Restrictive States-How do you keep from losing your mind??

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Ben Shepherd

Feb 27, 2004
Reading all these threads in the L&P forum has me absolutely furious.

Seriously, how in heaven do those of you that live in states like Maryland, New York, Illinois, DC, etc., live with all those restrictions?

No handguns period?
No more than 5lbs. of powder?
No hollowpoints?

Good Lord in heaven, what the world is this country coming to?
What happened to our Constitution?:cuss: :fire: :(
The attitude of "I'm outta here the first day possible" and a countdown: 52 days until college graduation. Hopefully before then I will be able to find a job either outside MD, or within reasonable commuting distance of one of the surrounding free states. I lessen the agony of living with the gunlaws by saying I cant afford to buy guns when I've got to pay my own way starting June 1st, and promises to myself of a really big shopping trip as soon as I get a driver's license from a different state. :D


Ad goofy as the new law is, TODAY is the first day for CCW apps here. When you finish, Welcome to Ohio....

:D :D :D :D Not really a reasonable commute, but we need all the pro-gunners we can get.
"What happened to our Constitution?"

Ben, it's history, pal.

& what I do is carry as I see fit & do what I want. I don't break the speed limits (too much ;) ), so I don't get to talk to Officer Friendly in the first place - usually. Avoid the Rush!

Was almost shot in the chest, by 3X OFs, next door while just checking on the neighbors' state of affairs - & this in Colorado .... you don't need to go way east to be in a fascist state of mind.
Labgrade, you and I have the same ideas, sounds like.

I remember your thread on your neighbor well. Glad you're back on your feet and making progress.
I keep up the fight Ben. I am lucky that I have a supportive wife who encourages me (tho she doesn't want to leave MD (it is home to both of us)) to get involved in our state legislature and be active in issues.
One day we will win.
Well, that's not exactly the case in NY. You can have handguns, and even carry them concealed, if you have the right permit. Not exactly our Founder's idea of liberty, but it's not quite as bad as you suggest. Close, though.
Ben, got a call from the Under Sheriff yesterday iin response to a notarized letter & have an appointment with The Man tomorrow AM to see if I can get my CCW license back - we'll be yada, right? ;)

& thank you, Sir, for your kind thoughts.

Riffraff, etc. Me too! I've got a way supportive Wife.

Friends & neighbors. Every piece of this county is blatant with unconstitutional illegalities - from violations of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th .... on & on .... & I am totally disgusted with it all.
Missouri is gun friendly, especially now that we have CCW. About the only thing I suggest is to stay away from KC and St louis. With the exception of those cities Missouri is awesome.
I just have to ask.

"Missouri is gun friendly, especially now that we have CCW. About the only thing I suggest is to stay away from KC and St louis. With the exception of those cities Missouri is awesome."

How can a state be "awesome!" with a state law, while some cities are "unfriendly."

I am confused here.
It's just a different culture between the big cities and the rest of the state. If you see a guy in downtown KC with a gun, people will freak out. In other parts of the state it's not as big of a deal.
After ten years in the People's Republic of California, I moved back to the United States.

I don't mean to tell you Colorado is heaven on earth, but I used to live in a considerably worse place. Never again.
Some of these laws you really have to be careful about

For instance in Maryland, if you are convicted of a crime of violence, you are disabled from owning a firearm. I am just not talking felonies, but rinky-dink misdemeanors as well.

In fact, our anti-gun owner State Attorney General Curran was trying to send out the State Police to confiscate firearms from people with Disorderly Conduct convictions. Curran got heavily criticized for that stunt, but you get the sense of the atmosphere in Maryland.

In many quarters of Maryland there is a downright hated of gun owners, and many of those haters are in government.

One good thing is that one of the Maryland Public Television Stations did a poll asking viewers if there should be a ban " assault weapons". And amazingly the results were 96% "NO" and 4% "YES".

So, may the tide will turn in Maryland some day.

By the way, the other day I printed out all the gun laws in Maryland. It was 15 one side printed pages, all in fine print. How can anybody keep up with that crap?
Ben, when I lived in DC and Chicago, I used the power of "this is temporary", coupled with the techniques of Martin Luther King and Gandhi, peaceful non-compliance/civil disobedience.

The Constitution is long gone, replaced by the anti-Constitution of judicial mythology.
By trying to make the liberals in this state as miserable as they make me, a lofty goal perhaps, but an entertaining one none the less. They REALLY love to hear about gunshows:D
Here in Nebraska, we don't have CCW. technically we can open carry, but that will get you arrested for disturbing the peace or hating the huskers or anything Omaha PD can think of at the time. They have some weird clause that say a "an affirmative defense is that you were in process of lawful business or you were in a situation that dictates a prudent person going armed. :confused:

I just got here a couple years ago, but evidently NE has been trying to get CCW for like 10 yrs and the same representative filibusters every year. :banghead:
(Makes me wonder why in gods name he has not been struck down or voted out or tarred and feathered (However they do it here). :barf:

For the most part I carry when I think I can use the Affirmative defense and just hope I don't get caught by the wrong LE. :uhoh:

Not the best way I'll admit but the best I can do 4 now until I get to move back to the good ole US of A
There's more to NY than just New York City. Most of the state is pretty good, better than many other states.
I'm trying to get out of La La land as soon as I finish my M.S. this May. Most of the jobs in my field are in the D.C. area, so I'm hoping to go to VA. If anyone knows of any open positions for a Statistician, let me know!
I'm getting out of here ASAP. It's not that big of a deal to me, as I'm a minor with no income and parents that are gun-friendly yet do not want to buy guns. I almost died when I went to a gunshop in the Arlington, TX area though and saw all of the fun guns.
It's frustrating as hell, believe me - especially when I see people in other states proudly showing off their latest acquisition. Here in Maryland, thanks to the ridiculous legislation our former chief executive (I refuse to refer to that buffoon as Governor) left behind, we cannot purchase many of the firearms that used to be available. (The list is too long to go into here, trust me) Oh sure, we still have the right to own a gun but when it comes to purchasing one you only have your choice between gun A and gun B. It's like walking into a Pizza Hut and being told that they can't sell pepperoni, sausage, anchovies, or ground beef. So your only choices are vegetarian (with different combinations thereof) or extra cheese. Wonderful, isn't it? Gun dealers are hurting, no question about it. I honestly don't know how many even manage to stay in business. You should see what the shops look like - counters that used to be filled from one end of the shop to the other are now half that and filled mostly with variants of the same model. Pitiful doesn't even begin to describe it. Thank the Lord I bought the guns I own when I did.

A bill was submitted last month which would have repealed the provision in the law which has resulted in the defacto ban, but needless to say it didn't get anywhere and the current session will be over shortly, which means another year's wait unless the Governor steps in and frankly he's too busy stumping for slot machines to care about the concerns of the state's gun owners.

To tell you the truth, for the first time in my life I'm seriously considering moving out of state, either just across the border in West Virginia or perhaps Southern Pennsylvania - maybe even Northern Virginia. Of course it would mean a two hour drive to work each day, there's no denying that, but on the plus side I'd have lower taxes, a cheaper house payment (depending on where I settled), and the right to not only purchase what I want but also obtain a carry permit without having to explain to the state just why I feel the need to protect my own life. If it weren't for my love of my hometown and the fact that my family is clustered in this area I'd have bailed long ago.

But Ben is right, I shouldn't be forced to make such a decision. Just what in the hell happened to our Constitutional Rights, and why do people even tolerate this kind of foolishness and gross abuse of authority?!?

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On The Front Lines

The PRK sees itself as Big Nanny. No denying that.

When I lived in Ohio, I didn't think about gun restrictions much. I could pretty much own what I wanted, gun purchases were simple, and the State wasn't in my business. Well, I needed a change in my life, and a job brought me to Sacramento. And The Peoples' Republic of California opened my eyes to the "benevolent intentions" of the State. It isn't just guns. It's everything. The state is penniless-and taxation is already at a record high. Gas prices here are higher than anywhere else in the Lower 48-because clean air regulations and gasoline taxes amount to about a third of the cost (no, that never gets mentioned in the news). People here expect the state to fix it all. Somehow.

But let's talk about guns. I'm glad I'm not in Chicago, or NJ, or Maryland, but California is bad enough. Bad enough to finally open my eyes. I just joined the NRA, for the first time. I joined JPFO last month, too. And if Jim March's CCW plan comes together, I'll carry, too,

But that is not enough. So, I'm looking to go back to school this summer. I haven't read a textbook in ten years, but there is a little no-frills law school Downtown, run by a local bounty hunter :cool: I'm going to become a lawyer, specializing in Constitutional Law-2nd A, Fourth A-all the Amendments. "Where California goes, so goes the nation"; California sets the trends that America follows. Well, this (new) Californian is going to make a stand, and will be dedicating his life to letting Californians KBA. And if Law School doesn't work, then I'll find another way. No matter what happens, my head is out of the sand. No moving to Alaska or Wyoming, where the Nanny State might not reach me for a while. The fight is here, and here is where I draw the line.

(Great, now I've posted it on the Internet-guess I have to do it now. :eek: )

Time for bed.

Remember, just because you're not at the front doesn't mean you can waste time as a REMF. The war will find you before you know it.

Even in Texas.

Good night,

The Antibubba (Esq?) :)
It is hard, but there are a couple things:
-When it seems hopeless, think about moving. I've kept myself occupied with the thought that I'd move to a free state eventually for a few years now.
-Celebrate what victories you have. We just defeated a really ugly AWB bill here that would have pretty much outlawed all semi-auto guns. Now we will stay with being bad on handguns, but being half decent on long guns. Heck, even Class III is still legal here.
-Hope for the future. If there looks to be any hope for the future in your state (there is in MD- the populous parts of the state are becoming more conservative, and the conservative parts of the state are becoming more populous, we have a Republican governor for the first time in 30 years, more and more "the masses" here seem to be becoming pretty indifferent to guns, not anti as they used to be), concentrate on that, and do what you can to help it along.
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