Saying "guns kill people" is like saying...

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B yond

Sep 6, 2006
"Hammers build houses"
"Spoons make people fat"
"Pencils write great literature"
"Alcohol crashes cars"
"Airplanes crash into towers"
"Matches start forest fires"
"Water drowns people"
"Candy bars cause diabetes"
"Parachutes make people jump out of planes"
"Condoms cause sex"
"Cars cause speeding tickets"

Your turn.
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...any tool invented can operate on it's own, without human control, and cause death and destruction purely on it's own, with no human interaction.

"Guns cause crime like flies cause garbage." That one I saw on a bumper sticker, this one I made up: "Fighting crime by banning guns is like trying to save trees by breaking axe handles."

And in the same train of thought!!!!!

"Gun Don't Save People; PEOPLE Save People"

In other words; PRACTICE; become PROFICIENT; Learn to Hit what you aim; Learn that the gun is a TOOL, and you need many tools. Training, confidence, maintain your composure, what if you can't get to the gun, etc... That gun isn't going to save you. Only you can save you.
Guns don't actually kill people unless they are beaten brutally on the head with them.

Well-aimed bullets kill people.
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