Some military reservists will risk jail to resist Iraq duty

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Not only has Congress authorized the use of force in this situation, but via the War Powers Act, has authorized the use of force for a limited time at the President's discretion.
I joined the U.S. Navy 45 years ago at the age of 17. Spent a total of 8 years between active duty and active reserves and was proud to do it.

I can't even comprehend the mentality of these service men and women acting like this.

You join the military, you are expected to fight, it's simple as that.

It's a good thing about the no cussing policy here 'cause I can't even describe my disgust with these wimps.:fire:
I think it calls for a court martial and some time busting rocks at Club Fed at the minimum.
Nope. Club Fed is far to easy. It's my understanding that the military prison at Leavenworth is much harder time.
I do have to ask, why is the National Guard being sent overseas? From my understanding, the Guard is intended as a home land defensive force, not as an overseas military.
Your understanding is incorrect. The guard has been integrated into the US military for quite some time. They are trained and equipped to go to war.
Correct. The Nat'l Guard is now part of the nation's reserve force for the military, much like the Reserves. It was part of the justification for the draw down in active military units.
Oath of military enlistment


Burn him! He is a traitor; nothing more, nothing less.
I do have to ask, why is the National Guard being sent overseas? From my understanding, the Guard is intended as a home land defensive force, not as an overseas military. On the basis of that opinion, I'll support Alacarn.

The National Guard is part of the military reserve structure when activated by the federal government.

When General Creighton Abrams was Chief of Staff of the Army, he made sure the Army could not go to war without the assistance of the organized reserves and the National Guard, thereby ensuring every community, every state would feel the effects of mobilization.

If Alacarn didn't understand that role of the National Guard, he is either extremely stupid or a fool.
This will be happening more and more as time passes.

Remember, the military draws its people from the U.S. population for the overwhelming majority of its “talentâ€.

As kids grow up in government run publik skools being fed daily doses of crap from mostly left-leaning socialist “educators†more and more of them will never be introduced to the true history of this country and the part the armed services have played in it. They will never learn how this nation is supposed function. They spend their lives being told that the state will take care of them, that someone else is responsible, that they should always call 911 and let someone save their ***, never risk yourself but put someone who’s paid to take risks in the line of fire. Where do they think soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines come from in the first place (or cops and firefighters for that matter)?

More and more kids grow up with little concept of personal responsibly, ethics or any sort of moral compass. Just spend a day at a mall or any public gathering place. Watch the parent/child interactions. If you don’t think this country is on an express elevator to Hell (going down) you will after a few hours of people watching.

It doesn’t surprise me at all that some people think because they now “feel bad†about what THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO DO, that everyone should understand and let them off the hook. That’s the way they were taught from day one. Cry enough and you don’t have to eat your veggies and you might even get a treat to shut you up. Get a bad grade on a test and have mommy or daddy threaten to sue the teacher or school district. Don’t get treated like you think you should on the job (or don’t get the job you want). Sue somebody. Whine about it. Start a petition to make “them†change the way they do things to accommodate YOU. After all, you been told your whole life that you’re “special†and deserve not to have your feelings hurt or be placed in “uncomfortable†situations.

Fine. They want out? Time to learn a basic lesson of life. For every action you take there are consequences. This should be no different. If they are not true Conscientious Objectors then they should be dishonorably discharged. Any tuition or education benefits should be repaid to the government at the same rate that Uncle Sam paid them to you. Spell this out to them in black & white and offer them a choice. Serve your country as you SWORE AN OATH TO DO or live with the consequences of your “feelingsâ€.

Airwolf, I don't know who the H*ll you are, but get out of my head and stop stealing my thoughts! I guess i need to start wearing a tin foil beanie or something.

Heck, if they think they are true COs, slap a red cross on their arm, train them as combat medics and ship them out to a front-line unit.
No, certain military occupational specialties that don't have much frontline demand in peacetime patrols or deployments are the responsibility of specialized reserve and Guard units. CBR decon, water purification, etc.

I agree with the statement that repayment of their tuition money isn't near enough to get them off the hook.

This country has been at war since 9-11-01. No one seems to appreciate that this means some inconvenience to all of us. Now, these "military men," having claimed the honor of that title, refuse to honor their word to fight for their country and obey their commander-in-chief.

As I understand it, in wartime there is an offense called "being absent without leave for the purpose of evading hazardous service." If you're guilty, you go to Leavenworth and then you get dishonorably discharged.

It is a slap in the face to honorable veterans to let these cowards go back on their word. If they had any committment to this country, they would be shamed by their dishonor. Perhaps a military court could help them get back in touch with these feelings.
Cheers, Ledbetter.

We had some similar silliness in `91 with Desert Storm. Seems that some portion of the weenies who joined the Guard/Rserves of a group colelctively know as 'The Armed Forces' didn't want to live up to their end of the bargain. They were happy enough to take gov. $$ & benes to further their own life's agenda, but didn't expect to stand up and answer 'the call', if it came. Bad bet, eh?

It seems just a matter of simple contract law, damn shame us taxpayer have to pay to enforce it. Strikes me as just another kind of welfare cheat/fraud, may the appropriate crap fall heavy on their sorry heads.
Some, like Desmond Doss, even get the Medal of Honor.

Yes, very true. One of my heros ... met him several times when I was growing up. (Still living, last I heard)

Beliefs change ... do your time and move on.
Mike In VA, Neighbor

the weenies who joined the Guard/Rserves
Mike, Bud: please don't denigrate all of the Guard and reserve. There are a lot of citizens putting aside their home family lives to serve. They serve vital roles with distinction and honor. We could not defend our country without them. We owe them our allegiance.

TFL Survivor
Gutless cowards who should be dishonorably discharged and forced to repay the money that their training cost the govt.
Pathetic cowards.

To the others who answer the call....... THANK YOU
The discriminator is whether the individual joining the Guard is doing it as a "contract" or "job"; or whether (s)he is joining the National Guard and willing to do the job, regardless.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

TFL Survivor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Medical Detachment, 307th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Urasoe Mura, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 29 April-21 May 1945. Entered service at: Lynchburg, Va. Birth: Lynchburg, Va. G.O. No.: 97, 1 November 1945.
Citation: He was a company aid man when the 1st Battalion assaulted a jagged escarpment 400 feet high As our troops gained the summit, a heavy concentration of artillery, mortar and machinegun fire crashed into them, inflicting approximately 75 casualties and driving the others back. Pfc. Doss refused to seek cover and remained in the fire-swept area with the many stricken, carrying them 1 by 1 to the edge of the escarpment and there lowering them on a rope-supported litter down the face of a cliff to friendly hands. On 2 May, he exposed himself to heavy rifle and mortar fire in rescuing a wounded man 200 yards forward of the lines on the same escarpment; and 2 days later he treated 4 men who had been cut down while assaulting a strongly defended cave, advancing through a shower of grenades to within 8 yards of enemy forces in a cave's mouth, where he dressed his comrades' wounds before making 4 separate trips under fire to evacuate them to safety. On 5 May, he unhesitatingly braved enemy shelling and small arms fire to assist an artillery officer. He applied bandages, moved his patient to a spot that offered protection from small arms fire and, while artillery and mortar shells fell close by, painstakingly administered plasma. Later that day, when an American was severely wounded by fire from a cave, Pfc. Doss crawled to him where he had fallen 25 feet from the enemy position, rendered aid, and carried him 100 yards to safety while continually exposed to enemy fire. On 21 May, in a night attack on high ground near Shuri, he remained in exposed territory while the rest of his company took cover, fearlessly risking the chance that he would be mistaken for an infiltrating Japanese and giving aid to the injured until he was himself seriously wounded in the legs by the explosion of a grenade. Rather than call another aid man from cover, he cared for his own injuries and waited 5 hours before litter bearers reached him and started carrying him to cover. The trio was caught in an enemy tank attack and Pfc. Doss, seeing a more critically wounded man nearby, crawled off the litter; and directed the bearers to give their first attention to the other man. Awaiting the litter bearers' return, he was again struck, this time suffering a compound fracture of 1 arm. With magnificent fortitude he bound a rifle stock to his shattered arm as a splint and then crawled 300 yards over rough terrain to the aid station. Through his outstanding bravery and unflinching determination in the face of desperately dangerous conditions Pfc. Doss saved the lives of many soldiers. His name became a symbol throughout the 77th Infantry Division for outstanding gallantry far above and beyond the call of duty.

You have added a new word to my vocabulary, one that in 45 years on this rock I'd never heard before 30 seconds ago.

:what: :evil:
We had a C.O. on our ship and in my department [1974] that went around always talking about the bible. He got his CO discharge and I drove him to the airport-he was in my department. On the way to the freedom bird he said [they bought it, hook line and sinker]. I understood him to mean he had been running a clever CO dodge for the past YEAR to get out of a 6 year hitch. He conned everyone and got out.

Things do change but I believe a contract is a contract. Jobs can be adjusted but you make your decisions and take the result!!!!!

Ya, I was pissed at the s o b.
I fully understand not wanting to go to war and have no problem with the concept. That said, the jerks voluntarily signed up for duty and one potential duty included was going to war. If they weren't going to honor the agreement, then the should not have joined.

They should not be sent to jail. If they are going to be allowed to live, then they should be put on mine clearing details working as individuals as there is no way in hell that they can be counted on to help protect other soldiers except when such protection is directly beneficial to themselves.

Then they should be dishonorably discharged if they survive.
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