Suspended from work for mentioning an AK47 on a date

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More wars have been fought and lives lost in the name of religion than anything else.

I know of no more violent book than the Bible.

Some Christians just don't get it. They think a gun is evil because it's a gun. And I know I'm making a leap calling her a Christian, but understand my point. Call her a Christian or a church goer or whatever, she may be upset because it was only 2 dates. To bad you couldn't talk to someone that sounded like a peer but apparently was holding a grudge.

I would say yes to keeping us informed and do the best you can to turn the other cheek. Sounds to me like you made a wise decision at 2 dates.

Christians aren't anywhere near perfect, just forgiven. Most of the ones I know are terrific people. Some of 'em even have a gun or two.
I can bring any gun I have to work. My reloading press is set up to fit a bench at work and the identical one at home. I can dry fire at work if i want to. I do a good bit of my DIY gunsmith stuff here also. As long as my work gets done I'm on my own. I think I'd have to make a big adjustment to work at a non-gun place. I feel for people that have to have a different persona at work.

I've done a lot of volunteering for church and their schools. I guess I'm at the point of what good is having faith if it isn't tested on a regular basis.:evil:
blkbrd666 said:
I would also have to take my suspension story to the local paper...along with a copy of the resignation. But then, I enjoy being a PITA.
Unless your local papers are greatly different than most, all they'd do is spin it into a great huge ball of hot air, making the OP look very bad.

Pervasive Vagrant said:
Just agree not to talk to her any more - problem solved.
If you read the text here, you'd assume that the OP hasn't spoken to the girl in years (since he couldn't remember who she was w/o prompting).
Man, for crying out loud, don't pat any kids on the head! They'll be after you for child molesting then!
Were you under contract? If not, most states permit firing at-will employees with or without cause. Of course there are exceptions, i.e. anti-discrimination statutes, whistleblowers, etc.
It is because it was an "AK47", had it been a 30-06 deer rifle with double the power and triple the range, it would not be an issue. But got forbid you have the famed AK... it is the only "assault rifle" that the scared and sheepish know the name of.
Being a 'man of the cloth' you should understand that God in His wisdom, for wich we mostly cannot understand on our own, may be using this incident to bring honor and glory to Himself.

God says that for the Christian, He(God)will make all things bad work out for the good of that individual, according to God's will,..... as to bring honor and glory to God!

In short... don't sweat this atrocity... God is working behind the scenes with you. For the BETTER!

Also, I should think lesson learned.... and good riddance to that bunch!

Is it the mark of a Christian to stereotype and criticize, to judge according to the worlds reasoning, his fellow Christian..... I don't know if there are any true Christians in that oganization calling itself a church-:D
Good thing she didn't tell them you touched her inappropriately! You would be talking to the cops instead of us.

I have a hard time believing that her statement is the actual reason they fired you. Two years ago someone interacted with you and just now they come to your church...what is up with that?
I am on contract

They have shown you the courtesy of asking about this instead of simply finding someone else to fulfill the contract. That should be considered to be a good sign since they have no obligation to you as an employer would.

The fact that it concerns a date off site means that they should have no interest, but because you've been accused of possibly being a danger to the church you should take it seriously.

To keep the contract you may want to offer to have an independent evaluation done by a colleague, but you should point out that they've never had any signs of you being a troubled individual, that you're a legitimate collector and that vague accusations by someone who you might have had a couple of dates TWO YEARS AGO with hardly constitute credible information.
That's one reason I carry a GALIL and an UZI too. It just seems appropriate.

You would not have that problem in south GA. Our pastors, decons, and even the little old ladies are as well armed as anyone else.
you may want to offer to have an independent evaluation done by a colleague,

I believe that's what they think they did when they asked to talk to my guy. He's trusted by them as well as me. The problem is that it felt more like a grossly unfair demand because he and I have covered heavy stuff together.

I think Uncle Mike's right though. I believe it will somehow work out for the best. Feels unfair though.
Yeah, I don't usually mention anything about my hobbies. I assume everyone is an anti.

Well, except for my sister-in-law who I know is an anti. They came over for dinner one evening and before the night was out I had my eleven year old nephew holding my AR. He loved it, I thought she was going to crap herself, so it was worth it.

Gun-Totin Church-Goers?

When I went to the local range on Memorial Day, I got there in the late afternoon, just in time to see a large group of folks who all seemed to be together packing it in for the day.

Hmm, should have checked the club calendar, looks like there was a group here today.

So, I asked.

"Oh, this is our annual church shoot. We rent the range every year on Memorial Day for this."

I didn't ask which church. I just smiled and bade them welcome.

Heck, I didn't even make a joke about "clinging to their guns."

I must be slipping.

More wars have been fought and lives lost in the name of religion than anything else.

Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but this statement is simply untrue.
There have been 1,763 wars inn recorded history, little more than @ 6% have been ascribed to religious motives.
The press is having success with their message that "assault rifles" are bad and people who have them are loons!!!!!!

Never balanced with articles about the good guns do.
I carry to church, FNP9 (my wife calls it my Sunday go ta meetin gun), with both my pastors blessings! The church decons have ask that LEO and trained military with CCW carry. We have had some problems in our county with people causing problems during church services.
Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but this statement is simply untrue.
There have been 1,763 wars inn recorded history, little more than @ 6% have been ascribed to religious motives.
I am not saying you are wrong, but do you have data to back that up???
squeamish people...

That sucks, man. It's a pain in the ass when you have to go into defensive mode because of something a squeamish person did. I don't think you did anything wrong on the date. You took a chance, which is the only way to have fun. It turns out that you didn't know she was going to be squeamish. I have to say, however, that the extra bit of conversation you had with your supervisors is something I would have done differently.

Generally, I'm cautious about who I converse with about my gun hobby. Preferably, I only talk with fellow gun owners. Unfortunately, nobody in my immediate set of family or friends is a gun owner. So, I do find myself talking with some of them about my guns, going to the range, etc. I take the chance that a particular person is not squeamish. However, I can't control other people. So, I never know for sure.
That's pretty messed up and the church politics are terrible! That's why I don't go the same church anymore, people are crazy! Just because you don't go to church doesn't make you a bad follower, and just because you go to church it doesn't make you a good follower either. It's all what's in your heart IMO.
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