Previous fence sitters ask you about getting a means of defense after Paris attack?

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Dec 7, 2008
Mount Desert Island Maine
Interestingly I have had two people I associate with, who were previously somewhat anti gun (both separate calls) ask if I would be able to help them figure out what firearm they need to get for defending themselves and show them how to use it safely. This has happened since the news reports of the Paris attacks last evening. Are the masses waking up to the fact that they need to provide for their own protection after yet another serious attack?:scrutiny:
I Figured I would start a thread so you can chime in if somebody asks your advice as well. Inquiring minds and all that.:)
I hope you take at least a few minutes and explain to them the importance of voting properly if they want the option/ability to protect themselves with a gun in the future.
Are the masses waking up to the fact that they need to provide for their own protection after yet another serious attack?

In most of the country they have been for several years. Consider that all of the States have Conceal Carry Laws on the books, Smith and Wesson is reporting a 8% increase in gun sales this year and how strong the market has become for women buyers.

The print and television media has lost much of its credibility as many folks are realizing they are biased organizations that support and promote left wing liberal ideas and politicians.
"Are the masses waking up..."

Probably to a degree. It tends to happen when things are looking grim.

Remember the story about Charlton Heston getting calls from his anti-gun friends when the Rodney King riots broke out.
Some will wake up and cross over. The multitude will continue to be vehemently against self defense and the RKBA. Lenin didn't call them Useful Idiots for nothing.
Most will buy a gun to defend themselves then continue to vote for whoever has a little D next to their name.
Not only is it important to explain of how to vote for RKBAs, but that who they vote for takes serious the securing of this country's borders.

And if they decide to arm themselves, we offer either help or point them in the right direction for proper training for safety. Some find out the "gun" is not the evil. Once they find out with proper handling, they find a gun can be safely handled.
I really don't know. There was multiple homicide murderer that over an extended period of time committed acts of murder. During that time period handgun sales in the area substantially increased.

Most of the handguns were placed in the dresser sock drawer and never fired and when the owner passed on the widow would notice the sales slip in the box and take it to the firearms retailer from whom it was purchased.

Thus the firearms retailer would offer to buy it back at less than 50% of the purchasing price.
Not yet, but I expect it this weekend. They'll get helped and it will be pointed out that they need to be encouraging their politicians to support RKBA instead of trying to limit it. Of course in TN, just about all our politicians are pro RKBA so it won't be a stretch.
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It depends upon whether they've been jackasses about it.

If they had, my response would be: "Call the cops. If they don't get there in time, at least you will have died knowing that you didn't 'escalate the violence'."

Back at the time of the millennium panic, a friend's mother called him, hysterically asking to borrow one of his guns. She'd be VERY nastily anti-gun previously. His reply? "NO <click>".
I am writing my senators and state rep today regarding federal reciprocity recognition of CHL. While Paris stands as a clear example of why we need 2a rights here and may bring some fence sitters to our way of thinking, I'd feel best about taking any action to make our country safer.
Most will buy a gun to defend themselves then continue to vote for whoever has a little D next to their name.

sadly, this has been my experience as well.

nevertheless, you should help them, but 90% of the conversation should be about gun rights, asking if they'd really be willing to use it, asking if they are planning to practice, how they intend to store it and carry it, etc. the hardware choice should be about 1% of the conversation
If the Second Amendment truly stands as a protection against both external threat and internal tyranny and not just street-level criminals, citizens would enjoy the unqualified liberty to acquire weapons of any sort, in any quantity they pleased, for the specific purpose of being able to out-gun the Mumbai and Paris attackers adorned with belts or vests packed with explosives and armed with a detonator, automatic weapons , RPGs, and hand grenades or our own government and its agents when such action would be justified.
If the Second Amendment truly stands as a protection against both external threat and internal tyranny and not just street-level criminals, citizens would enjoy the unqualified liberty to acquire weapons of any sort, in any quantity they pleased, for the specific purpose of being able to out-gun the Mumbai and Paris attackers adorned with belts or vests packed with explosives and armed with a detonator, automatic weapons , RPGs, and hand grenades or our own government and its agents when such action would be justified.

WHAT ???
this obsession with some future gov't, (same goes for " UN takeovers" , etc.) scares me much more than any government.
we will have the government that wins LEGAL ELECTIONS, simple as that.
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I am writing my senators and state rep today regarding federal reciprocity recognition of CHL. While Paris stands as a clear example of why we need 2a rights here and may bring some fence sitters to our way of thinking, I'd feel best about taking any action to make our country safer.
I agree with this idea. Even I don't have CHL b/c I don't need to ( at least at the moment ), I don't see why properly trained, law-abiding citizen would not be able to take his SD firearm anywhere he goes. Especially people that travel for work, or maybe even as tourists to other parts of country.

WHAT ???
this obsession with some future gov't, (same goes for " UN takeovers" , etc.) scares me much more than any government.
we will have the government that wins LEGAL ELECTIONS, simple as that.

Knowledge is power – go educate yourself about the fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment– and then spread the word.

In our time there have been far too many folks who don't like to be reminded of all this. And they try, in their painful way, to pretend that the Second Amendment was put into the Constitution by the Founders merely to allow us a gratifying hobby, to deal with the tyranny of street level criminals, or hunt elk to our hearts' content.
It just occurred to me that you can probably detonate those explosive belts with a bullet.

Thoughts? (What about people nearby, including you?)

It just occurred to me that you can probably detonate those explosive belts with a bullet.
It's possible, but if they're using something like C4 it's extremely unlikely. Mythbusters did a segment on trying to get C4 to go off and they were unsuccessful in getting it to explode with anything other than a blasting cap. That included shooting it with a 30-06 while it was burning.

The reason I say it's possible is because it's possible you might hit the initiator and somehow set that off.
While I applaud you for your desire to help, and I hope your friends are sincere about changing their minds on firearm ownership, the idea that going out and buying a gun is going to save them from a terrorist attack such as the one is Paris is on the same level as the soccer mom thinking that all guns are evil.

A LCP or 637 will do little to protect them from suicide bombers and trained militants that sneak in and open fire with fully auto AKs in a dark and crowded auditorium. It may make them feel safer, but it will take a perfect scenario for them to make much of an impact.

It just occurred to me that you can probably detonate those explosive belts with a bullet.

From what I understand the bombers used pressure switches so that if and when they were shot and lost consciousness, thus relieving the pressure on the switch, their bombs would go off. Kill them and they still kill everyone around them. Realistically, the novice handgunner is not going to save the world against organized militants using ambush attacks with superior weapons. They can however protect themselves from punks, criminals and others when confronted in the correct scenarios in a one on one situation. For a novice handgunner to open fire at more than 10 yards in a dark crowded auditorium, odds are they will kill more than just a terrorist. They need to know this also.
If the Second Amendment truly stands as a protection against both external threat and internal tyranny and not just street-level criminals, citizens would enjoy the unqualified liberty to acquire weapons of any sort, in any quantity they pleased, for the specific purpose of being able to out-gun the Mumbai and Paris attackers adorned with belts or vests packed with explosives and armed with a detonator, automatic weapons , RPGs, and hand grenades or our own government and its agents when such action would be justified.

It is even clearer when you consider the tools that would be used by French soldiers actively defending their nation from such attacks. In the name of international unity, they have been relieved of this duty, leaving plain citizens as the tip of the spear; if they should not be similarly prepared against an offensive, then who? If no one, how can the nation persist? That people will not tolerate unfettered terror attacks for long.

...the idea that going out and buying a gun is going to save them from a terrorist attack such as the one is Paris is on the same level as the soccer mom thinking that all guns are evil.
There's truth to this; however it's important not to fall into the trap of assuming that the only positive outcome is a total victory.

In other words, the fact that a single person with a handgun isn't going to stop multiple terrorists armed with rifles doesn't mean that they can't make a positive difference.

It's unlikely that a single person with a handgun will completely thwart an attack like the ones in Paris, but it is also true that a round or two in the right place at the right time might make result in a significant reduction in the level of the carnage. You'd also have to go into it knowing that in most cases you're probably signing your own death warrant by engaging multiple opponents armed with rifles when all you have is a carry pistol.

Still, there are situations where one might choose to stand up and fight rather than hoping to be able to run, or if that's not an option, passively waiting for the bad guys to get around to shooting you or blowing you up.

Now against something like the Palestinian knife attacks that we've seen recently? That's another story entirely. Not all terrorist attacks are like the one in Paris.
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