Police: Women Wanted Crack For Rare Japanese Machine Gun Trade

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Do you really think we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking the law. Create a nation of lawbreakers and then you can cash in on the guilt. Now that's the system! - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957
They are on drugs and have no jobs it makes no difference weather you can go to the corner of 5th and Wabash st or to the corner CVS they still can't afford them. So what happens then A: they break into our home to steal our stuff to pawn and buy at the CVS. or B: the break into our homes and steal our stuff to buy on the street corner. Looks all the same to me.... Makes about as much since as a screen door on a submarine.

Because when Phillip morris starts making joints, they will be cheaper. How many moonshine stills and speak easies have you heard about lately? Few people steal to support a tobacco or caffeine habit because those particular drugs are cheap and readily available.

After drugs legalized, the smugglers won't have a financial incentive to smuggle. A good example is the AWB. What did the AWB do for rifle prices? Of course, prices went up. If the AWB had gone on for 50 years, what do you think an AR would be worth?

Another example was my command in the military. The CO decided that the entire ship would be smoke free. Within a week, cigarettes were being smuggled in through care packages, and prices were as high as $2 per cigarette. $20 a pack, at a time when a pack was $1 at the corner 7-11. A carton of smokes, worth $20 in the states, was worth $400 once it was smuggled. When that kind of money is available, people with little to risk are willing to risk it all to make money.

I believe the ganstas call that "Get rich or die tryin"
They better not cut it up and melt it down.
Nothing makes my blood boil more than destroying things that ought not be destroyed, any relic from the past.
It at least belongs in a museum, couldn't they donate it to at least a historical society?????
Any way you can suggest that to them??
Posted by divemedic:
The thing is, alcohol prohibition created the mafia. It corrupted the courts, the cops, and alcohol prices skyrocketed. Instead of getting alcohol off the streets, it turned many otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals.

Uh, no. :rolleyes:

The Mafia is believed to have originated in Sicily during the mid-19th century. By the late 19th century, several decades before the 1930's U.S. Prohibition era, it had already spread to the U.S., Australia etc.---due to the large influx of immigrants from Sicily and southern Italy during that time period.
jerkface11 said:
Basically there is no black market for legal items.

How do you figure? Is there not a black market for firearm they are legal? Maybe I am wrong but I think I am right.

Guess what if the gubment did legalize pot then it would be week and worthless and they would still be $15 a pack.

You want your kids hooked on drugs fine I will choose to go the other way.
btw - just so nobody gets confused. The lady from Beverly Hills was from Beverly Hills, Florida, which I believe has a population of 3 people.

(actually it has around 9-10 thousand people).

No 90210 resident.
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