Private Contractor Work

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Apr 4, 2007
This may seem a little odd, and slightly off topic but I noticed a lot of people around here have a background in Security so I thought that they could provide some helpful information.

Heres a little bit of my background. Back in 2002 I enlisted in the US Army. I joined with an Airborne Infantry contract. I was recruited into special operations and served in a training unit for a few years. During a training exercise I was injured. As some of you may know the Army doctors arent always the best. They said I wouldn't be able to preform my duties in my current roll and gave me a choice, desk job or get out. I joined for a reason and it wasn't to push paper so I sadly left.

Over the last couple years I have worked a desk job as a civilian and I have seen private doctors. My injuries have been completely fixed and I have returned to great shape. The Army will not let me reenlist because I was medically discharged. I was very depressed when I left the Army, for a few reasons. First off I loved the job and I loved the life, and second I never got a chance to deploy.

After doing a lot of thinking Ive come to some truths about myself and where I want to take my life. I feel for several reasons that I need to serve in Iraq or another hostile area. Im not some crazy person who wants to go rambo or anything I just feel like it was something that I was suppose to do but never got a chance to. I hope that some people out there can understand that.

Over the years since I got out ive looked at private contract work from time to time but never really thought too seriously about it. Well that has changed and Ive made up my mind 100% that I need to do this for myself. Ive started the way I knew how I researched a number of companies (with PM help of a few people here) and submitted applications and mailed off resumes.

I have sent resumes to the following companies:
Olive Security
Triple Canopy
Control Risks Group
Hart Group

I have some additional questions that I was hoping some members here might be able to help me out with.

1) Almost all of the companies that I have looked into require military or LEO experience, is this a field that is completely closed off to entry level work in security?

2) Did I miss some companies that I could try and contact for employment?

3) Is there a better way to go about this besides just putting tons of resumes out and hoping someone bites?

Any other information that anyone wants to share would be great, im the kind of person that likes to be able to get as much information as possible on any given topic. If anyone has any questions I will be more then happy to provide additional information.

Thank you for your time, I know it was kind of a long post. :)
I have attempted to visit the recruiter, my DD-214 does not allow reenlist and cannot be waived. Plus at this point I rather do a 12-24 month tour as opposed to the 4-6 years the army is looking for.
Jester, are you married? Have kids? If so, I would focus on a civilian career.

If you're not married, then I would focus on finding a spouse and a civilian career.

You've served your country and done your time, which is more than most. Time to move on.

Thank you for your service!

BTW, I always thought it was disgraceful how the military does not have a monument to those injured and killed in training or operational accidents. It is a lot of folks, and no different than getting injured/killed in combat, to my mind. Service is service.
Hey Jester. There is a company here in VA that you missed called BCPI. PM me your resume and I will give you the contact info for the right people there.


Thanks for your service.

The private contractors are paid better and tend to live far better than their
Army counterparts. There are many perks and certain lifestyle choices that
they can continue to practice --even in a warzone.

Downside: smaller lighter armored convoys outside the wire and it seemed to
me the Iraqis hated them more than the soldiers.

I'm writing this w/o knowing if you have a wife and kids --if you have either,
I'd suggest a CONUS job for their benefit.
Ok, check.

If you truly miss such work and believe that's where you need to be, then by
all means check it out. But if an adrenaline rush is meant to counteract some
depression caused by other reasons, it will still be awaiting you at a later time
and with more intensity.

That said, there's PC work in all areas throughout the globe. I even saw some
show recently about guys protecting cargo ships from pirates....pirates!

Don't forget this one:
I dont know about the rest, but blackwater seems pretty strict, I dont know that they would accept someone with a medical discharge. On the flip side, blackwater seems pretty quick to respond to questions, it may pay to ask them what they think via email as a good jumping off point.
I will talk to a blackwater recruiter this week and see if I can get any answers or maybe some advice on what to do.

I found a video about contract work on I was wondering if anyone had seen it and is it worth the $100.

I Will look into posting on the other forums but they seemed kind of shadey with a lot of wantabe SEALs on them.

Any other advice?
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Sorry, don't really have any advice that could help. Just wanted to say thanks for your service, and I hope you find what you're looking for! :)
Jester, there is a book out there, available in bookstores, called "A Bloody Business." I highly recommend reading it. It is about the contractors and the work they are doing in the sandbox now. It gives a brief history and some personal accounts from different contractors out there. If I remember, and I will have to look it up, but I think there is an index of all contractors worldwide with pertinent contact info. I'll double check and PM you if that is erroneous.
ArmorGroup just won a large contract to secure the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan - they might be needing some blokes.
jester5167 - I am retired Ranger/Delta, been there-done that, I can understand where you are coming from. Two things:


Embassy guards?


I've always thought that was a specialty of the Marines?? What gives??

Sorry, that was a partial hijack..

Jester5167: Thanks for your service and I hope you find something in your
chosen line of work.. (My 22 year old keeps debating between Navy Shore
Patrol and the CHP.. We'll see..)

hey man i just wanted to say thank you for your time in. i am sorry to hear what has happend and i wish you the best of luck.
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