Sharpton for Prez

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It is my fervent hope that Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton will be a major player in the next Democrat presidential primaries. In fact, I can only imagine one scenario which would please me more than that racist fraud running for president...and that would be to include his choice of the Hilldebeast as his running "mate".

Now that would be fun!

But it won't happen...Hilldebeast hates blacks almost as much as she hates Jews.
This is just too, too good. What great spectator sport! I'm gonna watch this in the same spirit people always slow down and gawk at bloody traffic accidents.
I must be a horrible human being, but this is gonna be too much fun.:evil:
In order to be Presidant of the U.S.A. one nedds to be native born, 35 or older, and not be a convicted felon. Sharpton meets the criteria. In person you don't see his stage persona.

His running should make for some interesting acrobatics by the other Democratic hopefuls. I think he would out poll Mosley-Braun
in any case.

He would not be the first person to use a run to extract promises from a party. It is the "American" way. That is simply politics. Power at the convention is what he is seeking in order to shape the Democratic National Platform!

Go Al! Go!:evil: :D :neener:
I'd vote for him if I can help weaken the stronger democratic candidate.

Actually, I'd vote for Colin Powell, but he's too smart to run.
O by the way, the man is a rascist idiot, but he does have one thing going for him..he has the cojones to stand up for what he thinks is right (despite the fact he is wrong) and even, if necessary, get prosecuted for it..

Hes just not all talk....and Ill give him credit for that...
I don't think the man has any concept (or cares) about what is right. I think he comes from the same ilk as the Clintons, who are ALL about power. If he is willing to get arrested, it is only to further his political clout. You notice there is ALWAYS a camera available at his parades.
I hope the clown wins so the nation can see what life is like under the rule of a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who would let this nation founder under the weight of political correctness and apathetical national security.
Actually, I think it's great. I hope he does well. Really, I do.

Because he will help drag the winning Democratic nominee to the left, thereby making it harder for the nominee to win the general election.

Go Al :hurl:

Man, between my horrible day at work, the todler getting shot at Burger King and Al for President, this has been a pretty pitiful excuse for a day. :(
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