Solution for squeaking holster

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Sep 20, 2006
I carry concealed, and have for nearly five years now. 90 percent of the time, I use a Milt Sparks Summer Special, belt, and spare mag pouch. A few weeks ago, I really started to notice that my holster and mag pouch were squeaking and creaking as I moved around doing normal activities. In fact, I'm pretty sure my co-worker noticed enough to turn his head and look at me. I sent an email to Milt Sparks one evening, asking if they knew of a solution. By the following midday Tony Kanaly replied, saying to try talcum powder. Lo and behold, he's right! One moderate application on the inside of the belt loops, and all the squeaks stopped. It seems like it only may last for a couple of weeks, but that's alright. A half-gallon or so of baby powder costs $4 or so, and a teaspoon will cover a dozen holsters and belts - which I did last night.

Just thought some fellow THRers could use this easy fix.
OK, that makes sense.

I have a mag carrier that sometimes squeaks. :uhoh:

Alternatively, if you turn any heads because you squeak when you walk, just tell them you're a real tightwad. ;)
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