Ruger Wrangler versus Heritage Rough Rider

Craig, have you not seen the premiums Ruger's have been going for since Covid? Gunbroker is a wash full of bidding wars and for me locally if I see a Ruger revolver it's never under $500 used.
I don't fret over temporary increases in market value. That said, a new New Model has an MSRP of $800. Rugers tend to sell at 80% of that, which is $640, if you can find one. Most are higher than that. Here's a nice Old Model for $450. The point stands, if you want a good .22 single action and don't like the way a New Model operates, there is always the Old Model. They made tons of them. I leave it to the individual to maneuver their budget considerations.

I can’t see why anyone would get riled up about it.....
It was the "these two groups will never be on the same page" and what it implied that I took the greatest exception to. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive, maybe not. Either way, we're here to talk about guns, not finances.