Red Orchestra!

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If you look, they cycle their 91/30 bolts palm up on the upstroke with the two small fingers wrapped around the bolt. I like that feature :D

im gunna get it for Xmas :D

i love games that are realistic. especialy when they arnt too "tactical" (like Operation Flashpoint and some of the Rainbow six games)
Since Valve started publishing, they added some advancements to the orignal mod game to make it more realistic and expansive. They also made it a single boxed game one can buy on Stream or in stores. This is a quntaum leap from when this game first was introduced, since it was a Mod for Unreal Tourmament 2004. This is the reason I never bought it since I would had to buy Unreal 2004, then download the Mod, which could not happen with my 56K modem at the time. This is the most accurate, realitisic shooting game out today. To bad I am terrible at online multiplayer games or I would go out and buy it today. I must have a billboard over my character that says "total noob, shoot me".
Im a sucker for the WWII FPS!!! RO looks very cool. Last year this time I was playing medal of honor, this year is the brothers in arms series.
I like this game because its a good mix of action and realism. Its also one of the few games that really teaches tactics. You command an assualt and support squad, and sometimes a tank. Finding your way aournd obsticles and flanking are important.
These games keep getting better and better.
I've been looking at picking up RO for a while now. I've been a sucker for WWII games, and so far nothing has come close to Day of Defeat (also on Steam).

DoD was made back when Half-Life 1 came by a bunch of guys in their spare time and they let people download it for free. It was a revolutionary game that pioneered features that are now standard in WWII FPS. DoD was the first game to allow players to go prone and achieve more accurate aiming, the use of the bipod on guns like the BAR, and light MGs like the M1919, MG34, MG42 as support weapons.

The game also successfully encougaged online players to use teamwork and squad tactics. A M1919 placed at one end of an open field can keep the enemies' heads down while the assault troops masse to cross it. DoD has some of the most intense simulated combat available and most modern production games pale in comparison.
Is RO similar to DOD:Source? I like that pretty much but it's also quite unrealistic compared to Ravenshield and Operation Flashpoint...
Op Flashpoint probably gets the blue ribbon for most realistic, I wish they'd make another one with better graphics. DoD was simplified quite a bit for the release of DoD:Source. In previous versions they had levels where you played as Brits with Enfields, Stens, and Bren guns. Most of the weapons were one or two shot kills. If you were wounded badly, you would start bleeding and you had to stop and bandage yourself before you bled to death. It was kind of fun to narrowly miss getting hit by a mortar on a Normandy beach, have to dive into a shell hole to patch yourself up, then sprint across a berm under a hail of machinegun fire.

I think I'll put RO on my Christmas list, its been a while since I've played a new WWII game from the Russian side.
RO is less "gamey" than most WWII shooters I've seen, including DOD source. The small arms play is much more realistic. Aimpoints are not an option, You need to learn iron sights, just as in real life. And hitting things off hand after running up a hill is very difficult. You can rest your firearm on any number of supports, from trees to dead livestock. You have to remember to cycle the action after firing and reloading is time consuming. I think a lot of gamers don't like RO because just hitting things can be such a challenge. If you don't know how to use irons, you're sunk. You really have to aim, just like real life. And there's no ammo counter on the screen telling you how many shots you have left. Hearing that "click" is a real possibility.

Friendly fire is common, esp. if you're not well organized. You can recognize your teammates close up, but at a distance it's sometimes very hard to tell. Calling an artillery strike down on your own guys is a real possibility. It's also darned uncomfortable to be next to, or under, someone capping off rounds out of a MG or SMG. Being next to artillery is likewise very hard to cope with.
Is RO similar to DOD:Source? I like that pretty much but it's also quite unrealistic compared to Ravenshield and Operation Flashpoint

I have not played RO, but I have played the demo for DOD. DOD is more realisitc than some popular WWII FPS, like COD, and MOA, but it is still comes across as a video game. From what I read RO is much more realistic than most FPS. The game gets down into the nitty gritty of firearms, such as proper reloading, aiming with ironsights, bullet trajectory, windage, distance and volicity. Plus guns can jam, freeze up, and stop operating for some reason as in real life.
Op Flashpoint probably gets the blue ribbon for most realistic, I wish they'd make another one with better graphics.
You mean Armed Assault, which is coming to the US in February?

I run a group that plays Operation Flashpoint's Wargames League mod, and we have a great time with it even today. If you'd like to see some videos from it, check out this page:
The two videos with a red "Recommended" by them are the ones to watch - they're really quite cool.
I love Steam, and I loved the EA Downloader, too (mostly because it took about 20 minutes to get my money back for the awful Electronic Abortion that was Battlefield 2142). I like not having to keep track of six thousand damnable CDs and CD keys if I want to play a game. I pay once, and I play anywhere, anywhen, I want. Not to mention the fact that I don't have to talk to anybody or go anywhere to get my games.


In other news, I'm about to put an axe through this POS laptop because its T key isn't working properly.
I LOVE OP Flash and can't wait for Armed Assault. The great thing about that game other than the game play is the thoasands of addons. You can turn it from a modern day shooter into a ww2 game, and then into a stargate or star wars setting then back to the civil war.

As for EA they are the devil and it seems as if they riun games on pursose sometimes. They buy out companies, fire the employess that made the game great and then start makeing sequals of declining quality.
I played RO for quite awhile but not much in the last few months. The realism is really good, 'run and gun quakers' don't fare too well, the battlefield can be very confusing at times- identifying friend or foe before getting shot can be very hard unless they are up close, if you don't stay with your squad you're a sitting duck, the tank/vehicle action is neat too-better make every shot count because when you are reloading the other guy is drawing a bead on you.
The only downside is that its not much of a single player game, but then again it wasn't meant to be.

I don't play it much anymore because of Steam. My game time is pretty limited and if I have an hour to play games, I don't want to waste 15 minutes of it to go through the Steam connection/update/verification BS.
As for EA they are the devil and it seems as if they riun games on pursose sometimes. They buy out companies, fire the employess that made the game great and then start makeing sequals of declining quality.

Medal of Honor for instance. The first game in the series showed really good potential, but the potential was flushed down the crapper by EA.
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