scope for bolt action

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Jan 4, 2006
New Hampshire
I need to scope a hunting rifle. Since it's a bolt action I need a Scout type rig, you know, lots of eye relief. The trick is I want something that zooms from 3 to 9 or 10 power. Does anyone make such an animal?


Most scout scopes are low magnifcation.

Burris makes 2-7x and 3-12x handgun scopes. These will have long eye relief, but I'm not sure how that would work out in a scout mount setup.

On high magnification, these handgun scopes would have about 10" of eye relief. On low, it would be as much as 19-21"...
"Since it's a bolt action I need a Scout type rig"


Fair question, Sharps Shooter. This gun ejects straight up and back and is impractical to have anything directly over the bolt.

Specifically, the gun is a K-31. Many people have opted for an offset scope on this gun but that is not acceptable to me and I didn't want to get into a discussion on the point. Guess I can't avoid it now :banghead: .

Thanks, Don't Tread on Me, for the tip on Burris and reminding me about varying eye relief. I'll check into the Burris.

Any other ideas? My eyes aren't good enough for just iron sights, especially beyond 100 yards.

Scoped K31s

When someone learns to modify this rifle so that it can be scoped, it will be the greatest cheap deer rifle in the world.

I see mounts on haven't had my hands on one and can't quite figure out how they work.

I've got two of these rifles, and thinking about another since has some really nice ones in walnut in stock.

I can't wait to see how this turns out for you. Please keep us current.

K31 story: The Texas State NM Team was practicing at Panola. We were on the 600 yard line. I pulled out a K31. Using a hasty sling and prone with the 600 METER elevation set I shot two hits about four inches apart on the standard 600 yard bullseye. I used a six oclock hold. I hit the nine ring at nine oclock. (I figured the bullet would be above the front sight with a six oclock hold at 600 yards when the rifle was set for 600 meters.) I was using the standard Swiss 7.5 ammo.

Those rifles shoot. I've got mine in line for shooting a doe this year. It's behind the 1903A3.
K31 Vs Mosin

How would they ever sell a single Mosin Nagant while the K31 is available? There is no comparison between the two rifles.
<So what happens when the ejected shell touches the scope?>

As I understand it, the shell is not cleanly ejected from the gun and the shooter has to remove it from the bolt. Certainly inconvenient. But I don't think anything is necessarily damaged.

<thinking about another since has some really nice ones in walnut in stock.>

Yep, it's tempting.

<I can't wait to see how this turns out for you. Please keep us current.>

I certainly will. Just be patient with me. I don't know how long it's going to take to find the best solution. But I love the gun and will pursue the scope issue until I'm satified.

(How would they ever sell a single Mosin Nagant while the K31 is available?>

In all fairness, the MN has a charm of its own and its certainly an historic gun. I have a model 38 carbine and enjoy shooting it out to 100 yds with a 2x scout type scope. It will never be the shooter my K31 or Swedish Mauser are, but it is an inexpensive, fun and historic piece. Everybody should have a MN, a K31, a Swedish Mauser and at least two SKSs, 20" and 16".

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