 2As credibility on everything else on this subject, I'm afraid.

Horsepucky. Cortez and an overstrength company took down the empire in Mexico? Not even. The fact you forget to mention, is that the Evil White Man had NO PROBLEM recruiting scouts and even whole tribes to assist in fighting whoever was being whooped upon. Apaches were hated by every other tribe, including some Apaches! (Must be that skinning people alive thing). The Aztecs were hated by all the others, because they were the ones "donating" the human sacrifices. (This, among other horrors, is why the priests destroyed their records). Some Indians were quite civilized, and some gave birth to the expression, "save the last bullet for yourself". Some kept slaves. As in any war, there were acts of extremism and genocide on both sides.
...and not politically correct to mention, but the majority of slaves "exported" from Africa would be DEAD were it not for the slave trade. Prior to the ability to convert captives that were "surplus to requirements", (that is to say, not wanted for their own slaves/harems) into trade goods, they were routinely slaughtered - an unhappy practice that post-colonial Africa is re-embracing in all it's tribal glory...
Thanks Stonewall. You're a long suffering Texas Rangers fan?

I like the Rangers ok. I'm a long suffering Detroit Tigers fan. Ok, well, since 1984 anyway.

I plan on continuing to vote Libertarian, I feel both main parties are traitors to the Constitution.
America's Party: A new direction in politics....

I checked out the suggested reading on this site. They're all a bunch of neo-con Bush people. What do they offer that the current socialist Republican party don't?

Reading Jeff Snyder's book (collection of essays) "Nation of Cowards" wont make you any happier about this generation of americans.
Sorry.........but it does have the answers to get back
Well if the reading I posted was neocon I would hate to read anything liberal.
All of those authors are/were considered to be rather to the left wing side of things. If I am correct two of them were assignments for a graduate course I took and the other is one I read for "enjoyment". If you really want to read something that stretches your mind concerning government read the following:
The Creation of the American Republic by Gordon Wood
The Radicalism of the American Revolution by Gordon Wood
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn
All of the books I suggest are not necessarily "conservative" in nature. They do however make you understand the point of view of many of the elites in American Historical education. The above three books are very good books concerning the foundations of the American governmental system. They really condemn both the Republicans and the Democrats.
Hey Boss, I consider myself longsuffering because we have never won a world championship, however the Rangers have a good young team coming up.
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