slightly odd situation....Question???

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Dec 24, 2002
By the River
I appologize in advance, this is very long winded, there are lots of details, and its the little things that got me

My wife, her little sister and I have been hanging out on vacation in Hawaii for the last 8 days, drinking, enjoying the sun, sand and surf.

Tonight, we were going on a local sunset cruise in a good sized boat, and had a odd situation occur. At first it seemed like just a couple of persistant guys looking for a good time, but by the end of the night, I became convinced that these guys were wolves looking for a sheep to slaughter. And unfortunatly, my SIL (sister in law) gives of a strong victim mentality. No history of abuse or anything, but for some reason, its there.

The three of us, who are all in our mid 20's, were waiting in front of our hotel for the bus to pick us up when 2 guys from our hotel approached, going to the same sunset cruise. Immediatly, both of these guys, who appeared to be late 20's or early 30's focused in on my SIL. Pretty understandable, since she is very attractive and single. Anyways, one of these guys was a loud meathead, and the other a more softspoken guy.

But for some reason I immediatly pegged these two has being bad news. Wasn't sure why, but I listen to my gut. The meathead was talking to my SIL, getting lots of info about her, where she lives, what she does, where she went to school, etc etc. I whispered to my wife my feelings, and she whispered back that she felt the same way. When we all got off the bus, I whispered my thoughts to my SIL, basically telling her to avoid these two specific guys like the plague. Now, my SIL is smart, but she is usually in condition white, and has had problems before with guys being too persistant. Not exactly stalkers, but close.

When we got on the boat, we chose seats that were far away from these two guys, and started to relax. At this point, I wasn't too concerned, thinking that it was just a couple of guys who were hanging out trying to get some action, and they just happened to think that my SIL would be a good choice.

After awhile, they started to get closer, until one , the softspoken one, was sitting next my SIL at dinner, which I was very upset about. I informed my wife that unless this guy started to back off, he was going for a long swim. She kept telling me to relax, that nothing bad was going to happen. But my intuition told me something was up. I told my wife that she needed to take her sister to the restroom, and warn her regarding this guy. She did, and we seperated from the guys.

Sure enough, only a few minutes go by before both of these guys start moving in yet again. This was repeated several times over the course of the evening. We would move, and both of them would start to move in again. Very persistant. But they were acting pretty strangly besides that fact. They were passing text messages back and forth on a phone, and whenever one would write the message, and the other read it, thats when one would move in on my SIL. Like they were formulating a plan.

My wife was staying very close to my SIL the whole time, and I was trying to stay pretty close as well, without infringing on her being able to have a good time.

After a while, both of the guys would start to approach me and get me involved in a conversation. I had talked to both of them earlier in the evening, under the "always be polite, but in the back of your mind....." rule. Some of the information concerned me even more. The meathead was in Hawaii at the same time as his ex-wife, daughter and her step-father were visiting Hawaii and he was planning on visiting them this week. Little things like that. The fact that the other one, despite seeming to be very inteligent, was working a job that most college students were above was another concern, considering this guy was early 30s.

So anyways, they would both get me into a conversation, and then one would give the other a text message, and the other would leave our conversation to go hang out my wife and SIL. At this point I am being obviously rude to both of them, one word answers, always watching what they are doing, and walking away from them mid-conversation, my attempt to stay ahead of them and not let them control the situation. And this is happening repeatedly.

I also kept sensing that they were trying to get me away from my wife and SIL, which was a pretty good guess since it was obvious at this point that I was standing between them and their goal, whatever it was. But they were very persistant, one would pull me away while the other would make a move. And it didn't matter where we were on the boat, we could go to the other side, and they would follow us within minutes.

It wasn't like how most guys operate when trying to get a date. It almost seemed like they were working, like they did this everyday. Everything they did was calculated. They would dance with an elderly lady, or be really friendly with other passengers, but only why my wife and SIL were nearby and could see them acting. Neither would go near my wife or SIL unless the other one was trying to talk to me and distract me.

Unfortunatly, my SIL was still in white, despite the repeated warnings, and my wife was barely in yellow, and I was getting much resistance from the both of them.

It all came to a boil when just before the bar closed, about 25 minutes be docking, the meathead starting asking if I wanted a drink, if he could by me a drink. He was being very overly friendly, infact my SIL commented that he seemed like he was hitting on me, although we already know he is straight. The other one, a Anthony Michael Hall look alike, was standing behind me, deep into conversation with someone else. He started his conversation with that person right at the same time that the meathead offfered to buy me a drink. I had just hit the bar, and had a few extra drink vouchers, so I told him that I was good, put my drink on the railing, and handed him the vouchers, hoping he and his friend would go have a few more drinks, pass out and leave us alone. Instead, when I turned back towards my drink, I realized that it had been out of my sight for a few seconds, and the other guys hand had just made a move towards it. Either his hand had just gone over it, or was just about to, and realized he couldn't without me seeing. Either way, there was no reason, considering where he was standing, for him to be getting so close to my drink.

I got the meathead to walk away, immediatly put my drink down, and told my wife and SIL not to touch that drink, thinking that maybe at this point they might have put something in my drink so that I wouldn't a problem anymore. Get me sick, my wife would take me home, and my SIL would still want to go out and party, and these guys would be there to take her out for a good night.

My wife at this point was starting to think I was paranoid, and honestly, I was kinda thinking that too. But these guys were just acting not quite right, and they really were acting. Just a few minutes before docking, things looked like they were going to be ok, so I went out and was dancing with my wife, when I looked back and saw the softspoken SOB dancing with my SIL. My wife had accomplished what neither of them could, an effective distraction.

At the earliest possible moment, I took my wife and her sister aside, and explained that something was wrong here, and that we were going to avoid these two guys at all costs, including taking a cab instead of the bus back. They still didn't seem to believe me that something was wrong, but were willing to go along with me.

We waited until we were the last ones on the boat to get off, and headed to the cabs. We got to a cab, which was on the other side of the bus, the side away from the pier, and from there we watched how these two guys reacted. Both were inside the Bus, in the very back, standing up, watching the direction where we were supposed to be coming from, visible disturbed, motioning frantically and such. They expected us on the bus, and we weren't there.

We took a cab halfway to the hotel, not wanting to get there at the same time as the bus, and so we went out for desert. Took another 45 minutes to an hour before we got in another cab and returned to the hotel. Cab pulls up, I start walking in front of my wife and SIL, and I almost turn the corner into the main lobby area when the hair on the back of my neck stands up, and I stop. Just then I hear a couple voices in the lobby, talking, and I am 100% sure that it was the 2nd guy (distinct voice, and speach patterns). My wife hears it too, and she suddenly realizes that I am right, and suggests and alternate route.

So now we are safe back in our hotel room, doors locked, windows locked, they don't know our room number or the name we checked in at. We are going to a different part of the Island tommarow, and we know the meathead is going to another island to "visit" his ex-wife (and her husband) tommarow.

So now I am wondering:

Was I right? Were these guys really a threat? The signs that I saw:
1. Very persistant,
2. Always following my SIL
3. Trying to distract me and get me out of the way.
4. Possibly doing something to my drink.
5. The way they would text message just before one would make his move, and it wasn't like they were texting back and forth. Meathead would write out a text, hand it to his buddy, and then the buddy would make a move.
6. The way they acted on the bus when we didn't show up.
7. The fact that they were waiting at the lobby of our hotel when we got back 45minutes to an hour after they did, and there is nothing in our hotel lobby, no restraunt, no fountains, no bar, nothing.
8. The way that they were only friendly to other people when my SIL and wife were close by, like they were acting.
9. The way they would switch off, from one of them to the other, it was impossible to tell who was intrested in her, and who wasn't. But they were acting as a team, so they weren't competing.
10. Forgot to mention, these guys had initially mentioned how they really wanted to be out drinking on this cruise, actually, they said they wanted to get drunk, but neither of them got more than one drink the entire night. And I was paying attention.
11. Did I mention how persistant these guys were? I mean most guys would take the hint, people walk away from you, and you keep following them throughout the night.

So am I paranoid, or was my SIL about to be a statistic.

And how would you handle this situation?

And how would you explain what is going on to the members of your party? It was hard to talk to eachother with out the 2 guys being able to listen in.

How would you go about explaining to your family how serious this situation could be? Personally, I am 100% convinced that my SIL was going to be raped tonight.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for bearing with me.


I already know my first mistake was that I continued to drink, even after first seeing the threat from them. I should have stopped drinking immediatly.

Although, in the 2 hours or so, I had only 2 drinks, so I was by no means drunk, but I am sure that any alcohol would have slowed me down had things turned nasty.

Itgoesboom, Very good job on explaining the situation. From what you have said, I think you were right listening to the little voices in your head. Yes it does sound like these two were up to no good.

Question, was there any security on the boat? I would have notified security and made them aware. If these two were players and have been sucsessful before, they may be using the same method this time. Ship security may know these two from previous meatings. If you were having these kinds of feelings security could also notify the PD and ask if they could meet you at the dock. The PD may have had dealings with them as well.

All in all, good situational awareness.

I too have had feelings that have been vary hard to put into words, sixth sence type of stuff and if you explain that to the PD, I think most police officers will understand.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS trust your gut! ALWAYS! Even when you turn out to be wrong, no harm, no foul. GOOD FOR YOU!
I would have done the same in that situation, something was definitely wrong.
"Divide and conquer" works against almost anyone that doesnt realize what is occuring.

Job well done. As posted earlier, I would've notified security, both boat and hotel. And also as posted earlier, your instincts are there for a reason. ALWAYS listen to your instincts.
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Unfortunatly, there was zero security on the boat, it was really just a big party barge, everyone drinking, dancing and having a good time. Except for me, I was miserable.

Also, I was unable to identify anyone on the boat who even remotly resembled a off-duty officer or even a fellow "sheepdog".

At the same time, I was unable to see anyone else who looked and acted like a victim, other than my SIL, and no other wolves other than these two characters.

These 2 had just checked into our hotel the day before the cruise, so I highly doubt that they had pulled this routine before, atleast not on this Island. Maybe back on the mainland.

So I am hesitant to go to the cops, simply because there was no "overt" smoking gun as to what they were up to. Not to mention, there is virtually zero police presence over here.

My wife and I have discussed this situation, what we did right (a few things), and what we did wrong (lots of things). And she now agrees with me about how serious the threat was. Now we just have to figure out how to discuss this with with my SIL.

Last night, as I said before, I was getting a significant amount of resistance, and I felt that they weren't taking my warnings seriously. At the end of the evening, I made it clear that had we not acted, I was 100% sure that my SIL would have ended up raped, and had I not been there, my wife would have also.

As you can imagine, that was a pretty strong shock to them, and it upset them both pretty severly. Ofcourse, I told them that is less of a shock than had they actually been raped.

So now how do we approach this with my SIL, and explain what could have happened, and teach her how to properly react?

Thanks again.


and do not pull any punches, better to frieghten them now than to late, and it sounds like they do not want to read between the lines.

? did you consider confronting the "suspects" with your beliefs about their intensions? like just mention that they may want to find a softer target, because you are not going to let them mess with the ladies in your party.

also go ahead and mention you concerns to the hotel if your still there.
just to have a paper trail.
As others have said: Always trust your instincts!! All in all, you did fine, much better than average. Might have poured your drink into his glass, even if obvious, so he knew you knew.

Just because they checked in the day before doesn't mean they weren't in another hotel/ party boat the night before. Talk to the cops, descriptions, "names", etc.

I didn't even read the 10 or 11 points in your recap; these guys were definitely deserving a LONG swim, with concrete overshoes. Stay orange the rest of the trip. Sorry, really screws up a vacation.

Stay safe.

PS: Not much uniform presence, but HPD has to protect the sheeples. They do it by being good at deep cover. And very, very discreet.
So, why didn't your SIL just inform them that she wasn't interested? That seems like it would've been the easiest solution. It sounds like a case of paranoia/"rooster"blocking to me. The actions of the guys were most likely meant to get at least one of the women (and maybe you too) in bed. Just because you've never utilized those techniques doesn't mean that others don't.

Sounds like a _seriously_ odd situation. You definitely had some things to be hinky about given your description.

And your SIL sounds like 'food' in the Clint Smith vernacular (I believe the quote is, "If you look like food, you will be eaten."). She needs an education in reality very badly from what you've said, but she may only get it experentially. That is, the hard way. Remember, not every human is capable of learning from the experiences of others. Is this really a pattern of behavior on her part, attracting the attention of guys who make your hair stand up? You indicated it was... .

If she can't or won't learn, you'd best leave her at home from now on... she will eventually get you in trouble, and likely blame you for it too. _She_ was the one the two guys were paying attention to, it was HER responsibility to tell them to buzz off in no uncertain terms. The fact that she didn't 'turn them off' gave them "permission" to keep it up. Some women like the attention, any attention, and a few even like to play "lets you and him fight." That kind is bad news, even if you happen to be married to their sister. Not saying she is one, I don't know, but I have seen them in action. Two hours is a long time to put up with that kind of nonsense unless you like it IMHO.

Your wife is likely your best conduit to her, if indeed your wife is convinced of the seriousness of the matter. I'm not sure you can have much impact on your SIL yourself, especially if she was unwilling to listen to you while the events were actually transpiring.

I wouldn't so much as take her to the supermarket after this, unless she gives unmistakeable evidence that she has gotten a clue. YMMV.

I always listen to the voice in the back of my head. That being said - does it surprise you that guys act like wolves when it comes to women? Teach your daughters well.

I don't mean this as criticism, but is there any reason why didn't you just tell them to back off, whether your SIL did/would or not?

It was good that you recognized a portentially dangerous situation, but what were you waiting for? Isn't the whole point of situational awareness to stop things before they happen? Sounds like you were waiting for the worse to happen before you did much.

Especially in a place where paying customers are supposed to be having a good time, making a loud commotion usually gets management, even when there's no security, involved. If the two of them really were looking to do you some no-good, giving witnesses a chance to see their faces and remember them is probably the last thing they'd want.

While your first priority is to yourself and your family, you've left these two to prey on the next victim. Even if you have no real evidence of what they were after, telling someone on the boat or the hotel could have saved you some stress, and maybe been the first step to stopping these guys.

Glad the three of you are okay.
Facts & details make a story more

believable... Advise your SIL that you observed wolf #2 attempt to put something in your drink. Explain that was most likely ...

Back it up by relaying a factual account of the night's events, and your suspicion level at each point. Honestly, I think all the circumstances you relayed in your story amount to coincidence... Except the drink incident.

throughout the tale I kept thinking to myself 'yeah, but they were probably just...' But the drink incident made me reevaluate.

You made an assessment of threat, and it may have been a correct one. You took appropriate measures to secure yourself and those with you. You had detailed observations. Try to relay the tale from your perspective.

You're a man, so, that makes you an expert witness on the behavior patterns of men ...
For those of you who asked why I didn't confront them, it was simply because my wife asked me not to. The entire time she kept telling me to relax, and not worry, that her sister would take care of it. Ofcourse, the entire time she didn't.

Otherwise, those two would have been swimming pretty early on in the evening. In fact, when wolf #2 was dancing with her, and I saw it, I started to move but my wife pulled me back and the song ended before he went swimming.

My SIL should have told them to buzz off, especially since she wasn't intrested in either of them. Unfortunatly, she is very naive, and is way to friendly to everyone she meets. That is how she ended up in the other situations.

My wife has now had a good conversation with her sister, so I am hoping that it takes. We will see. We talked a little today, and she understands the threat now, so maybe she will learn.


That response is almost laughable. Just a couple days before this I helped hook her up with another guy, and in the past I have worked hard to introduce her to guys, since she is perpetually single. So I am much more likely to tell a guy what to say to her than to get in a guys way.

My take is that you guessed right about these two.ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT.Your SIL sounds like a professional victim.I hope you can educate her,some people will not face reality ,no matter how hard you try.As you stated she has had problems in the past,yet apparently refuses to learn a new behavior.You should have been more assertive with your wife when you wanted to interrupt the behavior of the predators/victim.By not interrupting the behavior of the two predators,it allowed them to continue with their game plan.If the game plan is allowed to continue there is a good chance for violence.There are psycho sexual dynamics in play with this type of predator,when it reaches a certain point there is no stopping their behavior without violence.I worked with sexual predators and it certainly sounds as if you were in a dangerous situation.I have noted that these types of people are very good at manipulating the sheeple,as you observed.You did a pretty good job in protecting you family.Good call on the drink and using a cab.That interrupted the game plan and helped save your butt.Try to educate your wife so she will be able to help.If you were taken out,what would she do?
Tell the guys that your SIL is a trans who is HIV positive and your talking on her last trip....just a thought. :D

I think you're right though. I was talking to a girl at a bar in Florida once, long ago. The bartender got Jealous, and apparently slipped something in my one and only drink. I woke up at 4am, about 3 miles from the bar, by an angry British tourist, who didn't like me sleeping on his wind board. Scary stuff.
I just had the opportunity to discuss this with her a little more. Wolf #2 is sunbathing out by the pool at our hotel right now, so the topic came up.

I explained a few of the games that these guys were playing, how the were dominating her, controlling who was around her, (ie, wolf 1 would watch over while wolf 2 talked to her, wolf 2 would walk to the restroom, and wolf 1 would move in until wolf 2 was back, to prevent other guys from being able to approach her), and how to respond when guys like that start asking too many questions, or if she thinks that something is up.

Like, since she was out with my wife and I, I told her to bring up in the conversation that her boyfriend got food poisening, so she is hanging out with us that night, and when they ask how long they have been together to answer something like "Joe and I have been living together for just over 2 years".

She mentioned that she would never have left with the 2 of them, and I pointed out that they didn't really care about what she would want to do, that they were going to control what happened, and unless she was smart about things, she wouldn't be leaving under her own power.

I think she understands better now, so hopefully this won't be a problem in the future.

Your brain can subonciously pick up certain non-verbal indicators of aggression and mal intent. I know that every time something bad has happened to me, my gut told me first...
In this situation I think you did good......2 against one is bad odds..espacially if these guys were"professional scum bags" which it sounds like they were.....I'd tell hotel security and local PD.....unfortunatly in HA there is almost NO way to protect yourself with a you did the only thing you could with out exposing yourself and loved one to even more danger......keep an eye out for these a-holes,they may still be on the prowel...and pissed at you for thawarting their plan.....
Great job, overall. Scary situation indeed.

One thing that really hasn't been addressed is how much alcohol your SIL was it possible that she told them to leave her alone but that they ignored her, thinking that a drunk woman was an easy mark?

If you thought that something was really going to happen, you probably should have stopped drinking entirely.
I work on a sex offeder yard. Explain to your SIL that these slime will do things that you only see in movies, and think nothing of it. I know one inmate who brags about gang raping a young woman, and then setting her on fire. Another kidnapped a woman, raped her for hours, then slit her throat, and left her to bleed out in the desert.
Condition White is the best way to an early grave. Young, pretty single women who party hearty all night in White will either wake up with a hangover, pregnant, or be found days later, dismembered. We had one girl who all we had were her arms in a dumpster. Took weeks to find the rest of her body.....The inmate is quite proud of that one. Yes, I am serious.

How can you work there and not dish out a daily beating? I don't think I could hear someone brag about raping a young woman and then setting her on fire without doing something... I mean, guards shouldn't beat people (so good job if you don't)... But how do you not?
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