State Scorecards

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Mar 30, 2007
Las Vegas
Jut saw the scorecards for the states as composed by our "friends" at Brady.
I have to say that I am glad to see that my home state got such a low ranking from them. Got a 11 out of 100. Where does your state rank?
Interestingly enough, the states with higher scres actually have higher crime rates. Imagine that.......
I was quite pleased to see that everywhere I'd care to live failed miserably! :) :) :) It seems like there are more states now with REALLY low scores than in past years. I don't remember this many single digits. I wonder if it's (a) my perception, (b) a new scoring system, or (c) state's changed their laws. Hopefully C.
9th, with a 28 out of 100 score. I guess we're "best of the rest" (or worst) as the next highest rank is Hawaii with a 43.

I guess IL isn't as bad as some. No ballistic fingerprinting, no magazine limits, no AWB....yet. No CCW which is a big bummer, but it could be worse.
Reading from the bottom up, Louisiana is tied for third with a score of 4.

I love it. Louisiana is a mecca for shooters, hunters, sportsmen. Our license plates long proclaimed us the "Sportsman's Paradise". Long may it be so.

Score: 5 out of 100 points
State Ranking: 43 out of 50 states

Not too shabby.

-- John
Oklahoma ties for LAST!!!

Bells/ whistles/ fireworks.

It ought to earn us a holiday off work to go shooting/hunting just for being last in the brady list.

I couldn't be more proud.
It's our damn Tort laws that screwed us. We seriously need Tort reform in MS.

In defense of us, the laws that got us were not directed specifically towards guns or the gun industry.

-- John
Drat, Tied for 14th? In Virginia?

That said, I have no intention of ever using a "child safety lock." Either it's in the safe, or it's ready for use.
State: TEXAS
Score: 9 out of 100 points
State Ranking: T-29 out of 50 states
I'm surprised we were so low. I didn't think we'd be at the very top, but 9 out of 100 seems pretty low. Of their 25 criteria, we only have three they like:
Child Access Prevention - CAP
Are gun owners held accountable for leaving guns accessible to kids? YES
I actually kind of support this as long as it's used for people who let their own kids get into the gun cabinet and not used against someone who had some random teenage gangbanger steal their gun.
Guns at Work
Are businesses forced to allow guns in the workplace? NO
This is too bad. Of course if they were forced to allow guns against their will, that could be seen as taking some rights away from business owners to run their businesses as they see fit. Still...:p
Guns on College Campuses
Are colleges/universities forced to allow guns on campus? NO
We may be working on this one in 2008...

edited to add: Holy crap! Look at California! How can anyone stand to live there? You poor, poor, b@$+@rd$ Seriously. My heart goes out to you.:(
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New Jersey is only in second place? What an outrage! I protest! There's no way California has worse gun laws than we do. Maybe it's the microstamping. I demand a re-count!

I have half a mind to resign my BC membership. :evil:
11/100 for Ohio...20/50

If our CCW reform ever gets passed it will drop us like a rock...

LOL, they still list us as having "no preemption of local government authority to regulate guns."

EDIT: It shows up as 13/100 for me? Huh.
8/100 for Indiana. I'm very proud...

I like how microstamping made the list this year. :rolleyes:

I wonder if they have any statistics on how many crimes ballistic fingerprinting has solved.
6 points out of 100 and that looks to be improving. Our Republican governor backs mandating that firearms be allowed on college campuses. He said it doesn't make sense to disarm law abiding citizens when the criminals will be armed no matter how many laws are in place.

I didn't realize you folks in KY and OK had us out here in AZ so soundly beat (according to the Brady folks). I'm going to have to pay more attention.

That said, the report card is certainly not all-inclusive. FL, for instance, doesn't allow open carry, thought they score pretty well at the Brady site.

Here's the full list of states in order BTW.
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