Rear window decal

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Feb 18, 2003
Was driving through town the other day and noticed the pickup in front of me had a big transparent decal spread across the rear window. It had some kind of design and in big letters said "Guns don't kill people". "I do". What kind of sicko would put something like that where people can see it?
Bad driver?

That takes the cake for making all gun owners look bad in under five seconds
Senator for California? Yes I agree its troubling to see such a sticker in public since they give such a terrible image to non RKBA people.
Probably the same kind of gun owner who has a Keep honking, I'm reloading bumper sticker or Insured by Smith and Wesson, or Driver only carrys 20 rounds of hollowpoints or how about the cutsy no trespassing signs; Anyone found here at night will be found here in the morning, or the ever popular Trespassers will be shot, survivors hanged.

We're our own worst enemy in the culture war.

I am in agreement with Jeff White. It is very hard to defend gunowners and the RKBA when people like this give nongunowners (but voters nonetheless) the impression that we are bloodthirsty people out looking to kill someone.

To me it is the same as the people selling Nazi paraphanelia and White Power literature at gun shows. It really gives all of us a bad name
Not one of the bumper stickers mention violating any laws. What about gangster rap? In gangster rap we have a culture of hate towards police and apparently women.
hell yall bash those bumper stickers but GOA sells a bumper sticker that says "Fight Crime SHOOT BACK". So even GOA sells them, but I dont see the big deal with many of the stickers,the first one mentioned was stupid I agree.
Are you all sure it's not a joke?
Of course it's a joke Lucky, and Jeff White gives numerous examples of similar jokes.

The point is that it presents an image of RKBA people which anti-gun people read and shake their heads thinking, "Well, that validates my opinion of gun owners!"

IT's a joke

This is a line from a comedian, whose name escapes me at the moment. Most people see the humor in it and don't afford it the philosophical equality with Plato.

It is now time to take off the hypersensitivity boots and give a good hearty chuckle. I can see this as the joke that it is. If you are afraid that some bean sprout eating hippy is going to get his nose bent out of shape and write his congress critter that we need more gun laws, then your mind is as fertile as a medieval petting zoo. They allready think that we are gun nuts and having a window sticker that reads... Guns dont kill people, bean sprouts do is not going to drive them into insanity. It's allready too late for them.

It's time to just see this for what it is, a joke. If you are still horrified and wringing your hands that someone might mistake humor for a life changing event.....Time for that Pickleectomy! STAT
I've wondered the same thing. The last time I was in the Bay Area, I saw a vehicle with a couple of those stickers. All on a jacked up, rusted out mid-eighties Ford pickup, and the driver sporting a borderline mullet. Tattoed and flicking cigarette butts out the window. It was like a train wreck. I kept reading his stickers as he whipped through traffic and cut people off. I remember thinking "I hope he's safer with the guns than driving."
FDA employee? Foreign aid bureaucrat (i.e. Aid To Dependent Dictators orc)? Congressman? Too many choices.

Scare the hellout of them. Let it be known we won't go down easy. We are the one's with the guns, remember.

And they are the ones with the masses of obedient, expendable cannon fodder, the dozens of client dictators and kleptocrats, the 20,000 megatons of nuclear weapons, the binary VX, the engineered arenaviruses, and most powerful of all:

The "respectable" image. :rolleyes:

So I take your point, but ever since our ancestors gave up the underlying principle of the Second Amendment in the 1930s we've been playing a losing game.
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