Self defense statistics wanted.

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Double Naught Spy writes:

In other words, if it supports the pro-gun DGU narrative, it counts even when there isn't even a gun present. If the aggressor continues to break-in despite being threatened with a non-existent gun, then it would not count as that does not the narrative.

Absolutely. That's why statistics alone are not a solid foundation on which to base any argument, because elements of them can be used to skew the results.

Another example of the murkiness of such statistics would be the display of an unloaded gun, or a gun that would not fire if needed. If the unloaded gun deters an assault, one side could argue that a "prop" gun is all that's needed; if it does not, the other could argue that a functioning gun that can be fired is.

So, yes, the use of a "bluff gun" can fit the narrative on both sides, especially if it's successful.
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