Reality check, what will the Obama admin GET out of us?

What will the Obama admin GET out of us?

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Just my opinion, but I don't think the Democrats are all that hot to pass any gun laws. The last time they did, they lost both houses of congress for a dozen years. They're professional politicians. Losses like that register strongly. They now know it's a losing issue for them.

Obama's record in the Illinois legislature is strongly anti-gun, But he represented a high-crime area of South Chicago where his constituents wanted gun controls. He did what any good representative would: he acted in the interests of his district. I think Obama's an extremely bright guy. I doubt that gun control is a priority for him now. He has much bigger fish to fry.

During the campaign, the only place I EVER encountered any discussion of gun control was on forums like THR. And then, it was brought up by gun owners who fear the worst. In political forums, there was no clamor from Democrats for new gun laws.

I don't think it'll be an issue, unless some crackpot does something sensationally stupid. If that happens, all bets are off.
I think that gun-control nuts brainwash disenfranchised youth into committing school massacres just to have more ammunition in the war against guns
That seems pretty cynical.On the other hand,one does seem to pop up whenever gun control laws are pending....but I think it has more to do with the state hospitals kickin' 'em lose before they're ''done''.
The best we can do is to write to our Congressmen and Senators and hope that they work for their constituents. Be proactive, not reactive.
I would be willing to bet that the people who are saying BO will do very little or nothing to our gun rights voted for him.

I beg your pardon, I said he just may close the gun show loophole.

For the record, I did NOT vote for this man.
He hasn't talked much about gun control, and it seems to me that the only people worried about it anymore are gun owners.
I don't know how it was the first time around, but it seems like gun control hasn't been an issue in this election, and hopefully gun control won't be an issue of this administration.

Did Clinton run on a gun control platform in '92?
I was kinda smallish then.
like two.
With Eric Holder as Obama's AG and the probability that he will nominate a real jerk to head up the ATF, I'm concerned. Eric Holder pretty much supports the Brady wish-list, mandatory 3 day wait, one gun a month, licensing and registration, AWB, and on and on. I think the gun ban lobby will actively push this agenda on the Obama administration, and they will be receptive. We've got dark days ahead folks.

Also, Obama could give a rats ass about the 2-A, he lied through his teeth during the campaign, 50 million voters were dumb enough to buy it, they will get the govt they deserve. "A nation of sheep, begets a govt of wolves".
Here are some American nightmares which could come to life if the right situation occur relative to a Obama presidency and administration.

This is fiction. An arbitrary date is included as April 2009. You might enjoy it. Maybe not.

An Important Message from our President. NBC interrupts all programing for this important announcement by our president.

Obama to the Nation.... My fellow citizens, we are about to embark on a campaign to rid the country of crime and violence against our citizens. I know you’re fed up by crime in our streets. The proliferation of firearms in our society is the root cause and the means for forces trying to rip apart the fabric of our peaceful society. Reasonable and responsible gun control measures are an important facet of that effort. Don't be alarmed. You still will be able to go hunting like your forefathers as it is an American tradition. The measures are common sense and will help the government track down terrorists and criminals more easily.

With that in mind I feel law enforcement as it is today is insufficient to respond to the threat as we know it to be. My recent visits to Kenya, Iran, China, and Russia and world history shows that traditional law enforcement as we know it in the USA is not prepared to quell organized criminal behavior on a national level. So in the next 12-months I will be forming a national security force outfitted much like our military who will answer to the President and operate within our borders. It will be a multi-national force and will work in conjunction with UN objectives worldwide. This force will stomp out crime, terrorists, would be terrorists, and keep the peace for the benefit of all peace loving Americans. We will protect our borders from foreign intrusion. We will be vigilant for the common good. We want you to be vigilant too. Contact our hot line if you see Anti-American behavior. A reward is offered if a terrorist is apprehended and convicted of crimes against the state.

I am a firm believer in the our Constitution. However due to world events and national economic crisis, I am suspending Amendments 1 through 10 commonly known as the Bill of Rights in our Constitution. Do not be alarmed, I conferred with a majority of our Supreme Court Justices prior to implementing this decision. We are currently seeking additional justices to fill posts of a number of retiring justices. It is temporary. Infractions will be reviewed on a case by case basis with the press given the most latitude. We live in troubled times. Internet activity will be monitored for Anti-American behavior since it is the preferred means of communication by terrorists. We will let no stone unturned in our search for terrorists. All email communication shall be automatically forwarded to an address to be provided to the internet providers. It will be automatic, so don’t be alarmed. You won’t even know it is happening. Emails will be spot checked for unpatriotic comments, beliefs, and other indicators which suggest threats to our national security or domestic tranquility. Internet providers who resist this requirement will be shut down.

To pay for this force, I am cutting an equal amount of funding from the military and one full division to start since we shall no longer wage war outside our boundaries unless attacked. We respect other nations to do what is in their best interest and we hope that the world will respect our efforts. We intend to show the world what Americans are made of, not the cowboy image of the past. We are not the world police force. Funding will be increased to the UN to pay for a unilateral military force with nuclear capabilities to maintain world peace. Rest assured that Uncle Sam will be watching out for you.

Good night and Peace be with you.
Lest we forget that not all was gloom and doom even under the Clinton years.


He managed to pass the Assault Weapons Ban. But let's keep that in perspective as well.
To be honest, Obama probably doesn't care much about it now.

But he will sign any new restrictive laws that get through, and we should be worried about the other people in that line.
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