So There I Was Again (Also Not Very Serious)

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why someone would wear anything urine colored is beyond me. unless they have some sort of bladder problem or are just colorblind and have no taste whatsoever. :D
Part Five

I woke up at two thirty in the afternoon. I was so exhausted from my ordeal that I had fallen asleep as soon as I got home, with my clothes and shoes still on.

I dragged myself out of bed, and into the shower. I stood there and let the hot water pour over me for a long time; my movements were sluggish, but my mind was racing. I had been wounded, my car was shot to hell, and I was at wit's end. I had had enough, and couldn't take many more near-death experiences.

After showering, I changed my bandage and got dressed. Taking my backpack (with MAC-10 inside), I headed over to the caffeteria to get something to eat. I sat there and stewed as I picked at my grilled cheese sandwich; I was calm outside, but I was furious. Absolutely furious.

Folks, you just don't do this to a guy. You don't come into a guy's town and try to kill him for no reason. You sure as HELL don't come into MY TOWN and try to KILL ME. I resolved to thoroughly ventilate the next SOB that pointed a gun at me, and smile while I was doing it.

I sure sounded like a badass, but when I lifted my sandwich pain shot through my left arm; reality set back in. I'm not bulletproof. I'm not a Navy SEAL. If I didn't resolve this matter quickly, I was going to end up with a serious case of lead poisioning.

I looked up from my sandwich to see that someone was now sitting across from me. Somehow, I hadn't noticed him pull out the chair and sit down. I freaked. Startled and suddenly in full alert, my right hand jerked down into my backpack, while my left hand managed to fling my grilled cheese about ten feet. It landed on the floor with a splat, and I realized it was Corwin, grinning at me from behind his sunglasses. His hat was placed neatly on the table, and his hands were folded in front of him.

"Jumpy?" he asked. I shot him an evil look.

"Trying to get yourself shot?"

"You're slipping, Mike." He looked down at my hand in the backpack.

"Oh, well, at least you're still a quick draw. What happened to your arm?" I told him my story.

"Damn. You alright?" I could've choked him.

"DO I [EXPLETIVE DELETED]-ING LOOK ALRIGHT TO YOU?" I barked, standing up. I was shaking, I was pale, my arm was bandaged, and I had huge bags under my bloodshot eyes. He just sat quietly. I noticed that a group of girls the next table over were staring at me, wide-eyed and silent. I sat down, and buried my face in my hands. They started talking and giggling amongst themselves, apparently amused by my little tantrum. I heard comments like "Oh my GOD!" and "what a FREAK!" coming from their table. I sighed.

"Well, I've got good news for you," Corwin said at last. "I've managed to contact the leader of the branch of the Luminous Path that's moving in here. Not face to face, but I've contacted him. I've arranged for you to meet him, Tuesday morning, at 9:00AM."

"Man. I have to get up on my day off?"

"Do you want to meet him or not?"

"I really just want to shoot the SOB, but this'll have to do. Where does he want to meet?"

"I was told he'll be sitting at a booth, in the Library, near the Starbuck's. He said that he'd be wearing a white suit."

"That clever [EXPLETIVE DELTED]. The [EXPLETIVE DELETED]-ing Library. He wants to meet in the common area, in the basement. It'll be packed with students. He knows I won't try anything with so many witnesses around."

"They have a Starbuck's in your library?"

"Yeah, actually. I hate to admit it, but I've taken to drinking expensive hippie hot chocolate."


"Tell me about it."

"But meeting in the library means he won't try anything either, right?"

"Well, that depends. These guys are pretty brazen, and I doubt they care about killing bystanders."

"I'll watch your back, if you want."

"I'd appreciate that, but keep a low profile. I don't want them to spot you and get spooked. Keep an eye out for their guys, too. Any well-dressed Chinese folks are suspect. There're a few Chinese foreign exchange students around here, but not that many."


"Look, you see any Chinese men, wearing suits and ties, maybe sunglasses, that look like their in their late twenties, standing around trying not to be noticed, they're probably NOT students. On the other hand, you see a couple students, look like they're Chinese, sitting at a booth, talking, minding their own business, with backpacks and stuff, 18-22 years old, they're probably just students. Just keep your eyes open, don't make any moves unless somebody pulls a gun."


"Now scoot," I told him. "I've got stuff to do. I don't want to see you again until Tuesday morning, unless there's a serious problem, okay?"

"No problem." He pulled out his chair and left. I was then alone with my cold tomato soup. A member of the caffeteria staff had cleaned my sandwich off of the floor. I left the caffeteria without touching the soup.

For the time being, I hoped, I could rest easy. I figued that since we had a meeting arranged, we also had a truce, and that the Luminous Path wouldn't try to kill me again until afterwards.

You think that was naive of me? Probably, but at that point I didn't care. I decided to do a very dangerous move the next night. It was about two o' clock on Tuesday morning, and for the life of me I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk.

It was a cold, but calm night out. I put on my parka, my gloves, my chook, and my cold weather boots (with 600 layers of ThinsulateTM) and head out across campus. I had my Government Model in a shoulder holster, complete with a supressor can, locked and cocked, but with the coat as it was it would've been a slow draw.

I walked along the deserted sidewalks, alert, but deep in thought. The only clouds I could see were from my own breath; it was an exceptionally clear night, and all the stars were out. Between the bright moon and the many amber street lamps, there was pretty decent illumination. I headed down campus, towards the freshman dorms, feeling thoroughly alone.

I only had a few hours before the meeting, and above all else I just wanted to get it over with...

TO BE CONTINUED (for sure)
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I had my Government Model in a shoulder holster, complete with a supressor can, locked and cocked, but with the coat as it was it would've been a slow draw.

Won't that stick out?

As for the well-dressed Chinese people, what about the ones in Royal Robbins 5.11 tactical pants? :scrutiny:
A vertical shoulder holster and a long winter coat can conceal a suppressed pistol. It's not the most comfortable rig in the world, though.

You consider Royal Robbins to be "well-dressed"? Don't they wear suits and ties in California anymore, Skunky? :neener:

And don't even get me started on how funny "tactical pants" sounds. :evil:

You folks must understand. Upper Michigan is not the diverse chunk of real estate in the world. It'd be safe to say that 99% of the population is caucasian.

Check that. We're VERY diverse if you consider Finns, Sweeds, English, Germans, etc. to be ethnic diversity. :p
alright, it's 2am, i have ANTH1000 homework but i decided to get around to reading everything you have put up so far instead.

#1. good work, i like it a lot. reminds me of mike hammer and such, only much more tactical.

#2. where's the rest of it?!

you're mean man, real mean.

Yoose guys!

I hastily rush home from work, anticipating the next chapter in the continuing saga of Nightcrawlers brilliant masterpiece in the making. My heart leaping from my chest at the sight of a new message in " 'So there I was again (Also not very serious)". Without hesitation I click on the link to the new messages only to find banter on Kalifornian chic dress fasions:barf:
Part Six

The morning couldn't have come soon enough. I left my dorm room at 8:45AM, exactly. The walk to the library was a lonely one; it was a blustery winter morning, with gray skies and temperatures hovering around five degrees.

I arrived at the library a few minutes before nine, and entered. Before heading into the basement, I ducked into a bathroom to give myself a once-over. I used some eyedrops to lessen the noticability of my bloodshot eyes. I combed my hair, and wiped my brow. I wore a long sleeved sweater to cover my wound. I didn't want them to know that I had been hurt, or even that I had been losing sleep.

So, I looked outwardly calm as I proceeded into the Student Commons area in the basement of the building, though my heart was racing and I'm sure my stomach was doing some kind of gymnastics. I left my sunglasses on, and proceeded into the seating area near the Starbuck's Coffee Shop. I left my sunglasses on (they're prescription anyways), to hide my eyes somewhat.

Looking around, I fully expected to see a bunch of suit wearing Hong Kong assassins, standing around ominously. Kind of brazen, I know, but if there's one thing the Luminous Path had prooven itself to be, it was brazen.

But..there were none. No syndicate hitmen. No guys in suits and shades. Hell, the only person I could see that even looked Asian was a friend of mine, a Chinese foreign exchange student, and she waved at me as she walked out the doors.

Puzzled, I rounded the corner to where the booths were, and finally saw the person I was there to meet. Although, he certainly didn't meet my expectations.

I'm not just referring to the lack of guards on the Triad's part. I was then running under the assumption that they had hired local folks to be their guards, and they were in disguise. I assumed they'd be EXPECTING me to assume that all of their "hired help" would actually be Chinese people, and I realized what a stupid assumption that was. Though, from what I had read about the Luminous Path, they weren't real fond of Westerners, and Americans especially, so I wasn't completely out of bounds, I don't think.

Anyway, the thing that struck me the most about the Luminous Path warlord was the fact that he was a she. There she sat, wearing a white suit, with her night-black hair done up in a neat bun, with a tasteful application of makeup to go with it. She didn't look to be more than twenty five years old, either.

My jaw could've hit the floor. Folks, it was just my luck that all of the really drop-dead gorgeous women I'd been meeting lately were trying to kill me.

Still, her startling appearing notwithstanding, I despised this woman with the utmost intensity. I stood there for a moment, watching her from across the room, and my blood ran cold. Finally, I steeled myself, and walked over. Without a word, I sat down across from her and folded my hands in front of me. We were silent for a moment, but she spoke first.

"I consider it very rude to sit at the table with sunglasses on, Mr. Nightcrawler," she said, sounding very courteous but remarkably cold. Her eyes were hard; I could tell that her beauty masked a very ugly heart.

I replied, "And I consider it rude to come into a man's home and try to kill him. Now that we've both offended each other, perhaps we should begin the negotiations?"

"Negotiations..." she began, "I find that term amusing. I must admit, I was intrigued by your friend's proposal that we meet like this. It's very rare. It's completely unheard of in Hong Kong, to try to negoatiate after the blood oath has been initiated. But, I find you interesting, Mr. Nightcrawler, so here I am, alone and unarmed, as you requested."

"I don't believe that you're alone OR unarmed, Madame."

"I assure you that I am. Look around you. Who here would I trust with my protection? That large fellow stuffing his face with candy? That goth-boy with the plastic vampire fangs? That skinny blonde dressed like a prostitute?"

"Then, I must admit that I am intrigued, too, by your naivete. What assurance do YOU have that I won't simply shoot you here and now?"

"In front of all of these people? Especially with your friend from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms skulking about? I don't think so. No, Mr. Nightcrawler, you and I are going to sit here and talk like civilized people."

"Fine. Okay, let's get started then. Why are you trying to kill me? For what reason has the Luminous Path initiated this blood oath against me? I have had no contact with any Hong Kong syndicates before. I cannot have wronged you in such a way as to warrant this."

"You insult me with your lies, Mr. Nightcrawler."

"What are you talking about? Everything was fine here, until one night Benny comes to my place with a gun, saying you put him up to kill me, and that you're going to move into my turf after I'm dead."

"We did send that worm after you, but only because I have a taste for irony. But how dare you deny what you've done?"

"What are you talking about? What have I done?" She showed emotion for the first time, and she did NOT look happy.

"Last month, a truck was coming into this area, a truck containing something very valuable to us. You and your people hijacked that truck, and killed the guards protecting it. You dared to interfere in our business, and now you have the gaul to deny it?"

Something was rotten in the State of Michigan, folks. I had heard about the shootout on the highway; hell, every paper in Michigan had an article about it, as such a thing had never happened in the UP before. But I hadn't had anything to do with it. Somebody had hit that truck, though.

"What in the hell am I going to do with a truckload of...well, whatever it was? I run guns, that's it. Furthermore, I didn't even KNOW that the Luminous Path HAD an operation in this area."

It hit me then.

"I..." I began, having finally put all of the pieces together. "I've been set up. Think about it. I don't HAVE any "people" that would do hits for me. I don't even know what was in that truck. I didn't even know there WAS a truck! All I read was that they found some shot-up cars and some dead bodies."

The beautiful Triad boss looked at me for a few moments, then reached across the table. I lurched back, expecting to get knifed in the throat or something, but all she did was remove my sunglasses and look into my eyes.

Her eyes were green. If you've seen Big Trouble in Little China, you know that there's no such thing as a green eyed Chinese girl, so this was strange enough. Finally, she spoke.

"I believe we have made a terrible mistake, Mr. Nightcrawler," she said at last.

"I believe we've been set up, played off against each other. But who?"

"We have many enemies, Mr. Nightcrawler, but none in this area. Whoever did this was most likely trying to get to you, trying to get us to kill you. It's kind of funny...the deception was not necessary. If they had hired us, we'd have killed you for a mere $10,000.00!" She smiled.

"Charming. Utterly charming," I said. "Perhaps it would be in our mutual interest, then, to call a cease-fire and find out who's behind this. Whoever they are, they're trying to put me out of business, and they used you. I'm not happy with that, and I doubt you are, either."

"You are correct about that. It is a poor precident for the Luminous Path to be led around like a small child. It shows weakness. Whoever did this will pay dearly."

"I'm not an assassin, Madame, nor am I murderer. I've never pointed a gun at anyone that didn't pull one on me first."

"This matter is out of your hands, Mr. Nightcrawler. It's a matter of honor for the Luminous Path; whoever is responsible for this must die. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going. I'll be in touch."

"May I ask one question before you go?"

"Very well. What would you ask?"

"What was in that truck?" She just smiled and walked away.

I sat there for a moment, bewildered, yet relieved. The Luminous Path was no longer trying to kill me, but the situation didn't seem any less complicated...

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Keep up the good work.

If I may.... When you say "never let em see you sweat, folks". You may want to reword that it the future.
To me it didn't blend with the character. It was like you were reading a story, and someone else interupted with a "never let em see ya sweat."

It is just my opinion, it doesn't mean that I am right.
This is great stuff!

Maybe Nightcrawler will save the life of the Luminous Path Warlord and as is custom in her country, she will "repay" him for his heroism. That would be cool. Pretty asian girls are very mysterious...

oh yeah, and guns are neat too.
"What was in that truck?"
Illicit "Bill the Cat" tote bags?
Counterfeit Beanie Babies?
Batteries that weren't included?
Crates of Bazooka Joe(Oh, no! The Luminous Path are gumrunners!)?
Jimmy Hoffa?
Just have to add my 2 pennies


Now I will get an email when the story get a reply !

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