Smith and Wesson 340PD .357 Airlite......looking to buy.....

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Even if you decide to shoot .38s, by getting a .357, you have something more durable, which is always a good thing.

That's one of the 2 reasons I used to justify buying my first M&P 340. I wanted the enhanced strength of the Scandium aluminum frame. I basically thought of the M&P 340 as becoming a "better 642" for my needs. While I didn't really intend to carry Magnum loads, having the option wasn't unwelcome.

The other reason was the XS standard size front night sight. That shiny white plastic ring is so much faster and easier to acquire compared to the front ramps of my other J's (even those which have been painted). That, and the way it drops into the U-shaped rear notch, makes for noticeably faster sight pickup for my aging eyes. Accurate little 5-shot guns. Not difficult to consistently hit the steel targets from 40-50 yards with them.

The only thing I dislike just a little is the aluminum yoke (instead of steel). It doesn't seem to hold onto lubricant on the bearing surfaces (rings) as well as the steel guns and my 642's (stainless yokes) under a lot of shooting heat and repeated range sessions. Nothing that can't be resolved, though.

The Ti/Sc/PD and M&P 340/360's do carry nice and light, though, don't they? :)
I used to carry a 342ti, the .38 that precedes the 340. It was stout with +p rounds, but not too terrible. I am in the hunt for a 340 now as a BUG to my 13-2 round butt 3" gun. One thing you should consider. If you use a 340 in a SD scenario, you aren't going to notice any pain while shooting the gun.
If it were me I would and did buy a M442 instead. Considering you will probably shoot .357 Magnum ammo only once just to say you did and then carry .38 Special +P ammo why not save half the price of the M340 but buying the M442?
recoil is sharp and painful... but its a lot better than getting stabbed or punched in the face!
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