Schwarzenegger to seek re-election

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Arnold isn't McClintock but everyone agrees there aren't enough votes to get McClintock into the Governor's seat. Arnold came in thinking he could slash and burn to get the budget balanced and has learned the hard way that not only does he have an uncooperative legislature but that a whole lot of Californians like their bennies and would rather borrow and mortgage than bite the bullet.

Public union money and left-leaning media, using the usual scare tactics, are what has muddied Scharzenegger's popularity in the last year.
Yada,yada,yada... :neener:

Schputz it, I'll vote for him again, too! Why? Because he ain't a Democrat!
McClintock can't win, no honest-to- gosh conservative can. So if I'm still here(we have plans...) I'll vote for him again.

Earlier this year, I got to see how states run without a Democrat majority looting the treasury to buy votes. It made CA look pretty bad. And, to top it off, its getting crowded... :fire: Time to go where there's less people, for the time I got left, somewhere thats firearms friendly-er... :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

Just goes to show how GOP sheeples will follow anyone with (R) next to there name.

Exactly. This is why we're going to lose our country to the socialists incrementally.
Just goes to show how GOP sheeples will follow anyone with (R) next to there name.

Exactly. This is why we're going to lose our country to the socialists incrementally.
Well, don't act like Democrats and just focus on the negative. Cough up a solution.
just so long as it isn't a libertarian party solution. they can't get elected to dogcatcher.
The people in Kaliiifornia are already brainwashed....thats why I got the hell out of there last year and moved back to America,to good ole Arizona..
The Reich Furher is allowing elections! What a loving Furher!

I can't believe he got elected in the first place! :banghead:

He's pushing for a bill to limit what you can say as an employee of a company.
I had thought we had rights guan teed by the Constitution. But I didn't see the fine print, only when we want you to.
What we REALLY need is for prop 77 to pass so we can get ourselves out of this ridiculously gerrymandered dung-pot we've got going now...

California is a great state. I just hope we can swing a bit more towards the middle and prop 77 is the ticket.
Well, don't act like Democrats and just focus on the negative. Cough up a solution.

Uh, it ain't rocket science. Vote for those who promote your beliefs and convictions. If your candidate loses, that's life. At least you know you are not part of the problem and not a sellout. If you want to continue the slow incremental slide towards big government, big brother and fascism/socialism then by all means vote for the lesser of two evils. If you want to pick a winner go to the horse races. I just don't understand the lesser of two evils mentality. If I was gonna vote for the lesser of two evils I'd just go full out evil. :evil:
I dont get why some sheeple bitch and moan about why the GOP is moderate....then vote for a RINO like arnold and then wonder why He lacks a set btwn his legs on the tough issues.........yet the perfect conservative like McClintock is there for the picking.

please vote on the person with principle, who stands for something. Dont vote the pro-media fame just get RINO's like (McCain, Arnold and about 33 other GOP Senators) :rolleyes:

If the GOP was serious about even acting conservative, McClintock would be the 2008 pick for prez. (He has a great website)

R. H. Lee your signature is from a Libertarian!!!!! you will not talk about a LP solution because they are not electable??? So much for your principles I guess. By being afraid of loosing an election the GOP have lost the party, therefore losing the all control of their destiny.

I'm tired of the "lessor of two evils" crap. If more people threw support for the LP, may be the two main parties would wake up, (maybe they wouldn't).

But the american people want thier fast and easy "pill", thier ready made latte, they dont want to sit and wait and fight the long tough fight. Sometimes good things take time.
There's a lot to be said in favor of voting for the lesser of three evils rather than the lesser of two, I guess. I did vote for Perot once and got Clinton instead.

You see the difficulty Arnold is having with the unions and the legislature. And he's only trying to impose moderate fiscal restraint. If McClintock were governor, would it really be any different?
Perot did not get you Clinton.....Bush failed and the GOP votes went to Perot. Clinton was the last man standing. Period. Bush failed "no new taxes" if he was a conservative he would have walked into another term. Perot was energy from the pi$$ed off GOP's about Bush's failures

the lesson here is Vote for a strong guy not some moderate that will compromise on his principles.

I do think McClontock would be in the world did Reagen do it??? He was from KA. and he did it with a dem congress as well. If the voters respect you and you connect like Reagen...........dreaming here........
I wonder how many people that would decry a vote for Ahnold are the same ones that say we should vote for the lesser of two evils in the presidential election.

If Ahnold runs against Feinstein or Lockyer, you better believe I will vote for him, because unlike Kerry in the last election who is passively anti, FeinStalin and Herr Lockyer are very actively anti-gun. They make Kerry look like a gun nut. Voting for Ahnold, I recognize that my rights will just go away slower, but at least that is a few more years for things to turn around or me to move out. With Lockyer or Feinstein, we'd be treading dangerously close to Enemies Foreign and Domestic, but they wouldn't wait for a stadium shooter to start it off.

Now if an Oregon/Vermont style woodlands pro-2a Dem were to run against Arnie, or if a decent non-RINO repulican were to run, I would much rather vote for them.

Personally, people like Jim March give me hope that it is not too late for California.
If the GOP was serious about even acting conservative, McClintock would be the 2008 pick for prez.

'08 is a long way away and a LOT is going to happen. Don't rule him out.

Whatever anyone thinks of Arnold, the potential alternatives are much, much worse. Lockyer? Feinstein? Spare me. California would finally become uninhabitable for a gunowner if either of those two make it to Sacramento.
For us here in Cal we're stuck. I voted for Mr.Tom, but I could see AS
had a real chance of winning. Most we're PO'd at Davis, and for gun
enthusiasts at least a few of us, Davis and the other "candidates"
were below zero. AS won't win in the next election or will hardly
any other GOP. You'd be surprised how many are pro gun on the
GOP side, but you'd also be surprised how that is dwindling.

The next election will see a Dem in the Gov's seat with a majority
of the left right back in the same ole spots and possibly even getting
stronger. I survive out here in the east end of the Inland Empire
and the da*n developing that's tearing up all the open space is making
way for new burbs. People are leaving LA and that area to move out
here and while doing so, they bring what they're trying to get away from.

However one of those items also happens to be their politico beliefs and
I've seen just here in town how things have & are changing. Dems
are getting a larger handhold out here and moderates-on the fence
types, are also making strides with their own politico outlook as more
move out here.

I see it only getting worse for gun owners here in Cal. I hope the
redistricting prop passes, but I've more than once have heard
gun enthusiasts vote for the Dems when it comes to other
important things to them like unions, univ health coverage etc.
This I've heard via different conversations and get togethers.

There is also a huge anti-gun propaganda agenda going on here
and they are pretty powerful. Don't believe it ? Here's something that
was just posted today.

I wish I could bail, but I have a last parent who needs Kaiser and darn
if I can talk her out of leaving. She's a senior whose needs for medical
attn are high. Plus she really is in no shape to go anywhere.

[Here's one earnest suggestion. Make sure you have your long term
med and convalescent/hospice portfolio hooked up. I'm serious. You
don't want to get caught without it. It's NOT a good thing as we're
finding out.]

I apologize to the author and THR for getting off topic with the last two

AS will run, but he won't win. It'll be another Dem and that is sad
thing indeed.
the only way we'll recover gun rights in california is if we do a massive grass-roots campaign that forces people to take notice of the issue. And do it in a way that guts all the silly anti-gun arguments. The best way to argue is to acknowledge the tripe the anti side spews out and rebut it in an intelligent way. But that requires a lot of people making flyers, standing on street corners etc for a long time; Beat the million mom march at their own game...

Also this kind of stuff really doesn't help...
I'm not saying it isn't funny...I'm just saying it doesn't help. When I see people with bumper stickers like that, it kinda pisses me off. Not because I don't have a sense of humor but because THE ANTIs don't have a sense of humor about it. We have such an uphill battle to regain our rights and to show that we are rational people with a well thought out argument. Jokes like that diminish the reasoned arguments and we end up being labeled "extremists".

Either way we need to get more proactive about the issue or we'll stand to lose everything. It doesn't seem like the courts are going to prevent anti-gun legislation from passing, so the burden is on us. :(
the only way we'll recover gun rights in california is if we do a massive grass-roots campaign that forces people to take notice of the issue.

We have a lot more to worry about in California than just gun rights. Right now we are on a runaway train to financial collapse given the fiscal insanity that still prevails in Sacramento.
The reason why it is an uphill battle to fight antis is because their message is of the type "Save the children!" plus "When did you stop beating your wife?". It is a simple truth that arguments like "Life is hard; you do what you have to do" are less attractive than "Life is peachy-beautiful, if only it were not for <pet peeve>".

That is why I believe fighting the antis with their own tools is quite hard, albeit necessary.

A far more efficient way is just to hang on long enough for other social issues to worsen to the extent when more and more people finally realize their safety is their own responsibility. Thus the more legal gun owners there are, the weaker the antis. Every new gun owner is immediately immune to the antis' message.

Example: One of my classmates in a gun class was a middle-aged attractive lady that never handled a gun in her life, and frankly she looked like a typical mocca-guzzling soccer mom that I'd think would be likely an anti. What turned her around? A little midnight visit by a burglar. Now she wanted a .357 revolver at her nightstand, loaded 24/7/365. Why could she do that? Because the range, the guns, and the instructors were still around when she decided to use them.

The problem with the current pro strategy is that too many retreat behind 2A and give too much ground at its outskirts. Then more and more people are likely to be brainwashed to see the 2A as an archaic law that needs to be repealed, changed, or severely curtailed. If the cultural battle is lost, the political battle will follow, and then the legal battle will also be decided before it even starts.

We have to recognize both consciously and subconsciously that 2A is not something mystically magical but just a law, and like any other law, it only has power so long as enough people are willing to support it.
One of the most important votes coming down the line will be the redistricting measure. This could be one of our best hopes for reform in this f*(*# up state. With the current district lines, the Democrats in Sacto has no fears of ever being held accountable for their decisions.
Just goes to show how GOP sheeples will follow anyone with (R) next to there name.
Actually, it shows how the average Kali sheeple will vote for anybody with "movie star" in their job description and then completely ignore whatever they do after being elected (remember Reagan?)

Ahhhhneee has actually managed to screw up so badly that his approval ratings have dropped down to where Davis' were when he got the boot.

The big sin is his drive to get a law that unions can no longer contribute directly to political campaigns...... while all his rich business buddies can. That will effectively destroy any opposition to his monarchy.

He got caught dishing out the payoila when it was revealed he was an "executive editor" (huge annual salary just to put his name on the second page) of a "fitness magazine" . When Kali legislature passed a law to regulate the sale of the extremely dngerous "diet suplplements" (which are basically the natural form of ephedra which is the main ingredient in crank), Ahhhnneee vetoed it faster than Rosie O Donut hits the shrimp buffet.

The man who claimed he was so rich he couldn't be bought sold out like every other lying politician.
OK, bountyhunter, you run out and convince everyone to vote for McClintock. When you've got those assurances in hand and can guarantee that we won't get Bustamante or Lockyer, then your little diatribe about unions and supplements will have some relevance.
The big sin is his drive to get a law that unions can no longer contribute directly to political campaigns......

Wrong. The issue is whether unions can throw money at political campaigns without getting a direct okay from a vote of their members. Unions need to represent their members, not rule them.

Was Arnold doing Something Bad in being a front man for a fitness magazine? If it was a conflict of interests, yes. But his name and image are worth big money to any media entity. That's capitalism, baby.

Arnold's popularity has waned for one reason: He is actually taking action to deal with California's problems. That means pain and suffering for a lot of entrenched interests--public employee unions, illegal alien activist groups, politicians who are used to personal fiefdoms--and we are seeing these groups do whatever they can to hold on to their power, including lying. It is a sad thing, in particular, to see teachers' unions, which should be the staunchest defenders of truth, misrepresent the facts about educational funding in this State.
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