Psychoanalysis of THR members by type

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I hate agreeing with Justin but I was already thinking the same thing. This board has a lot of professionals on it and we don't need to sucumb to the typical anti sterotypes.

This might have offered in good fun but I don't like it.
Dude, lighten up...he is being facetious. He is just basically pokin fun at all of us THR members. I and a few others thought is was just plain funny. And frankly, a delightful diversion from daily lectures doled out by the leadership.

You see, here's the problem. For satire to be funny, it should actually contain a kernel of truth. Otherwise, it's just lame and unfunny. I don't see any truth, exaggerated or otherwise in this particular blogger's attempt at humor. There's no real irony or snark. Just kind of a low-level undercurrent of jealousy. I get the same vibe from the "humor" of Janeane Garofalo.

Besides, this particular attempt pales in comparison to the original from which the blogger has pulled his concept, The Comprehensive Guide to Gun Shows, which is much funnier because the original author had both familiarity with his topic and a knack for descriptive writing.

As for your dig at me with the "daily lecture" bit, I don't think any of the staff here act in a manner that could be described as engaging in lecturing.

We have our opinions, beliefs, and experiences and make posts accordingly. Lecturing, when done at all, is done in private and between individual parties.
This board has a lot of professionals on it and we don't need to sucumb to the typical anti sterotypes.

This might have offered in good fun but I don't like it.

What exactly do you define as being professional?

How is this list succumbing to the typical anti stereotypes?

Lighten up guys. The original blogger of the this list began with the following paragraph;

"I forget how it came up, whether it was in chat with somebody or in Gunblogger Conspiracy, but somehow the topic of pet peeves came up... Naturally, this got me to thinking (always a dicey proposition). Gunnie Pet Peeves! What are the stupid/silly/inane things that fellow gunnies do that make you shake your head in amazement? Here are some of mine:"

It's just one man's view upon the gun culture which he is also apart of. Naturally the list is going to piss off the people who represent any of his pet peeves, but don't take it personally.
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A professional is what a lot of people on this board are.

Your sterotypes are a poor representation of the gun community and represent a very small minority. Say you had catergorized all black people as being musicians, athletes or criminals the stereotypes would be false and paint a picture about your personal beliefs. By asking us to catergorize THR members in the same way you are telling us how you feel about the gun community. If I were pissed off you would know it. As it is I just don't like it.
OK I had to tell the Preacher at church this. There is a fine line between preaching and meddling. Preaching is when you are talking about somebody else. That's OK, preach all you want. Meddling is when you are talking about me. Don't meddle.

Number 5
Here's a clue: if you have to explain the joke, it's probably not that funny.

PS: But I did like the phrase 'tactical twinkie'. :)
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