Please be Careful

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10 yrs (+/-) ago I was a part time insurance agent, making some money on the side of my main job as a computer systems consultant. One of my clients was a gunshop. One of the employees took a pistol into the range to test it, left one in the chamber, brought in back out, set it down on the counter and went to the cash register to help a customer.

One of the folks in the gunshop, picked the pistol up, stuck his finger over the end of the barrel and........drum roll for stupidity here.........pulled the trigger and blew the end of his finger off. The judge couldn't/wouldn't rule about comparative negligence, the gunshop was ruled entirely against. The insurance company paid the claim and dropped them. We never could get them covered again. I have no idea who wrote them a policy going forward.

It was a sweet deal for me. Every time he paid his premium, I got paid, and went back to his shop and bought a gun from him. So he won also, until his idiot employee ruined it.

After that, he and his employees got more and more careless, culminating with the ATF not being able to track/account for numerous firearms in the bound book. Needless to say, he is out of the firearm business.
I think that the real problem is that we're too full of ourselves to admit that we're all dumb...
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