question about so called "battle rifles"

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I think the terms came to use for good reason. We do need a way of distinguishing different types of rifles and the tactical use of them on the battlefield. I like MBR vs AR vs DMR vs vs SMG vs Sniper etc. It helps to clarify what is being discussed. Lumping everything into one category will not work!
Defining a MBR is easy.
Stand shoulder to shoulder firing an intermediate round and a full power rifle round.

If the guy next to you makes ya flinch every time he squeezes the trigger then chances are he has a battle rifle.
Everything else is just a target rifle

With both having 18" barrels and a regular ol FH the .308 will give the guy next to ya a pretty good wallop.

Poor example but I would much rather touch off a .556 inside a structure over a 7.62 nato round.
Especially if others are around you.

Ya just need the right tool for the job at hand.
Ya just need the right tool for the job at hand.

That's what it's all about. One soldier with the ability to pick his loadout or his CO picks the right loadout for the mission. Busting down doors bring the M4. Watching the streets from above M14 etc.
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