RKBA & Attention Getting: Republicans

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Art Eatman

Moderator In Memoriam
Dec 22, 2002
Terlingua, TX; Thomasville,GA
There have been various comments from pundits and editors about the effect of pro-gun folks and Dubya's election. We're supposed to have been instrumental.

Hokay. Why not do a snail-mail or six, pointing this out to your state's Republicans in Congress?

Or, if you get "Give us money" letters from the RNC or whomever, use their return envelope to send the same message? Free postage, right?

Something along the lines of "The apparent ambivalence of Republican Congressmen toward the sunset provision of the Assault Weapons Ban will likely cause many of us to stay home on election day. This would not bode well for Republican re-election hopes in this close campaign. A few million votes DO count."

As near as I can tell from a few decades of watching, the only threat that any of the electees fear is not winning the next election. It would not displease me to see signs of nervousness among them.

...if you get "Give us money" letters from the RNC or whomever, use their return envelope to send the same message? Free postage, right?

I've been doing precisely that for months. They keep sending me more appeals. I think they just throw away everything but checks.

Unless it's an extremely close election, I'll be voting Libertarian this November.
I've been doing the same. I gave some money to the Republican running for Senate in my state (because the current Democrat is an anti-gun worthless POS), and now I get tons of money appeals from the GOP. I've sent several letters to both the RNC and Bush-Cheney 04.
Sending political messages back in the return envelopes for donations isn't a good idea. Those don't go to the RNC leaders, but are instead returned to a mass-mailer for processing. The GOP will never get the message that way.

If you want to contact the Party, use:

Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 202-863-8500
Fax: 202-863-8820

Ed Gillespie, Chairman
Maria Cino, Deputy Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8700
Fax: 202-863-8774

Office of the Co-Chairman
Ann Wagner, Co-Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8545
Fax: 202-863-863

Also mention that by staying home on election day you'll adversely affect not only the Presidential race, but the Congressional races, as well as any state/local elections if they're held in your jurisdiction this year.
Bubbles, people talk. I don't see how it hurts to have some form letters printed out to send back. Just save your short and polite letter in "Word" and print out as necessary.

Heck, you might sway a vote in the mass-mailer's staff!

Thanks for the RNC addresses...

Standing Wolf...

"Unless it's an extremely close election, I'll be voting Libertarian this November."

I am curious. At exactly what point will it become resoundingly clear if it is an extremely close election or not?
While I have never been a registered Republican, for some reason they keep calling and mailing me for help and contributions. I ignore the mail, but when they call, I always tell them they'll get neither money nor a vote from me unless and until the party and the president come out in favor of RKBA, and not just for "hunting and sporting purposes."

Bush might get my vote IF it looked like he actually could take Kalifornistan :neener: AND the AWB is dead and buried after 9/13, but if he signs a renewal or supports any further erosion of RKBA - or even allows the BATFEckers to get more zealous in their terror tactics - I'll support the Dems on the principle that we'll be better off dealing with an avowed enemy than a false friend.
we'll be better off dealing with an avowed enemy than a false friend.

That would be alright if they were willing to deal. Unfortunatily, gun control/confiscation has been part of their character for so long, they can't back down now. Make no mistake about it; they're out to totally destroy us.
That would be alright if they were willing to deal. Unfortunatily, gun control/confiscation has been part of their character for so long, they can't back down now. Make no mistake about it; they're out to totally destroy us.

I guess I wasn't clear - I assume that as well. What I meant is that it would close OUR ranks - those who are too willing to accept that Repugnicans are really pro-RKBA and allow their depredations generally DO understand that the Democrats are REALLY anti-RKBA . Our fence-sitting gunowners just might join more fully in opposing the blatant enemy than they have in opposing the putative "friends."

An example: look at the PA primary. Specter is as statist and anti-RKBA as Ted Kenedy, but hides it as a Repugnican, so we get "good loyal" gunowners defeating a truly pro-RKBA primary candidate in order to "save" a Repugnican Senate majority.

They would see the enemy as real if it wore the Democrat label.
Or, if you get "Give us money" letters from the RNC or whomever, use their return envelope to send the same message? Free postage, right?

Send 'em a check post-dated for September 15, 2004. Write "AWB sunset pending" in the memo field. I did.
RKBA & attention getting

As near as I can tell from a few decades of watching, the only threat that any of the electees fear is not winning the next election. It would not displease me to see signs of nervousness among them.

Art - you hit the nail on the head with this one. It bothers me to see folks stating this Congress is pro-RKBA. I can count the pro-RKBA congress critters on one hand, and I've still got enough fingers left to make an obscene gesture. Most of them are "pro-keep-me-feeding-from-the-public-feed-bag" and nothing more. Those jobs in Congress must be good, they sure spend a lot of money to hang onto them.
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