Spyderco Native Value

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Jan 12, 2012
Someone is offering to sell me a spyderco native with vg-10 steel and frn scales. I have not layed eyes on it yet. He says it is in good shape except for a missing pocket clip. I have half heartedly looked online for this model for sale with no luck. Anyone have an idea what might be a fair offer for the knife in the condition described?
They currently sell new for around $80. Newer versions have a flat ground blade.

I bought one of those from Walmart several years ago with a different grind on the blade for about $35 IIRC. Used without the clip I'd not go over $30-$35. Especially if it is the older version.

I could be wrong, but thought they all came with S30V blades instead of VG10

New version


Older version

You're describing, based on the VG-10 blade steel, a C78 Native III FRN. These were replaced by the fourth gen. C41(BK/PN) Native FRN with S30V blades. The C41 was replaced earlier this year by the C41(BK/PN)5 fifth gen model with S35V blade and more traditional three screw mounted clip that has steel thread inserts in the FRN handle. The BK or PN in the 4th and 5th gen model numbers denotes whether its a black or pink handle.

As for value, search eBay for Spyderco C78 Native III FRN. Email Spyderco and ask how much a clip and associated hardware will cost. Last, most folks prefer the plain edge version over the nearly fully serrated version, and that affects value too.
If it's a Native III, the handle is a little bulkier than some Native versions. Some people this, and some don't- it's a good idea to see if it works for you, regardless of price.

Personally, I prefer the Native II LW.
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