Queasy Feeling I Just Can't Shake...

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An instantaneous nationwide gun grab would result in a whole lot of havoc.

I'm not so worried about that kind of scenario. As I mentioned, my biggest fear is "reasonable" restrictions to make a "safer" America.

These are so insidious because they are so easily slipped into place little by little by convincing well-meaning people that they will be safer and nobody's 2A rights will be infringed...much.

"Smart" guns here...serialized bullets there...make it a little bit more inconvenient to register a gun...add a few more hoops to jump through for a CPL...maybe ban CCW on city-owned property...

No big deal - we'll all be safer.

Pretty soon we will have common firearms that cost $1,200 and range ammo for $2 per cartridge. Eventually we'll have fewer gun owners willing or able to put up with the red-tape and expenses, thereby shrinking our constituency and making it easier to push through even more "common sense" and "reasonable" restrictions.

Like a nationwide ban on concealed carry. Oh, they'll "allow" us to keep a firearm in our homes for protection - that's "reasonable" - but not carry one on the streets. Who needs that in a "safer" America?
I well and truly agree about a gun "grab".

I mean there are gonna be some deaths of those who come to get them.

That said ***** = OBummer!!!!
When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil. - Max Lerner

There is definitely good advice in this thread...and there is definitely some terrible advice as well. Maintain proficiency, and keep the ammo piled high.
Rainbowbob said,

Until I finally “saw the light” about gun ownership, self-defense, and the Second Amendment; I used to be one of those well-meaning people who was either ambivalent about - or supportive of – “reasonable” restrictions.

Fits me to a T. My lightbulb came on about 20 years ago. It happened when I noticed the difference between the media stereotype of gun owners and the actual, reasonable behavior of my gun-owning friends. Seems to me the stereotypes about gun owners were even nastier back then, and the media was even more crudely biased. That's not to say we're any safer from losing our rights these days.
SWAT team shows up at your front door demanding 'em.

Only 2 things you can do:

1. Surrender them.

2. Barricade yourself inside with your guns.

If you choose no. 2, you may want to have a gas mask.
Camslam, I don't know if this will make you feel better or worse, but realize that there have ALWAYS been those that want to take our rights away. The ink wasn't dry on the BOR and this was already happening. Google "whiskey rebellion." Look at the history of infringements on the 1st Amendment in the early 20th century. It isn't pretty.

We must always fight to keep our rights. That's the reality.

Do what you can. Educate your friends and relatives. Focus your energy on the ones that can be persuaded by logic and evidence. Don't waste time on the ones who won't think.

Barricade yourself inside with your guns.

It's a LOT easier to act now, both with trying to influence politicians and "thought leaders" (business owners, etc.), and setting a good example for those around you.

If things get to the point where it looks like you're going to be barricaded in your house with guns, well, that's a bad strategy. That's reactive, rather than proactive. In that situation, the bad guys will gladly level half a subdivision, and the press release will read that a "gun nut's ammo supply blew up." You will instead want to be outside your house, going after the root causes of the situation.

John, how's the sequel coming?

The rest of you: If you haven't read Unintended Consequences, you need to.
I agree that we shouldn't let it get to that point and our rights are always under attack.

I guess the whole point of this thread was looking at it from the perspective that a "perfect storm" is all set to kick us gun owners right where it hurts.

I am interested in why we gun owners let it get to that point when there are 80+ million of us with friends, family, and peers.

I repeat that it will be a sad day in a couple of years when we are looking at some of the craziest, most stringent gun laws passed in quite some time, and we wonder how we let it happen.

I pray that isn't the case and I hope I am completely wrong, but looking at the political landscape on the horizon, and the effects it will have on the Supreme Court, I think we are in big trouble.
The point I was making about "barricades" and "gas masks" is:

1. We (generally) probably won't run for office.

2. We (generally) probably won't vote smart and smart "constitutional" people into office.

3. We (generally) probably won't become as strong as "them" in organization.

4. We (generally) probably will end up with need to "barricade" and really want a few "gas masks".

5. Or we will generally have to, or don't care to give our guns up.

Gas masks are in isle 4.... on the internet.
There are many difficulties ahead. Guns protect us, but they are not an answer to all of life's problems. Living is the answer to life's problems.

That said, there appear to be a number of scenarios possible in the future, and "anti-gun" people are of little consequence in shooting situations.

Otherwise, it is not clear that the American democratic experiment has worked. Too many "representatives" do not represent their consituencies. Lobbies have managed to buy out many "representatives".

The future to me, looks to hold not so much a threat from incidental "intruders"; but it's more like the entire country breaking down into various factions. Conflict may come, and I haven't a clue concerning the possible outcome.

Anyone with a vague knowledge of history, can make reasonable speculations as to the future.

If you're on a rooftop, miles from your house, you don't need a gas mask. You need a lot of practice. Take that gas mask money, and that barricade money, and buy ammo and practice.

And work on a grass-roots level to avoid the whole situation in the first place.
Best advice I've seen so far.

And work on a grass-roots level to avoid the whole situation in the first place.

I don't know about anybody else, but I want to enjoy my rights, work to preserve them here and now, as well as in the future.

This country is probably going to elect Barrack Obama. I won't vote for him, but millions of others will. I believe we'll survive him. Especially if we make him a one term president.
The danger I see is when he appoints that swing vote to the Supreme Court. And let's wish Justice Scalia and his fellow conservatives on the court a long and full life.

Support the NRA and other local firearms rights groups (we have the excellent Texas State Rifle Association here). And support political candidates who support our rights. Get a concealed carry permit for your state (if possible). If it's not, work to make it so. Kansans didn't think they could do it either, but look at them now.

Sitting around comtemplating SWAT teams coming to confiscate your weapons is about as useful as fanning yourself with a fly swatter. DO everything you can.
I would rather chew my arm off or vote for Hillbilly than vote for Osama.

I live in a district where ALL the challengers are Dems. Our Reps are NOT saints, but I don't believe they would sell us out.

All thoughts such as these are making me think I need a few more new guns and LOTS of ammo before November!

Next up a sealed tin of 7.62x54R
I'm curious after reading some other interesting threads over the last couple of days -

Living your life in fear...

Only Feds Can Carry here...

These had several comments that matched up with the discussion in this thread about the lack effort and passion some gun owners have towards the 2nd amendment.

While most of us agree we need to be actively promoting our freedoms, is there anyone out there that thinks my perspective, of a "perfect storm" that is set to hurt our gun rights, is off the mark in some way?

I would be interested if anyone thinks with an Obama presidency, a Democratic House and Senate, and AT LEAST two new Supreme Court justices, that our gun rights will be left alone and safe.

As I have said before, with the likes of Schumer, Feinstein, Durbin, Lautenburg, Boxer, Clinton, Feingold, Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, McCarthy, etc... having a President that will sign into law their legislation, is there any reason to think this is not going to happen?

These people mentioned have been voted in REPEATEDLY, so I doubt they are worried about the NRA or gun owners wrath in general. I think they will be high enough on their power trip that they will dismiss the bad position it may put "blue dog" dems in. Do you think "blue dogs" like Webb from Virginia, Tester from Montana, and I can't think of the others, will stand their ground and support gun rights, not gun control?

I would be interested if anyone thinks with an Obama presidency, a Democratic House and Senate, and AT LEAST two new Supreme Court justices, that our gun rights will be left alone and safe.

I think that would be as you say, "The Perfect Storm".

I don't think there will ever be a time for complacency. A time that our rights will be "left alone and safe".

That's why it's so important to back organizations who do look out for our rights, and stay current with news, both print and broadcast. "the High Road" isn't a bad place for information either.

Also, find out (if you don't know already) who your state and federal legislators are. If there's legislation you support or don't like at the state or federal level LET THEM KNOW. They will respond. My reps always do.

The last thing is to always VOTE. The only way to ensure that your voice is never heard is to stay home on election day.
But if a knock came at my door in the dark of night, what would I do? We all like to say "when they come for your guns, let 'em have em, BULLETS FIRST!" but I don't think, in reality, it's that easy. If each member of this thread did that, there would be thousands of dead THR members and almost as many widows and orphans. Think about that for a minute.

It's not as simple as just shooting at anyone trying to take your guns. That's self-destructive and won't get anywhere. There has to be organization, there has to be a leader, there has to be a plan.

But don't forget, if such a scenario happens, there will also be thousands of dead JBTs, and thousands upon thousands more who develop new hatred against the JBTs for killing women and children, and within months, it will be just like China in year 1911: Sun Zhongsang's Xinhai Revolution surging through China, rallying millions of people to their cause, and the remnants of the Qing Dynasty fleeing back to the northern steppes.

There MUST be a leader. Only a strong, centralized leadership can mobilize thousands or millions of activists.

When a fascist regime demand that people should live as they instruct, or give up their property, children, whatever, war will be inevitable. But whether the common people wins or not will depend on those who inspire them and lead them.

One people, One heart, one spirit!
There MUST be a leader. Only a strong, centralized leadership can mobilize thousands or millions of activists.

Rachen: Who do you have in mind? Are you applying for the job?

When a fascist regime demand that people should live as they instruct, or give up their property, children...war will be inevitable.

How about when a communist regime makes those same kinds of demands? Like in...oh I don't know...let's say China?
Leaders are easy to demonize. Leaders are easy to isolate.

Independent operators/cells, however, are highly effective.

But we -really- need to avoid that. Which means cutting through the crap that we're seeing, and voting for the long-term. McCain may not end up being the world's greatest president, but I doubt that the Republican leadership is going to allow him to nominate Hillary Clinton to the supreme court...

Remember too that not everyone who you see on the internet is on our side, even when they are claiming to be on our side... You may see some guy claiming to be a gunny, and he's posting pictures of his toys, and all that other crap, and then he's trying to talk you into either not voting, voting third party, or even voting against the 2nd amendment... I'm even guessing that some of those folks are being paid to cause as much of this as possible.

Heck, it's what I'd do. I'm an evil SOB...
I don't know about anything going on over there, other than the country is strong and stable, and if the government is very corrupt and brutal, the country(China) would not be as strong and prosperous as it is now.

As an American born citizen, I support the Second Amendment with all my heart and vow to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from any threats.

Olympic greetings to you, rainbowbob.
Here in California, they've decided to go after ammo
No lead hunting ammo in condor range, based on tree-hugger fears that it is poisoning these scavengers that were on their way to extinction anyway before being artificially propped up. Of course if lead is so deadly to the scavengers, then why aren't we seeing dead turkey vultures everywhere, hmm? (rant off)
Copper hunter ammo runs $50/box of 20. I wonder how many folks may pass on hunting in a big swath of California now?
Serialized ammo
Pistol ammo buying permits?

It never stops so we can't either.
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