Research Project Help

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Oct 4, 2007
I'm working on a project and i need some help. The project is on Conceal Carry, Open Carry, and The Pistol and Ammo law and i need outside Opinions. I need views different from my own and I have to have a few Anit-gun people answer these too.:banghead:

1. Why Conceal Carry then Open Carry?

2. Why 18-20 can Own a gun and not carry it?

3.Why can some one 18-20 own a Handgun but not buy Ammo for it?

4.Why after Government Groups filed reports on Weapons laws failures are they still being passed?(I used the CDC Report October 3, 2003 / 52(RR14);11-20)

5.Why in some state's are Tasers, Pepper spray, and other self-defense that do not have a lethal effect Illegal?

6.Why can a person that has to kill in self defense in public and on private property but still face criminal charges or be under lawsuit by the criminals family?

7.Why are Guns portrayed negatively in Movies, News and the media?

8. How do you feel like the Gun laws today have Infringed on your rights?

9. How do you think Gun laws will change in the future?

10. If Guns are removed from America what do you think you will do?

I think after it's graded ill send a copy to my state government and try to make a better change for gun owning citizens.

Thanks for any help

Ok I will try this out

1. Why Conceal Carry then Open Carry?
Depends personaly open carry to me is fine at a range but in public I do not want others to know I am armed.
2. Why 18-20 can Own a gun and not carry it?
At least in Va open carry is allowed 18-20 but there are restrictions. Concealed carry is for 21+ likely because you need to be 21 to own a pistol.
3.Why can some one 18-20 own a Handgun but not buy Ammo for it?
In Virginia and most other places as far as I know you have to be 21 to own a pistol unless it is a cap and ball revolver or a muzzle loading pistol.
4.Why after Government Groups filed reports on Weapons laws failures are they still being passed?(I used the CDC Report October 3, 2003 / 52(RR14);11-20)
They pass more laws because of the failed laws and continue doing so until they get what they want.
5.Why in some state's are Tasers, Pepper spray, and other self-defense that do not have a lethal effect Illegal?
Incomplete question here but I can guess at what you are asking. Less than leathal defense items are not regulated in most areas so any one can obtain them.
6.Why can a person that has to kill in self defense in public and on private property but still face criminal charges or be under lawsuit by the criminals family?
Civil cases can be filed by any one against any one for just about anything this is a constitutional right I think.
7.Why are Guns portrayed negatively in Movies, News and the media?
I am not sure how it came to that but it has been that way my whole life. I think it has to do with who suports the media and controling the "people" with fear. The more the media makes an issue out of something with fear the more the "people" will want it to go away and therefore vote for a party that claims to be able to make them safe again.
8. How do you feel like the Gun laws today have Infringed on your rights?
Ammunition restrictions here and there. the NFA. Taxing certian weapons. Restricting importations of weapons. Requireing a permit to CCW.
9. How do you think Gun laws will change in the future?
I thing the various governments(federal state and local) will rely on taxing to make guns unaffordable to the commoner. Restricting manufacturers in some manner. Choke the gun supply off. Basicaly continue passing laws on top of other laws until it is impossible to either find or afford a gun.
10. If Guns are removed from America what do you think you will do?
Well I will have to find something else to spend money on. But on a serious note I dont put allot of thought on that as it wont likely happen in my life time.
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