Sheriff Jim Wilson

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I've read his stuff here and there, but what strikes me most is that the man has the LOOK of a Texas lawman.

I guess I think of Jim Wilson when I think of a Texas cop.
I do like Jim Wilson. He is totally unpretentious and has a pretty good writing style. He was a real working lawman for many years. In the last Shooting Times, he had a pretty good indirect dig at the wannabe lawyer/professional witness/part-time cop /tactical guru/scrawny know-it-all Massad Ayoob.

For those who haven’t been keeping score at home, Massad Ayoob, the esteemed professional witness, (trial lawyers have another term for this profession, but I won’t repeat it in a family forum) has always screamed about never using handloaded ammo in a defensive weapon. He claims that it will lead to all sorts of horrible civil and/or criminal liability. He has never seen fit to cite a single case, claiming he does not want to invade anyone’s privacy.

Jim Wilson started a very public search about three years ago, asking readers to send in citations of any case where the use of handloaded ammo made any difference, either criminally or civilly, in an otherwise justified shooting. The only response that he got was from a retired federal judge who was wondering the same thing, and wanted to know if Jim Wilson had any cites. Neither of them could find a single case.
the following is MY oppinion only, be it worth 2 cents or a plug nickel

not to hijackthe thread, but

How long do you think till some one tells Ayoob completely off??

i used to read his (ayoob's) articles on gun stuff, then i realized he was a know-it-all, Rambo Wannabe, that got a stump to preach from. just about everything i can remember of his writings has either been disproven, was unsupportable malarkey for the consumtion of the "tactical-nut" types, or was ripped off from someone with a much higher quotient of real experience to time behind a type writer.

maybe at one time Massad wasn't talking out of his hat. but now, well he needs to stop writing and let those who can give GOOD info to the gun owning public, step up.

and Hooray for Sherif Wilson, good writer that puts things on the level of the average guy.
Thanks for the heads up, Art!

A good site spotlighting a good guy.
Can't wait to check out the site...thanks for passing on the info! I've been a fan of the Sheriff's since he started writing for "Handguns" magazine a few years back.
I know Jim. He is the "real article" - been there, done that kind of man. Whatever he writes you can believe. Before he retired he was a Texas Sheriff. Before that he was a deputy who worked his way up through the ranks. They don't come any better.
RE Massad Ayoob

I watched the Malice Green/Detroit PD case on Court TV a few years ago, and Ayoob represented the Detroit PD guys. I WOULD want him in court representing me if I was wrongly accused. He was most impressive on the stand.

I can't tell whether I like Jim Wilson better for his gunwriting or his gun storytelling.

For storytellin' about life in Mr. Eatman's neck of the woods, he's hard to beat.

Though Skeeter's boy Bart ain't half bad.
He's not a bad gun writer. He keeps his prose straightforward, clear, concise, and intelligent. He doesn't intrude much. His gun reviews are about like everyone else's, but his monthly column in Shooting Times is almost always worth reading.
I heard some of Jim Willson's songs at last years National Festival of the West, but I didn't know it was the same Jim Wilson from the gun rags.
For those who haven’t been keeping score at home, Massad Ayoob, the esteemed professional witness, (trial lawyers have another term for this profession, but I won’t repeat it in a family forum) has always screamed about never using handloaded ammo in a defensive weapon. He claims that it will lead to all sorts of horrible civil and/or criminal liability. He has never seen fit to cite a single case, claiming he does not want to invade anyone’s privacy.

And once more we have the "let's attack a guy we don't even know or have anything more than internet BS to base our knowledge on" thread. Too bad. As a trial attorney, I'd want Mas in my corner. Then again, I haven't just read the articles. I've actually studied the subject and met the man. But hey, don't let anything detract you from this little hate binge you've got going on.
Sheriff Jim Wilson may be...

Skeeter Skelton's replacement. No offense to Bart, who I like, but the Sheriff has been and done like Skeeter did.

That's one of the highest compliments I can give.
Sherriff Wilsons articles in Shooting Times are the first thing I read. A few months ago I decided I was getting too many magazines and elected to keep getting ST because I enjoyed Wilsons writing.
That said, I was a little dissappointed with the web site, I wanted more Gunsmoke tales. While I found it interesting that he picks & sings I'm not a country & western fan so 90% of the site is lost on me.

I was on the International Defensive Pistol Association website for some questions that I had and I noticed that Mas is a four gun Master.
That means the guy can really, really shoot well. If he errors on the side of caution in the courtroom, that's alright with me. I never met the guy but I did meet Sheriff Wilson who seems like decent sort.

If you can show me a single case where Mr. Ayoob was right about reloaded ammo, I will personally write the Vatican and ask that he be made the patron saint of gunshop commandos everywhere. It would be yet another bs credential that he could put on his resume.
I'd heard from a mutual acquaintance that Jim Wilson sang, and knew that it was Western stuff. Normally, I like pop and classical, so didn't follow up on it. In any event, he's only just now (I think) offered CD's. Pity he didn't let us access a sample song on the site.

That's a hint, should he see this. I believe he knows a certain North Texas cop who posts here, so you may want to pass the idea along, Johnny. Maybe he could set up, "Come to the Bower", I think the title is. I believe that was played by Sam Houston's troops at San Jacinto, where they defeated Santa Anna, but I've never heard it. I think I recall that it was on his CD.

Lone Star
"Skeeter's replacement"

>>I understand your sentiment, but I think you'll agree with me that there ain't no such animal.<<

Jim Wilson would be the first to agree with you. He's a fine gentleman. I've sipped whisky with him, and burned a lot of gun powder shoulder-to-shoulder with him.

Not a bad singer and picker, either.
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