Suggestions for PA residents.

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May 6, 2006
Dear All,
I recall reading some threads, in which the growth of anti-RKBA sentiments in the suburbs of Philly was discussed by some of you from PA. Having seen the end result of RKBA activism difficulties in Cook County, Illinois, and the path that has taken us down, I have several suggestions for the PA THR members.
1. work on keeping your base in traditional pro-RKBA areas (rural areas, other areas you know better than I).
2. work on growing RKBA sentiment in suburban areas (around Philly, etc).
3. Work (this may be most difficult) in the urban areas.

In Illinois, once you are outside of the Chicago area, many are pro-RKBA- however, around 80% of the state lives in the Chicago area. Your gun laws in PA are far better than in Illinois- try to keep them that way. I have no idea what to suggest- I have worked on converting antis even down here in Texas, and I am trying to put togeather arguements for the correct view being the individual rights one of the 2nd Amendment in Constitutional Law. More important, however, is just increasing the amount of shooters via outreach, etc. Every anti converted is one less vote for gun control- and one more for pro-2nd Amendment legislation.

Just my $.02 cents.
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