raccoon hunting help

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Jan 9, 2011
First off I have no dogs and shining is illegal. The only time a light can be used is at the point of kill. Trapping doesn't seem like an option since I need to take a class and I think it's over.

Have any of you had luck day time hunting? I've seen tracks by a water hole but never seen a raccoon during the day. Would really like to get one but seems like the odds aren't in my favor.
I think night time is the best, and what about baiting?
Baiting is illegal for small game or fur bearing animals.

It says I can use a handheld flashlight at the point of kill or for finding my way.
I have a deer stand on a creek bottom and see coons early in the morning pretty often. Usually two or three together.

Also, check to see if using a live trap requires the class you're talking about. Coons are very easy to trap in a live trap with a honeybun as bait.
If you see a coon during the day that is not asleep, he's probably rabid. Sounds like a live trap is your best option. Cat food makes good bait but just be aware you might also catch other critters like possums, which aren't a big deal or skunks, which are. Obviously the neighbor's cat can simply be released, just check your trap often.
I agree a coon during the day goes with the saying if you can run down a rabbit don't eat it. as in the are most likely sick.
Watch "Where the Red Fern Grows"

I love that movie.
Looks like I can't even live trap without taking a course and buying a liscense. Just gonna throw in the towel at this point I think.

I wish I could get a coon dog but not an option right now.

Thanks for everyone's help.
The dog is the best option, but if you don't want the dog option there may be alternatives. I would like to add a relevant question to this thread. What about calling coons? My newly acquired calling systems has raccoon calls on it. Does anyone know if this works?
Looks like I can't even live trap without taking a course and buying a liscense. Just gonna throw in the towel at this point I think.

Good Grief!

Don't know where your home State is, but it sounds like a good place to move away from!

Come to Texas, we will put you on all the 'coons' you want.
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A lot of city's loan out traps to residents as do wildlife centers to catch animals, of you are just trying to get rid of them.
Any time a skunk dies, he sprays.

death relaxes that spray sphincter, just like it does the other sphincters. What you do is carefully and quietly cover the entire trap with a small tarp, hunk of old carpet, etc. It's gotta be dark. This comforts the skunk, and protects you quite a bit if he sprays. Pick up trap and all, take it to wherever you can drown it by submerging trap and all, all at once. Have weight, like concrete blocks, to hold it down for at least 1/2 an hour, so the water washes away the stink.
I have only hunted coons in the daylight. In the winter with the leaves off the trees is the easiest. They like to lay in the crook of big branches close to the trunk of Beech, and Oak trees, warming up in the sun. Big trees that don't move in the wind.
If it is windy, they won't be out.
My best day , was with my Father in law. We took six in about a couple of hours.
Make sure you get a clear shot. If wounded they tend to go higher, on smaller branches that move more, making them harder to hit.
I agree with sniper66 about calling. My Foxpro with the raccoon fight call works great. If there are coons around, they will come to this call. Maybe call on a bright night if that is legal.
If you just want to catch a raccoon go to a farm supply store and buy a live animal trap. They are a cage made of galvanized steel wire with a door in the end that springs shut when the animal steps on a trip panel. Find one where the trip lever slides through a ring to trip the trap. Bait the trap with a trail of small pieces of wheat bread going into the trap and a a whole piece of wheat bread behind the trip panel. The trap must be flat on the ground so it doesn't move around when the animal goes inside. I like to place the trip lever side of the trap against a tree so the animal can't trip the catch from the outside when it walks around the trap. Set the trap in the evening and check it the next morning to see what you have. Could be a raccoon, possum, skunk or house cat. You can release anything you catch unharmed if you don't want it, except a skunk.
Provide the trap is small enough so a skunk can't spray. Approach from the back and cover with a blanket and let it sit for a few minutes. This will calm the skunk down. Then you can pickup and haul the skunk to the nearest tank and drown it. No stink this way. Done many times without any incidents. I have never been sprayed yet since I started doing it this way. I learned this from animal control persons from trapping skunks on a regular basis.
If you see a coon during the day that is not asleep, he's probably rabid. Sounds like a live trap is your best option. Cat food makes good bait but just be aware you might also catch other critters like possums, which aren't a big deal or skunks, which are. Obviously the neighbor's cat can simply be released, just check your trap often.
Ditto on the daylight hours Coon sightings. See one during the day rambling, with tail askew and back arched, STAY AWAY!
Provide the trap is small enough so a skunk can't spray. Approach from the back and cover with a blanket and let it sit for a few minutes. This will calm the skunk down. Then you can pickup and haul the skunk to the nearest tank and drown it. No stink this way. Done many times without any incidents. I have never been sprayed yet since I started doing it this way. I learned this from animal control persons from trapping skunks on a regular basis.

You Sir are a much braver man than I.
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