Ruger Single Ten for a Tenth Birthday

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Feb 12, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Well, technically she gets it when she shows me her CCW card as an adult, but it's "hers" to use and care for now.

No luck getting her the Bersa .22 we originally intended, but she's happy, and understands full well how very lucky she is that I was willing to spend even MORE of my Ammo-stash money on her birthday than I originally planned.


Hopefully will head out with Grandpa this weekend or next week to give it a workout.
Hey my birthday was not long ago, I want one too :(

Congrats, I got my son a Single Six for his 10th
Great pic! The guns my father gave me are among my most treasured possessions, I'm sure she'll feel the same way.
Did you take her out for chinese and photo that right at the table? LOL!...
She's well on her way to figuring out how to twist older men around her finger, that's for sure. :D
My grandpa gave me boxes of lenses and brass fittings and radio components and started me on basic physics... but this looks like a good time, too!:)
LOL! My first thought was that I sure like how nicely your gun room is organized. But sadly I then realized it was the shop where you bought the gun..... the price tags gave it away. :D

Her "new gun smile" says it all.
Um, excuse me but isn't she a little young to be handling firearms?

I'm just kidding, for a smile like that that revolver is definitely worth every penny, not to mention it's a solid pistol, a real keeper for the ages.
She's a lucky little girl. I just found out I'm having a daughter of my own and can't wait to give her a first gun.
Um, excuse me but isn't she a little young to be handling firearms?

I'm just kidding, for a smile like that that revolver is definitely worth every penny, not to mention it's a solid pistol, a real keeper for the ages.
Awww, and here I was ready to argue why starting kids early is important, then you went and added the second line. ;)
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