Should District of Columbia Reinstate Gun Ban?

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yokel, the Washington Post may be many things but it's not a "radical leftist rag." Left leaning yes, but rag no.

The needless attacking of someone or something we don't agree with, is a sign of a weak counter argument.

I took the time to scan/read the questions, and did not find any of them to be misleading or loaded.
What's your reasoning for going after the source, rather than the veracity of the argument or how public opinion might be swayed?

While it may be tempting and comfortable to stick one's head in the sand, it's also blinding.
It is hardly a secret that the Washington Post is a sleazy newspaper that gleefully supports any policy that smacks of domestic disarmament.

A prime example of enemies of liberty that are incorrigible and not redeemable.

And DC residents who seriously want reinstatement of the ban are a bunch of half-wits. For decades they have written letters, protested, and filed lawsuits striving to change the city's voting status and gain congressional voting rights.

But a people that can't be trusted with guns can't be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government. Why should a people who can't be trusted to refrain from murder and mayhem be trusted with the much more difficult and morally subtle task of choosing their leaders responsibly?

They fail to comprehend that the gun control agenda is an implicit denial of the human capacity for self-government and is thus tyrannical in principle.
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Any poll results can be manipulated by phrasing a question in a way to get the answer or the poll result you'd like or want. These pollsters study people and know how to elicit answers to support those that pay for the poll. I don't trust any of them, the pollsters that is.
But a people that can't be trusted with guns can't not be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government.

Not to derail your rant, but you might want to re-examine that double negative.
I found it interesting that the article noted that well-heeled white poll respondents were most in favor of bringing back the ban.
Polls in newspapers mean less than on-line polls. They get answered only by the people who buy that particular newspaper.
"...These pollsters study people..." And they only ask people who will give them the answer they want.
But a people that can't be trusted with guns can't be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government.

Personally, I prefer all voters to be legal US citizens capable of passing an 8th grade civics test in order to vote, but that will never happen.... ;)
I suspect that it would make little difference. We always felt that most of the guns in DC were illicitly obtained and were being carried by persons who were doing so illegally. Those who could have owned and carried firearms legally didn't do so. DC was a very confusing place to live.
I'm surprised that only 50% in DC wanted a total ban to return.

More than 25% of Americans think that the sun orbits the earth.

To the question "Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth," 26 percent of those surveyed answered incorrectly.

It is a given fact that half the people out there are below average in intelligence. My experience has been that the average is pretty low to start with, especially in DC.
I hope they do reinstitute the ban.

If they are going to keep letting in terrorist, let them terrorize the ones letting them in and go up north to the 'gun free' zones and leave us alone.

I question the relevance of the original poll question and wonder why those polled would think it would matter. The polled felt: "Now that guns are legal; that mush have caused the shooting down the street." Ignorance is key. Has any of the DC legal owners gone on and committed any crimes using their legal guns? I expect that the white residents polled mostly live in the liberal NW part of the city. The next-generation cast of "The View".

From the original article:
Going even further and reinstating a total ban on gun ownership is most popular among white residents (62 percent), particularly whites with college degrees (67 percent) and white women (65 percent), the poll found.​

As even stated in the article .... The ban was not lifted by choice, it was the result of the Supreme Court saying that the Second Amendment is an individual right. Said differently, they are not permitted to go back to what they had.

Bottom line: When there was a total ban in years past, the murder totals were much higher.

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The DC police chief seems to be agreeing with the premise that when seconds count, cops are minutes away.
But she doesn't say exactly HOW someone is supposed to "take out" an active shooter in a city that prohibits personal defense tools.
If you’re in a position to try and take the gunman down, to take the gunman out, it’s the best option for saving lives before police can get there,” she tells Anderson Cooper for the segment, which will air Sunday at 7 p.m. on CBS.
The DC police chief seems to be agreeing with the premise that when seconds count, cops are minutes away.
But she doesn't say exactly HOW someone is supposed to "take out" an active shooter in a city that prohibits personal defense tools. ...

Per Emily Miller of Fox 5, she says she is the only woman of the 45 total carry permits issued by the DC government. Said differently, a small total that is unlikely to matter. To me, for the DC police chief to ask carriers take take matters in to their hands takes chutzpah.

The natural right of man (people) to defend himself from predators and tyrants is inherent and not up for debate. Take all the polls you want. Personally, I get tired of those who think it's a democratic idea.

We need to politely but firmly assert this fact.
If our leaders had to live by the same restrictions they put on us, things would be different.
I think Mrs Feinstein's bodyguard should be limited to a blackjack, for instance.
What I found interesting was listed in the comments below the article. Seems the same paper did the same poll a few years back and 76% favored the ban. Yet the article leaves out the fact that this number dropped 25%. I wonder if in a few years they re-run the poll and the numbers drop to 45% (with 50% or more in favor) if the article headliner will be "Nearly Half of DC Residents Support Gun Ban".

Old story from the cold war: Russian newspaper headline on an auto race says: "Russian Car Finishes Second Place! US Car, Next to Last." Thing was, there were only two cars in the race. Think about it....
They're not going to reinstate a ban that was killed by SCOTUS.
SCOTUS? What's that?

DC will just keep finding ways to roadblock it. High fees, lots and lots of paperwork, hoops galore you have to jump through, restrictions on where to carry it, etc..

Make their own 30.06 sign but works in reverse. If their is NOT one posted, it's prohibited to pack. And since 99 percent worth bother to put up a sign, presto! No CCW.

Make it to were the only place you can pack is while sitting in your car (and how many people have that in D.C.?)

YES, now that ISIS has threatened DC directly, this is the time to be defenseless.
God only helps those who help themselves, as the bible says.
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