Sci-Fi Guns

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I think a CZ SP01 with the tactical block (ie the bayonet mount minus the bayonet) might fit. The Walther SP22 also would work.

One thing that is getting over used to the point where I am tired of seeing it is the HK G36. The F2000/FS2000 is a scifi looking gun that virtually no one that isn't a gunny has seen. The ACR will also fit the scifi role quite nicely.
The problem with trying to make gun props is that the annoying gun guys in the audience are going to do the following:

"Huh, funny that they're using the FN 2000 in the future. That's a long-lasting design!" This is usually followed by an aloof sniff, and is properly done in the voice of the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons. :D

It's not supposed to be an FN 2000. It's supposeds to be an advanced rifle from the future. But some of us just like to nitpick to death. :uhoh:

That weird submachine gun that takes .45 Glock mags, the Kriss Super-V, would work also.
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Here we go. Kriss Super-V:


The Norinco ("Hawk Industries") bullpup semiauto shotgun would look bad-@$$ on screen also:


Here's a picture of the Neostead that I mentioned earlier. It has two six-round magazine tubes above the barrel. It's manually operated, but you pump forward-back instead of the more familiar method.


Blade's pimped out MAC from Blade II


Signapore's SAR-21


Chinese QBZ-95

I must say thats it is odd not to have seen a G36 up here yet:


pretty much all it takes is a bullpup design, lots of rails, and shiny-ness to make it sci-fi
What's weird is that in old science fiction movies like Forbidden Planet, everyone had ray guns and other weapons that went pew pew pew, while modern movies tend to go back to the idea of projectile weapons and missiles. Even modern movies that go for the idea of lasers don't actually use anything that resembles lasers- they use some beam weapon that looks like the gun is throwing a stream of fast moving tracers at the target.
"The Kel-Tec with the skelwank sight looks like a distant ancestor of Wynona."

A fan of Harry Turtledove's 'Worldwar' series, are we?

Good stuff.

Love the "NRA" poster, as well.
A lot of excellent photos on the site you mention.

The Gyrojet and the less known Gyrojet carbine are listed as are the Whitney Wolverine, Berretta Neos which is a High Standard design with LOL colors, there will never be a Neos carbine kit for the pistol and I doubt they'll bother with a redesign like Browning's Buckmark rifle. The Buckmark rifle looks futuristic enough to be included on that page.

This has the other side of the Russian bull pup no one knows about, scroll down. Lots of pictures but I don't know the language.
I think there's a photo of the designer holding that bull pup and it's autographed.
erictank - ""The Kel-Tec with the skelwank sight looks like a distant ancestor of Wynona."

A fan of Harry Turtledove's 'Worldwar' series, are we?"

No. Wynona is Crichton's favorite pistol from FarScape. But maybe the FarScape reference was an homage to Turtledove's work.
I think plausible SF guns should be either current gun designs with new functional improvements, or new designs that look more efficient or deadly and somehow incorporate "new" technology. Of course, some of the design that goes into firearms is aesthetically motivated...tastes would change, too.

If there was a new chemical that replaced our current smokeless powder technology, it would affect the overall size of the cartridges a lot. Likewise, a better expansion system would make the projectile look different.

New materials, alloys that would be lighter and stronger, could allow for more minimalistic designs.

New sighting systems could allow weapons to "lock on" and stabilize the arm/hand despite body movement, before firing.

Based on movement patterns of the target, material being fired at, and destructive needs, a weapon could assess the situation and "cycle" to the appropriate round. Keep in mind that with microchip technology, smaller projectiles, and improved mechanical design, a weapon that's the size of current weapons could do all this.

There could be weapons that explode when captured, or detonate a themonuke when the owner dies.

So far the discussion here has been mostly about aesthetics, but I don't think tacking accessories onto current firearms is the way to go for "hard" SF, especially when it takes place many years from now. More fantasy oriented SF, and especially SF that just needs a cool looking weapon to please an audience, can resort to the "current weapons"...but I think cool, plausible weapons concepts that fit with a changed world would add a lot to an already good hard sci fi novel or movie.
Oh yeah, to fit in with the "round cycling" concept, why not rounds sequentially organized to do the most this.

Round 1, armor destroying
round 2, super expanding flesh destroying
round 3, explosive
round 4, releases neurotoxic gas

All fired in rapid succession, in the order that would do the most damage. The gun decides for you.

Oh yeah, how about something that, when shot into a room, strings a super-strong microfilament around the room...instant maim for anyone who walks into it, but it disintegrates after a given amount of time.
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