I use the Lee Classic Turret press with a Pro Auto Disk (with a riser to clear the Lee Safety Prime Feeder) for all handgun cartridges. I use a scale to check every tenth powder throw and have found the Pro Auto Disk is typically within 0.1 grams. I "dust" the base and the disk with powdered mica to get a smoother, (and more accurate) powder throw. (I load .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm, 45 ACP and .30 Carbine with the turret.)
I'm another who doesn't like "double throws" for the larger rifle cartridges - I hand load using dippers and scale for .30-30, .30-06, .308 and 7.5x55mm. I also use the Lee Classic Cast single stage press for de-capping, swaging and full-length resizing of the necked rifle brass. After case trimming, I switch to the turret press for priming, bullet seating and crimping. While I'm confident the Lee turret would do it all, I'd rather save the wear and tear on the turret and use the single stage press for the "grunt work".