Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

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"We are saying to the President, use your judgement"

Soo.... we are putting the decision to go or not to go to war in the hands of one guy?

Isn't that guy usually called King?
The more I read about RP the more I like him unlike any of the other candidates. Hell my flaming cali liberal wife likes him.
When people actually read and learn about him,they are hooked. Unfortunately too many only hear the negitive spin from the MSM. If we can get past the lies and distortions he will win by a landslide.
The main problem is keeping him in the race long enough. The media and the party are doing all they can to eject him.
For those of you that want to see him in the WH...and even those of you that don't:
-If you believe that the will of the Republican caucus should determine the outcome of the primary, *not* the will of the party leadership or the media,
-If you believe that the party has lost it's way,
-If you believe that the party's best interest is served by someone who's willing to offer an opposing viewpoint instead of the same old party line,

You need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Join a local meetup group, pitch in and help.
If we're going to sit around grumbling about voting (once again) for the lesser of two evils, let's at least attempt to make a difference while we have a say.
and half the battle against Ron will be the neo-con, Pro-govt GOP voters.(that think they are conservative.....and pro-gun)

Finally, I can now sleep at night. I laid awake all night trying to define myself. XD9, you're a lifesaver. I'm so glad we found someone smart enought to define others stances, lable what they are and tell them what they really think they are not. Hell, from now on whenever we want to reply to a subject we'll contact you to reply on our behalf or at least tell us what to say. And all this time you've been holding out on us just pretending. You must have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

The unfortunate thing is that the UP is sparsely populated and very rural. There are a few supporters here, but spread out. There is also the problem of internet access. With a depressed economy there are a lot less people that use computers.
I wish I had more resources. This place has always been a little backwards, but I see it more since moving back.
I'm going to keep plugging, as I don't see any other choice.
The Big thing that I came away from the debate with, was the Issue of first strike. Our military should be used for our defense. Throughout the cold war, we had a Nuclear Deterrent. There was never any call for a First strike. We would use them IF attacked.
This was the first time I have heard candidate call for a First Strike on a country that has Not attacked us. I find it more than a little unsettling.


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I would be great if Ron Paul could win the election. How ever his campaign has one major flaw. While he has a wide range of support across the political spectrum, within the GOP his support base is very narrow. While I do think that he could give all of the other candidates a run for their money in a general election, I seriously doubt that he will be able to make it out of the primaries.
jselvy said:
"Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) responded to what I offered by saying, "There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time. Declaration of war is one of them. There are things no longer relevant to a modern society."

That is quite scary and very ominous for the continued constitutional government.

Unfortunately openly ignoring the Constitution is not new. In post Watergate days one of the congressmen, Sam Ervin, wrote a pamphlet on the Constitution, and one of the things he said was the Constitution prohibited the states from making anything but gold and silver legal tender, but in today's modern age we just use paper money. He seemed to have no problem with the unconstitutional substitution of printing press money for real money.
I had just never read it so blatantly before.
On the subject of money the Constitution (I Believe) is quite specific as to what a dollar is. something on the order of 391 grains of silver, the same weight as the Spanish coin in common use at that time.
I hope for Ron Paul, I also hope that he'll live up to his word and strike the alphabet agencies from the books.

and half the battle against Ron will be the neo-con, Pro-govt GOP voters.(that think they are conservative.....and pro-gun)

Ooh. That stings. Nice way to make friends and influence people, fella.

I thought we were on the same side. But you guys all want your own individual side. Way to hate.
I thought we were on the same side. But you guys all want your own individual side. Way to hate.

Excellent point G. Sweeping generalizations are indeed quite divisive...

Meanwhile, if the Thompson and Paul camps can't work together, I guess we'll end up choosing to vote yes or no for Rudy McRomney. yay.
I'm all in favor of forming a united front against the left especially on issues like the 2nd A but it is not "hate" to point out that the neo cons do not defend the national interest in their foreign policy views.

Listen to the great neo con hero and Senator from Tel Aviv er......I mean Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman, and his advocacy of having the U.S. be the policeman of the Middle East. Al Gore's old running mate, so beloved by the neo-con press and establishment, is nothing more than a modern day version of Alger Hiss.
It is no crime to point out his loyalties.
Listen to the great neo con hero and Senator from Tel Aviv er......I mean Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman, and his advocacy of having the U.S. be the policeman of the Middle East. Al Gore's old running mate. so beloved by the neo-con press and establishment, is nothing more than a modern day version of Alger Hiss.
It is no crime to point out his loyalties.

So Lieberman is a communist spy and pergurer?
So Lieberman is a communist spy and pergurer?
Sounds like an insinuation that Lieberman is acting as an agent of Israel. Suggestive of a deeper antisemitism, if the poster regards this as part of a larger pattern of Jewish control in world politics.

No Pollard is the spy, Lieberman just puts the Interests of another country first.

Btw the charge of anti-semitism is an old canard. Many of the neo-cons are not jewish: folks like Bill Bennet, Michael Novak, even members of Aipac. Meanwhile the two greatest libertarians of the 20th century happen to be jewish, Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Religion or ethnic identity has nothing to do with criticism of the neo-cons, it has to do with their ideology and loyalty.
Listen to the great neo con hero and Senator from Tel Aviv er......I mean Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman, and his advocacy of having the U.S. be the policeman of the Middle East. Al Gore's old running mate, so beloved by the neo-con press and establishment, is nothing more than a modern day version of Alger Hiss.

No Pollard is the spy, Lieberman just puts the Interests of another country first.

samtechlan, those two statements are contradictory. Which one is it?
Hiss was never convicted of being a spy which is why he lived to a ripe old age as a free man. I'm using Hiss as a famous example of an American with divided loyalties and as a case which did much to awaken anti-communism. I am not saying that Lieberman is a spy. Hopefully true patriots in this country will come to see neo-cons for what they really are.
I really don't want any of the Democrats to win the election. But I also do not want any of the anointed Top Tier of the republicans to win either.
They are the same, They may take different roads but have the same destination.
There is only one Man that is NOT a member of CFR. The CFR does not have our best interests at heart.
"Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress? A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!"
Barry Goldwater

The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.
Rear Admiral Chester Ward

I want the Constitution to be respected, I want America, not the NAU.
I will vote Ron Paul. I will oppose ALL others.
CFR is selling out America.
What/who are the neo-cons? Glad you asked.

"The Neoconservatives

Who are the neoconservatives? The first generation were ex-liberals, socialists, and Trotskyites, boat-people from the McGovern revolution who rafted over to the GOP at the end of conservatism’s long march to power with Ronald Reagan in 1980.

A neoconservative, wrote Kevin Phillips back then, is more likely to be a magazine editor than a bricklayer. Today, he or she is more likely to be a resident scholar at a public policy institute such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) or one of its clones like the Center for Security Policy or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). As one wag writes, a neocon is more familiar with the inside of a think tank than an Abrams tank.

Almost none came out of the business world or military, and few if any came out of the Goldwater campaign. The heroes they invoke are Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, Martin Luther King, and Democratic Senators Henry “Scoop” Jackson (Wash.) and Pat Moynihan (N.Y.).

All are interventionists who regard Stakhanovite support of Israel as a defining characteristic of their breed. Among their luminaries are Jeane Kirkpatrick, Bill Bennett, Michael Novak, and James Q. Wilson.

Their publications include the Weekly Standard, Commentary, the New Republic, National Review, and the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Though few in number, they wield disproportionate power through control of the conservative foundations and magazines, through their syndicated columns, and by attaching themselves to men of power.

Beating the War Drums

When the Cold War ended, these neoconservatives began casting about for a new crusade to give meaning to their lives. On Sept. 11, their time came. They seized on that horrific atrocity to steer America’s rage into all-out war to destroy their despised enemies, the Arab and Islamic “rogue states” that have resisted U.S. hegemony and loathe Israel.

The War Party’s plan, however, had been in preparation far in advance of 9/11. And when President Bush, after defeating the Taliban, was looking for a new front in the war on terror, they put their precooked meal in front of him. Bush dug into it.

Cui Bono? For whose benefit these endless wars in a region that holds nothing vital to America save oil, which the Arabs must sell us to survive? Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam?

Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud."
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