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Jan 9, 2008
GoTC alway's has a question. A friend of mine was by for a few minutes awhile ago just checking on me. He had his wife with him. (nice lady)..Both of them own Uberti Walkers and had them with them. Here's the qestion. The 'Walker Nipple Wrench' that all us Walker owners find impossible to live without and which is also very handy for working with the mainspring; is this some sort of johnny come lately tool or was it standard issue for the Rangers? I'vd got a 1st Model put away here. Same tool seem's to work just fine on it to..(as far as I got with it anyway)..Anybody know the true origins of this tool?
Mr. Old Fuff, now don't you and Mr. MyKeal both jump at the same time!....
I assume your speaking of the U shaped wrench. It is a period correct item. I have one 2nd gen and three 3rd gen wrenches. The 3rd gens have a poor finish and the signature line. I imagine a original would be spendy.
madcratebuilder...10-4, that's a Charlie on your last. Understand..No need for further transmission..Very kind of you to respond sir....
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