Ruger MKIII bolt release question

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Dec 14, 2005
Stanwood, WA
I have an almost brand new Ruger MKIII. Is it normal to not be able to load the gun by pulling the bolt back and releasing it once the loaded magazine is inserted? If I have the bolt locked back, I have to push the bolt stop down in order to release the bolt. The manual says this is necessary on the 22/45 models, but mine is a MKIII Target model and I have to do this.
On my MKIII678 with the bolt locked open via the bolt stop when I insert a loaded magazine all I do is pull back on the bolt and let it go. I don't have to touch the bolt stop. If the magazine is empty I have to release the bolt stop for the bolt to close. I question why the 22/45 would be any different.
To start, I'll ask the really dymb question, don't be offended because a lot of people get confused with Ruger's model# scheme. You have a metal-frame pistol, with grip screws, right?

Assuming you do (which is a fairly safe assumption) it sounds like you need to investigate the internals. Look up the detail strip instructions (I like the ones over on guntalk-online) and figure out if something is in the way of that lever resetting. You might have a dead/missing spring, there might be a burr or some foriegn material in there, but you should be able to check for clearance and freedom of movement.
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