Same Store: FNP9 models vary by $172??? FNP40's prices vary by >$100??? Why?

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Sep 16, 2006
Reminiscing the Rockies
At Able Ammo:

9mm FNP9 pistols range from $450 to $622. A difference of $172.
40mm FNP40's range from $519-$622

I've checked the FN Herstel website and the differences appear minor. They seem to be limited to:

  • "Interchangeable arched and flat backstrap insert " - no idea what that is
  • Night sights
  • Manual Safety

Can someone tell me if these are the only differences and if these extra's typically cost $172?
Since all the ones for $450 are out of stock, i would guess that the prices are from the summer when that was how much they went for and they just haven't gotten any of that model back in stock. Their prices seem rather high as well, I've seen FNP's at gander mountain cheaper than those prices, and a couple weeks ago CDNN had the basic model for $460, I didn't get around to ordering one and it sounds like CDNN has raised their prices a little bit.
I just got a .357 SIG FNP for 465 at ables. Yet many places were selling them for over 600.
Well, the only ones they have in stock now are $575 and up. I forgot to mention, the interchangeable backstraps come on all the FNP's, and until recently the night sights were only $50 more.
Look for night sites, different finishes, stainless slides, etc...

Sights alone can add anywhere around $100 +/-
FN offers some of the FNPs with what they call a "shooters pack" that has a blade tech holster and some other stuff, similar to the XD deal. I would think that the higher priced pistols have the extras included.
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