Survival Forums?

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FerFal has it right for the most part about Frugal Squirrels.

I post there every so often and read the new posts once in a while.

John is anti catholic no matter what he says about it. His explanation of his actions in the mass culling does not cover the other religions that a far more culpable in doing the actions that he blamed the catholics for.

The site is not overtly racist but rascist remarks or discussions are not shut down.

The predominate posters are fundamentalist christians. Not a bad lot all in all, but they have a few members that take it too far.

Considering how many members of frugals post here, I expect bannination in 3, 2,1.
What is with FrugalSquirrels? I tried to register with their forum and they rejected me. I have little idea as to why, since registration is limited to username and E-mail address. I used my same username as here for my convenience and my E-mail address contains the word "rifleman" I replyed to their rejection E-mail, explaining that I had no wish to do business with them if they have that kind of attitude. So, I will see if they surprise me with another reply, but until or if that happens, I'm not bothering with them.
(quote) "Race is a major issue in our nation that needs to be discussed in a rational manner. The 'black' culture is a disproportionate part of the miseries this nation finds itself in. The proof is in the stats and the problem is only getting worse. The reasons are irrelevant as it can't be changed in our political system. So take a deep breath and let us work through one of our Republics' major problems." '

Yeah, i realize i may be stepping in it,bigtime, but the sad fact is this statement, like the one Bill Cosby was crucified for, is spot-on accurate. I'm not at all affiliated with,or interested in any white supremacist crapola, and i don't feel that black people are the "problem", but the prevailing popular black "culture" we're wallowing in, the inside-out,clothes-that-don't fit,speak-the-language-like you-suffered-a-brain-injury nonsense is fracturing and crippling our country.These idiots,white and black,need to stop behaving like idiots, or stop crying when people treat them like idiots.:banghead:
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