SHTF: What about those of us in the suburbs and cities?

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I was born in Sao Paulo! Glad you said hello to my old town. I'm an aspiring opera singer so I must be, at least for now, IN a major city, and NYC is the hub for us classical types.

-Yes, living anywhere in the tri-state area, since 9/11, feels like living in a bullseye, what with all the police, and searches, and mummering paranioa always in the background...

I hope to live long enough to get a stretch of land near enough to the city but far enough to partake of the good life. Trust me, I'm perfectly aware of what I'm missing, but the battle is lost if I/we allow fear to crush our dreams for a temporary, possibly chimerical, sense of safety, anywhere in the world.

Ahhh... what one does for the art...... :eek:
Wasn't familiar with the Pine Barrens, thought it might be a good spot to hide out for a few days. I remember watching the Soprano's and Christopher and Pauly took a Russian guy to what I thought was the Pine Barrens to dispose of there.
My retired folks have 35 acres about an hour and a half out in the sticks on a dead end dirt road. That's where I'd be headed. If not there, I've got lots of contacts out in the hill country, and a few hiding places to go to if things got really bad. It's the getting there safe that would be the problem.
Many men have lived for many years, with just a few lbs of gear, what they could forage-grow, and their knowledge. If you can't, whose fault is that?

That was well before we had 300+ million people in this country. There will be very little to forage in a major SHTF scenario. If you do have rural land and can grow crops, they will be raided by the starving masses. Look to the many African nations that have experienced this. The crops are quickly eaten on the vine.
Everybody's going to die sooner or later anyway. If you live in an urban area, your threat level is higher. If you somehow survive the initial event, you've still got chaos and panic to deal with. And if you do escape, you're left with what you managed to take with you. Not much chance your stuff will be intact if/when you return.

I live in a small town for the standard of living benefits, not because I have a better chance of survival if the SHTF. My threat level is much lower, however, and I probably won't have to run away. Large urban areas will most likely be the target if a terrorist attack. They will certainly be most vulnerable in any SHTF scenario.

One way to bug out of a localized SHHTF scenario is to just MOVE to another city or state. It appears that that is what a fair amount of New Orleans people will probably be doing. Most of the time people will in other areas will try to help if they can and you have the right attitude. That's one clear lesson from what has occurred with the hurricanes.
I've done a lot of soul searching about both bugging IN and bugging OUT. Even though I've prepared to bug OUT, it would only be done as a last resort option. Also, I have three pre-planned bug OUT destinations....the first is only a short distance from my home in the suburbs, the second is roughly 60 miles away, and the third is close to 200 miles away. If you notice, I didn't mention "driving times" from my home, for it will take much longer to drive just about anywhere if the SHTF.

By choosing to bug IN, I have a mental checklist of things that I will do after any major incident. The first thing is to brew a fresh pot of coffee while watching the televised news. Second will be to prepare a good meal while listening to news radio broadcasts. Third will be to pull out all of my maps, and mark the effected areas. Fourth will be to relax while mentally assessing the overall situation. Fifth will be to check on several neighbors that I've discussed "survival" plans with in the past.

As you can see, I'm not going to be in a rush to go anywhere, and I definitely won't be playing "follow the leader" during the first phase of hysteria.
Also, as you can see, I'll have food in my stomach and caffeine in my system, so that I'll be alert and well fed IF it becomes necessary to bug OUT.

Also, by bugging IN, at least until it becomes absolutely necessary to bug OUT, it might give me plenty of time to "harden the target" of my home. It will also give me some time to prepare my home for an easier return trip, in case bugging OUT becomes necessary. Besides, no matter how many scenarios you have run through, the REAL THING won't be exactly what you have prepared for, so by trying to stay calm, last minute adujstments can be made logically and reasonably.

Above all, DO NOT PANIC! Just because it looks like everyone is moving OUT doesn't necessarily mean that YOU have to "follow the leader"! Sit down, figure out what exit highways and side roads are clogged with traffic, then try to come up with viable alternate routes, even if it means a longer journey for you. I'd much rather have to drive, even at a slow pace, than to sit on a clogged "parking lot" of a highway!

Lastly, if push comes to shove, I think that most of us will agree that a certain amount of "looting" might be necessary....but I don't mean hauling out plasma-screen TV's or designer clothing! Water, food, sanitary items, gasoline, first-aid items....
they're pretty much "fair game" necessities that you might NEED to "borrow" along the way, and would fall into the category of being "reasonable".
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