They have no clue

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Mt Shooter

Nov 28, 2007
This editorial in the local paper. Background, in legislature there is a bill to allow anyone carry concealed without a permit. This fish wrapper (a division of Lee ) states that this law should be defeated because it will allow Felons to carry concealed! Since when could felons own a gun concealed or otherwise! This is why there felons, they don't obey the law! with or with this law, felons will still carry that is how they work. There job is to Rob the stop and rob store. If you see them coming with a gun they would get locked out. This is why they hide there guns, a law allowing law abiding citizens to carry will not alter that fact in anyway. I plan on writing to them to point this out, if they publish it or not remains to be seen.

But i preach to the choir, and end of rant.
Did you ever notice that most anti-gun people are the most ignorant people that you will ever meet?

I seriously doubt that. They are a very small minority of the population, in some states they have only one or 2 people sending out fliers and and generally publishing false or misleading information, (Ohio is a good example).
"We" however get our bowels in an uproar whenever they get some of there crap published. And the anti's love it.
well I have to respectfully disagree. I didn't say they are stupid. I mean they are ignorant of the facts concerning gun control. They don't seem to care that their facts and figures don't support their beliefs of gun control. They don't seem to, or care to relieze that gun control has no effect on reducing crime. They don't care that the states and cities with the most stingent gun laws still seem to have the most gun crime. This is ignorance for them to acually believe trying to outlaw guns for law abiding citizens will reduce their crime rates.
Did you ever notice that most anti-gun people are the most ignorant people that you will ever meet?

I've never talked to an anti-gun person who knew anything (other than what they've seen in movies) about firearms or firearm laws.

They assume that all guns are bad, so there's no need to learn anything else about them. They watch movies where criminals walk into a pawn shop in New York City buy a pistol and and assume that's how it happens.

I'm not saying they're stupid; and I'm not saying they're ALL ignorant. However, anti-gun individuals who know much about guns and gun laws are few and far between.
Link is out w/ a "file not found" message on Sat Feb 14.

Really helps to cut n paste article when linking. Truly.
Gazette Opinion: Don't let felons carry concealed weapons

Montanans take their Second Amendment rights seriously, so it's no surprise that a bill affirming rights to self-defense in homes and occupied buildings won overwhelming support in the Montana Senate on Jan. 31. Senate Bill 92, sponsored by Sen. Larry Jent, D-Bozeman, restates the "castle doctrine" that has long been respected in Montana's legal system.

However, the Montana House's approval Monday of House Bill 228, sponsored by Rep. Krayton Kerns, R-Laurel, raises serious concerns for law-abiding Montanans. HB228's reach isn't limited to homes or buildings. It would apply everywhere: roads, parks, sidewalks. It muddles rather than clarifying self-defense law. If HB228 becomes law:

• Anybody would be allowed to carry concealed weapons in cities and towns. Present state law allows citizens to carry concealed weapons outside city limits, but requires individuals to get a permit from the county sheriff to carry concealed weapons inside city limits. There would be no permitting process with background checks and firearms training requirements if SB228 were the law.

• People could brandish firearms "with no justification for the display" and be immune from prosecution.

• Convicted felons would be allowed to carry concealed weapons. Even the 844 registered sexual and violent offenders residing in Yellowstone County would be allowed to carry concealed weapons. Under present state law, it's a felony for a convicted felon to be in possession of a concealed weapon.

HB228 prohibits carrying a concealed weapon only "if using it to commit a crime." That "changes the law from preventive-type to cleaning up the mess," Yellowstone County Attorney Dennis Paxinos said. For example, now if officers find a concealed weapon on a convicted felon when breaking up a scuffle, they can charge the felon with a new felony and confiscate the weapon. Under HB228, the felon would be entitled to carry a gun until he used it to shoot another person.

The expansion of self-defense claims encouraged by HB228 would be particularly dangerous in situations involving domestic violence, according to Mark Murphy, chief deputy Yellowstone County attorney. It's common in domestic violence cases for both partners to claim the other acted violently - even when one partner was seriously injured and the other wasn't. Murphy is concerned that HB228 would encourage violent partners to use deadly force, because the bill would shift the burden of a self-defense claim to the county attorney to prove that the shooter wasn't afraid when he shot his wife.

The Montana Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association, the Montana Association of Chiefs of Police and the Montana County Attorneys Association all strongly oppose HB228.

Perhaps some of the House members who voted for HB228 wanted to show their support for gun rights. In doing so, they missed or ignored the threats to public safety that this ill-conceived bill poses.

The Montana Senate must stop it. Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee ought to reject HB228 because it would increase risks of deadly domestic violence and put concealed weapons in the hands of convicted felons. We call on Montana state senators to stand up for law and order by killing HB228.

Meanwhile, the House ought to support SB92, a true self-defense measure for Montanans.
Baba Louie said:
Really helps to cut n paste article when linking. Truly.

True, but you're one of the very few around here who does it properly, and I thank you for that. I really hate cut 'n paste jobs where you can't discern the pasted material from the poster's comments without clicking the link anyway. Makes the whole C n' P pointless.

Only thing better is to list the source in the quote blocks.
Idiotic articles like that are why newspaper subscriptions are plummeting nationally to all time lows. Expect several major 100 yo newspapers (like the Atlanta Urinal-Constipation) to go belly up in the next 5 years.
People could brandish firearms "with no justification for the display" and be immune from prosecution.
Looks like the antis can't even read or dishonestly represent what they do read.

"A person who displays or
2 shows a firearm for a harmless defensive purpose needs
3 no justification for the display and may not be charged with or convicted of an offense for that display."
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