Probably a dumb CZ 75B Question

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Jan 7, 2007
For the DA/SA model without the decocker.

Just to show how little I know . . . when or how would one fire in DA mode?

Seems like when you rack the slide after insterting the mag, you will cock the hammer and be in SA mode. Each subsequent shot will also be in SA mode.

Without a decocker the only way seems to be to manually lower the hammer on a live round by holding the hammer. Then the trigger pull would be in DA mode.

Thanks for educating me.
You'll have to manually decock the hammer to the half cock notch, which if done in a safe manner is no big deal.
Without a decocker the only way seems to be to manually lower the hammer on a live round by holding the hammer. Then the trigger pull would be in DA mode.

that's exactly what you need to do to fire the pistol DA. The manual suggests grasping the hammer with your thumb and forefinger then pulling the trigger and lowering the hammer all the way down. I however, release the trigger once the hammer has passed the half-cock notch and lower the hammer the rest of the way. This allows the firing pin block safety to be utilized as the pistol absolutely cannot fire if the trigger is not being pulled.
Either decock the hammer manually, or carry cocked and locked. with C&L, the DA mode becomes more or less a backup, in case you hit a sleepy primer.

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