rarest caliber in a pre-64 model 70 winchester?

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Thank you. And thank you for your comments and observations.

Glad to provide photographs. What is the bolt root? It this the bolt handle where it meets the body? Interested in the action or just shots of this area?
Yes the bolt root is where the bolt handle joins the body. Frankly I may have made that word up but it seems descriptive.
On a pre war gun there will be a distinct "step" or "flat" on the bolt root. The post war guns will just go in to the radius of the bolt.
It's just one of the finishing thouchs they skipped on the post war guns. It sure adds class though.

As a 1946, that should be a transition gun. Does it have the scalloped, or "cloverleaf", rear tang, or the smooth arc? What is the configuration of the safety, & the shape of the safety's operating lever?

I'd live to have a pre-64 in .257 Roberts. They're not rare-rare, but also not found easily.

My father-in-law left his Model 70 to my wife; the serial indicates that it was manufactured in 1942. However, the parts that compose the complete article were manufactured prior to WWII (US involvement), years ago I researched this rifle and now I cannot find the text and footnotes (I am a historian with New Deal/WWII specialty), and while I remember the sources since I cannot attribute credit exactly, without error, I'll not state them.

This rifle still shoots, consistently, less than MOA, if the shooter does his or her part. I have had, and have, other M70s, but this one, 514xx, is the most accurate.

My dad was in the Navy, Pacific Theater; the wife's was in the Army, European Theater. The latter was injured and then captured and lodged in Dachau. For me this rifle symbolizes what mere words cannot say of that time in our history in a very personal way.
tark,,do u got any 6.5x50 japanese ammo,,,tyvm,mtn. girl,,i kant find none less than 67,80 shipped,,,,nawwwwwwwwwww,,ty tark
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