Real Id Act

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How quickly we forget there are existing laws in place for illegal immigration that are not being enforced. Another method of seeking out those who have trangressed the current law are pointless unless they enforce the existing laws.

I tend to agree with Hawkeye, I see no point of creating a way to identify illegals at the expense of liberty when currently identified illegals are not deported in most cases.
Effect of Real ID Act on illegal immigration.

An illegal immigrant today crosses the border with a certain (high) success rate, meets with contacts and finds a job that doesn't require documentation. Stays in the US for a while working at a farm, cleaning houses/offices/Wal-Mart, landscaping, child care, etc. Possibly purchases a car, motorcycle, or something like that (hover-craft, etc), and drives without a license or insurance. She gives birth to children who now get a birth certificate and are citizens of the US (her ID isn't required at the hospital).
At some point, she's stopped by a police officer and the officer says "Can I see your identification please?"
She responds, "I'm sorry officer, I forgot it. I must have left it on the armoire this morning and left without it", or "no have", or "eh?", or something to that effect. She's arrested, cited, deported, or let go.

Under the new system, the officer says "Can I see your federally-approved, state-distributed identification please?". Same results.

Now that's what I call spending billions wisely (billions that could otherwise be spent on, say, patrolling the border, infiltrating terrorist cells, distributing duct tape to the masses for the next time we're in "Orange" terror alert, sending monkeys to Mars, etc).
Has anybody heard of states that aren't going to comply? As far as I know Oregon is going to decide this in 2007. I'm sure this will slide through without debate here but I've heard unconfirmed reports of states saying they would not comply.
I certainly hope Oregon doesn't do it. Keep those letters, phone calls and visits to legislators' town meetings coming...
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