Rant: I'm really sick of acronyms (IRSOA)

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Things like RKBA, NRA, and 2A are abbreviations, not acronyms.
Sorry, I can't resist but to correct the post above that felt need to correct others correct use of the word acronym :)

Main Entry: ac·ro·nym
Pronunciation: 'a-kr&-"nim
Function: noun
Etymology: acr- + -onym
: a word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters : INITIALISM


You think the Navy is bad about acronmyms?

Hell we have own own language!

"So there I am at Marshall, waiting for the yellow-shirts to change out a crossdeck. I notice I'm getting close to bingo, so I call for a Texaco, but I can't tank because their package is sour. The Boss calls me down and tells me to buster. I'm in the groove, and the jet is sucking fumes and I'm thinking to myself "man, if I bolter I'm gonna have to punch out". Paddles gives me some correction calls and I finally call the ball and get an OK-3.
The Mangler tells me I'm a pump and a stuff, so I park the jet in the Hummer Hole. The Grapes put a hard hose on my Turkey and I head down to the dirty shirt for a slider and bug juice.


So there I am, at the 21 nautical mile holding point, waiting for the Aviation Boatswains Mates to change out one of the arresting gear cables. I notice that I have an extremely low fuel state, so I request inflight refueling from our tanker aircraft, but I can't refuel because their equipment isn't working properly. The Air Boss radios me to land, and tells me to expedite my approach. I'm on course and on glide slope and I'm thinking to myself, "man if I miss the arresting gear cable, I'm gonna have to eject from the aircraft" The Landing Signals Officer gives me some corrections calls, and I finally tell him that I have acquired the Fresnel Landing Systems visual clues and I catch the number 3 arresting gear cable. The Aircraft Handler tells me that my aircraft is to be refueled and then shut down, so I park my aircraft in the spot next to the ships island. The Aviation Boatswain's Mates (Fuels) hook up a refueling hose to my Tomcat and I head down to the Ward Room for a cheeseburger and some Kool-aide :D
But sir, if the VP is such a VIP, shouldn't we keep the PC on the QT, cause if it leaks to the VC the VP might become and MIA and then we'd all be put on KP.

(hat tip, Robin Williams from Good Morning Vietnam).

Personally I like to use TLA's.
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