Rediculous gun stereotypes that are Hollywood induced?

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Most of what my gf knows about guns, comes from Hollywood (unfortunately).

And so I'm wrestling with trying to explain to her things like:

"a .45ACP will _NOT_ make a person fly backwards if they are shot with it!!!"

"Despite what John Woo says, A 1911 does NOT hold 30 rounds in the regular magazine..."


So I thought I'd open the floor up for other misleading gun stereotypes thanks to hollywood..
Guns do NOT make clicking noises just because they pass near a camera.

A Beretta is NOT the best gun around.

Gun owners are NOT all stupid rednecks with three teeth that marry their cousins (this one more from the news than Hollywood).

"Assault weapons" are NOT the weapons of choice for street criminals.

There are soooo many that I can't hope to get them all.
Whenever a gun is shown in a threatening manner, whether the operator cocks it or not, you will hear it cock! :fire: That pisses me off!

I also really love that someone can be holding a single-action pistol, like a 1911, and can fire without the hammer back. :rolleyes:

If you run, bullets can't hit you!

I won't even get started on the 'clip vs. magazine' argument. I'll just end up with a headache. :banghead:

Muzzle-flash in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Two guns are cooler than one. :rolleyes: [see Face/Off, The Mummy, The Matrix, Tomb Raider, ad nauseum.]

Why aim? :scrutiny:

The gun that is a bolt-action on screen, but shoots just like a semiautomatic.

Ugh. I can't list any more, it'll make me vomit.

It's a good idea to first threaten someone with an unloaded auto...and then work the slide to let him know you're serious...
Outside of Dirty Harry Movies and some westerns:

Revolvers of any size have no apparent kick!

Shotguns also seem to have little recoil, yet will knock people through walls, etc.

The whole reloading thing, although a lot of times this is due to bad editing, not neccessarily the director saying "No, we don't need to reload"

Different guns sounding different. For example, the Hero's Beretta sounds like a damn howizter going off, while the bad guy's DE .50 sounds like a pop gun...

The 'sparking' effect of bullets hitting something.
My favorite...BGs let fly with umpteen rounds on full auto and can't hit GG at 30 feet, while GG picks off every BG at 200 yards with a 9mm pistol, or better yet, a 2" revolver.
Black person with gun = gangsta.
Hispanic with a gun = homie.
Chinaman with a gun (and ninja stars) = Triad
White guy with a gun = hillbilly

Misconception = you need a license.
I liked Kamicosmos's point about recoil. If a .45 could really knock somebody 20 feet back, the guy who fired it would be knocked back 20 feet too (more or less depending on weight). (On that score I guess "Men in Black" gets points for good movie physics. :D )

A neat page all-around is

Many of the points involve guns and bullets.
Most annoying...

Tactical error is when in process of chasing BG or after confronting them, the GG then jacking a round into the chamber..apearently we are supposed to be amazed and amuzed at the sound of this happening ...again and to think someone would go after someone else with an empty chamber!
Watch the bad guys holding their handguns (normally 'superduper mean and most powerful 9mm's), HORIZONTALLY!! Ooooh, ooooh, bad, bad!!!

Holding a handgun horizontally DOES NOT make it more powerful, accurate, meaner, have less recoil, ...... IT JUST LOOKS DUMB!

And how many times do they pull back the slide? When they leave their home, when they get in the car, when they get out of the car, when they approach the door, and when they point the gun at their target...
A .223 is not a good sniper round and is not regularly used for precision

Are you saying this is a Hollywood myth or are you stating that it's true. Either way, it's untrue. SOF troops regularly use the 223 for precision work.
The biggest gun gaffe in movies that always bugs the hell out of me is the way every gun makes a noise like a Colt SAA being cocked whenever it is picked up. You'd think guns come with little noisemakers in them that rattle whenever you touch them.

If you own a gun for protection(unless you are a cop, a soldier, or the Hero), attempts at self-defense will fail. The Bad Guy will take it from you(no matter how far away he is) and shoot you with it, or you will kill an innocent due to negligence or mistaken identity.

A vehicle's fuel tank will explode if the vehicle is shot, even if the hit is nowhere near the fuel tank.
Why couldn't they just shoot the gun/knife out of his hand?
Why couldn't they just shoot him in the arm/leg?
Guns are freakin' LOUD!

You never see guns being loud on TV or in the movies. the characters never wear ear protection and they never seem to lose their hearing after a firefight. :rolleyes:
Shooting on an uphill angle greatly reduces the power of the handgun.
Shoot someone on the same level as you and they are blown backwards. Shoot someone above you and they simply fold over and fall forward.
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