Role of knife with gun

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I am still one of the top pistoleros in the world, and the hand to hand instruction I got (300+ hours of 1-4 guys in class, from a 5th dan TKD, 1st Dan Judo man, in Korea) is quite adequate, thank you very much. For instance, I can react, draw from a concealed belt rig, and hit 2 separate 10" disks, at 10 ft, 5 ft between them, any time you care to see it, from hands at shoulder height, in 1.2 seconds. That aint too shabby, considering it's done with a lw commander .45 and full charge loads, from under a shirttail.

I care to see it. Find a buddy with a digital camera (or use your own) and record an .mpeg of it. Be sure to include shots of the readout on the shot timer. Then just ask someone here on the High Road to host the file for you. When should we expect this video?
I dont carry a pistol, not 21 yet. I do carry on my families 2000 acres of property in the middle of now-where, but not off it. On the ranch, weapons retention is the last thing I worry about. So in situations like that, my knife is a utility tool.

But lets say for the sake of argument I was carrying a defensive pistol regularly. I'd keep my EDC folder (EKI Commander) in my right front pocket, I'd put one of my lefty-folders in my left front pocket or tucked int he waist band, behind my hip, on the left side (probably an Endura with a Wave modification, or a lefty EKI P-Sark) and I'd put something like a Camillus CQB-2 IWB on my left side, a little forward, and angled forward for a lefty reverse grip draw, or righty cross draw.
For a "let go of my gun" situation, go for one of the lefty knives, and go for arm, throat, face & eyes, and anything else I could.
For a contact distance (I.E. no distance at all) encounter, I'd go for the knife to get them off me and away from me, so I could get back, draw, and respond with neccassary force if they were still coming at me.
For the most part though, a knife carried with a gun, would be a utility tool... but, I am not going to cut myself off from a posible weapon, by discounting its viability or neglecting to train for even an un-likely situation such as this.
I have a great deal of faith in the knife as a deadly weapon... I know just how fast someone without much training, can do damage to someone not expecting it, and even to someone expecting it.
I dont like defensive knife use, I dont like the idea of it... the cuts, blood, etc., but I also dont like the idea of dying... one I can get over, the other I cant. (and the term knife fighting implies knife on knife, which is really rare, so I didnt use it.)

Non-lethal force in the form of WW-II style combatives, and pocket carried impact weapons (I have almost no use at all for pepper spray) is always a step before lethal force, of course, but thats not what this is a discussion of.

And above that, trying to keep my young arse out of such troubles. :p

This post has been edited by TheBluesMan, 1/4/03, 10:49 p.m.
I use knives to open things, mostly. In civie guise, with concealed carry, I would be unlikely to reach for both blade and shootin' iron simultaneously; after all, I want a two-handed grip whenever possible! If I'm carrying a shoulder arm and have a very close-range "encounter", I can use my carbine as an impact tool.

I have a good bit of training using the 3' stick, but I have the hardest time slipping one into my pocket, when I'm headed out to drive to the store. Puzzling...
Gun first.

Knife if things get really, really, messy.

I have a little swiss army knife to open packages and a 4"+ folder to open people.

I'll go out on a limb and agree with okeydoke. The staff is every bit as dangerous/deadly as a knife. It offers a greater reach and greater blunt trauma, quite capable of breaking bones, than a knife. They are also quite common in these parts with walkers/runners, though they are often nothing more than a 2'-3' length of broomstick. And my momma taught me from early on to steer clear of anyone with a switch in hand!!:D

But, let's not forget that a cane/staff is often impractical, making the folder the logical choice for defensive purposes.

As to the "best pistoleros" comment, I'll not call anyone a liar. Validation has been offered. The offer has been accepted. Where it goes from here will determine the truth.
Another thing to consider:

Here in CA, a baton, or club (even a bat in the car withoutball and glove) are highly illegal, where a folding knife is legal.
Otherwise, I'd be happy to carry a 26" collapsible ASP baton!

Bring the folder and some duct tape, and you can have yourself a mini Naginata ;)

I "carry" 5-6" bladed sheath knives and small pocket knife when
hunting. Main focus of course is on my gun, the sheath knife is there in case I kill a deer (cut throat, initial bleeding) or need it for some other reason.
I carry a knife (5" blade sheath knife & small pocket knife)and walking stick when hiking in public parks because its allowed and I don't have concealed carry permit. Here it actually is emergency self-protection, as well as other uses.
Always carry a small pocket knife.
The role of the knife as a self-protection tool decreased greatly with the advent of cartridge ammunition.
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