Sorry looking yote

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Oct 20, 2004
the Evergreen State
Today I was walking my dogs around the ranch and when one of them charged off. Once I could see what she was doing I noticed she was face to face with the a coyote in real bad shape. She had almost no hair, she was loaded with fleas and was gimping around. She did what she could to defend herself and luckly for me it was enough to keep my dog from making contact with her.

I called my dog back and the coyote limped off. I was armed on our walk this morning but wasn't this afternoon... figures. I hurried home to remedy that and then set out to put the yote out of it's misery. Sure enough I spotted her not 50 yard from where I'd last seen her. She disappeared through some thick brush and I followed her in a little further up the hill. I spotted her again and saw how bad of shape she was in. Broke my heart kind of. Skinniest dog I'd even seen. She was probably in the last day's of her life anyways. Her ears were just loaded with crud. She limped away from me, but would stop from time to time to try to shake the misery out of her head.

I didn't have a shot, so I stalked to a stump and climbed up on it for a better angle. She was partially open to me but it would have been a "Texas Heart Shot." I could see where she was heading and she wasn't able to run. I decided to flank her and try to cut her off before she reached my neighbor's property. She spotted me when I raised up to find her. I froze and watched her looking at me. When she looked away I aimed and ended it.

I like the coyotes, especially at night when they're singing. They do a great job on the mice here at the ranch. Until recently when I'd see them they'd be beautifuly coated and agile. The last two I've seen have been in bad shape. This one was almost unrecognizable and in the worst shape of any living coyote I've ever seen. I don't like killing them unless they are a problem or a threat. This was and act of mercy but I sure feel bad for her. Nature can be pretty cruel. I'll miss her song tonight.
I saw something similar a couple of time growing up in Iowa. Over a period of a few years the fox population would blossom, with beautiful fur and look really healthy. During that time the cottontail population would diminish. Finally the fox would start to look pretty nasty and you would see fewer of them. Then the rabbit population would explode and the cycle would start all over again.
I know what you mean about the singing. Once in a while when I am in a deer blind well before first light, just listening to the quiet, a pack will start up. Chills and thrills at the same time -- but really wakes you up.
JustsayMo, I have an idea of your meaning. From your description, I'd say that one wasn't having any fun. There's some times, and this is one, you just have to consider you did the right thing under the circumstances.

FWIW, we have coyotes here too. They are something to listen to. I've listened to 'em at night and from my deer blind, both (but not at once).
probably had mange.

i've seen them like that on occasion and put 'em down. i feel sorry for 'em when they're diseased, but take a great deal of pleasure in actively pursuing healthy specimens.
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