suspicious truck in driveway

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Jul 9, 2007
first time posting something of my own experiences here (honestly i didn't think i ever would need to), but something really kinda rattled me last night.

a little background -- we live out in the country, or what used to be the country anyway before the "progress" of sprawl and development brought a lot more houses and people and stores to the area. our neighborhood is relatively small, and consists of lots of 2+ acres. it's all pretty heavily wooded and driveways are long... and dark (our driveway is maybe 200-250ft or so). from the street, you can't really see the house so it's great for privacy. we have one neighbor on one side who can see the side of our house, the side with the garage and driveway, etc. we also have a big yard light about 1/2 way down the driveway which gives enough light to see, but is not blindingly bright. whenever anyone drives up the driveway at night, their headlights splash through the windows onto the back wall of the den -- if you're in the den it's easy to know when someone comes.

it's been really nice weather lately, and for the first time in months it's been cool enough to open the windows for fresh air in the evenings. i had a couple windows (on the back-side of the house) open and i was sitting in my den watching tv at around 10pm. since i was enjoying the fresh air with the windows open, and since i'd been sitting there for quite a while, i had not yet set the alarm system. perhaps 3-4 times i heard some sort of noise from the front of the house which got my attention, but didn't really alarm me. we have a lot of animals and insects around, and the occassional "ding" on a window from a big bug, or a bump or scratching noise from a squirrel, raccoon, or deer is common. i'm not exactly sure what it is that i heard, just that i recall "something" getting my attention and i'd briefly mute the tv and look toward the front side of the house. in my brief glances, i didn't notice anything. needless to say, i didn't think much about it and i was just enjoying the fresh air and relaxing in front of the tv.

my phone rang and it was my neighbor next door telling me that she had gone outside to walk her dog and saw a pickup truck in my driveway, near the house. since it was there when she went outside, it's unclear how long it had been there. she thought that it was probably a visitor and thought nothing of it. it then slowly backed out of the driveway, with lights off. once out of the driveway it turned its lights on, drove a bit down the road and then turned into someone else's driveway. she says it then drove partially down that driveway (lights on), stopped, and backed up. at this point she thought something was definitely odd and started rounding up he dog to get back in her house. the truck then turned into her driveway and went up part of the way, and then backed up and drove away. this is very weird behavior.

after she told me the story, i closed all the windows and set the alarm, just in case (never know if the truck dropped someone off who was still outside, for instance), and got the shotgun. my neighbor called the sheriff dispatch (not 911, just dispatch since it wasn't clear if there was an emergency), who then sent out a car to drive around and check the neighborhood -- about 20 minutes later we noticed a patrol car drive by, not really looking down driveways just doing normal speed... he drove by once and left. didn't seem too thorough to me, anyway.

so that's kinda the story. a few points which worry me:

1) it seems very odd that after he was seen at my place he went and turned into two other driveways before finally driving away. in one sense, it sounded to me like it COULD possibly look like he was lost and trying to find a specific house. but that wouldn't make any sense with the fact that he had his lights off in my driveway (and apparently drove into my driveway with his lights off). it sounded to me like he saw he was noticed and went down the other driveways to make it seem like he was lost -- leaving right away might have looked even more suspicious? also, it's unclear how long he was indeed there. if i knew for sure he drove down, stopped, and backed up i might not be too concerned. but for all i know he was there for a half hour or more (about the first time i heard a noise out front).

2) this area has been really quiet and safe for years -- i always hear stories on the news of other areas with crime around, and i know at any time it could happen anywhere, so i always try to be alert, but when i heard some noises which might have tipped me off i dismissed them as the normal "bump in the night" kinda thing.

3) and perhaps most worrying of all, is that i was sitting there the whole time and had no clue at all that someone was in my driveway, and very well could have been out walking around the house and doing who knows what else. in fact, i wouldn't have known anything had my neighbor not been alert enough to call me and sound the alarm.

i know there are driveway alarms which alert you when a car drives down -- up until now i never thought about getting one here, but that is a real serious consideration now. it also might be a good idea to get more lights outside... but i don't want to light it up like a christmas tree because part of what we like here is living in the woods, with the relative darkness.

any other ideas what this could have been? any ideas for steps to take now?
hi Blutarsky,,, we live in the country too and the way this house is built we can't hear anything short of a train going down the drive(the walls are 17" thick) and our drive is 300' long,,,, i put a drive alert system in a few years ago and it has been the best thing i have done for security,,,,we have a dog in the house and he has learned that when he hears the tone some one will be at the door very soon,,, so even if we don't hear the alert he does and lets you know

we have a yard light but it really does nothing for the drive,,,it's out in the barn yard

i have thought about putting motion detector lighting on the front of the house but haven't done that yet(maybe i should)

maybe your visitors were giving your place a good casing,,,,, have you checked to see if anything was missing or adjusted for easy access for the next visit

don't mean to alarm you,,,but i would be doing a really good check over

my .02

ocharry said:
...maybe your visitors were giving your place a good casing,,,,, have you checked to see if anything was missing or adjusted for easy access for the next visit

don't mean to alarm you,,,but i would be doing a really good check over
after the cops drove by last night i went out with flashlight and shotgun in hand and did a quick once-over. nothing SEEMED out of place. i checked all of the doorknobs and locks and they looked fine (although, i'm sure i would have heard if someone was messing with the locks/knobs -- but then again i was sure i'd know if someone was in my driveway). this morning i looked around in the daylight, but i haven't done a full and complete detailed walk around. it would probably not be a bad idea do before this evening.

as for the driveway alert systems -- what is best? as i understand it, there are a couple different technologies. one is where you bury a rod/cable which magnetically senses a car driving past, and the other senses when an infrared beam is broken. the latter could also alert for someone walking through, but the former would only catch cars/trucks, right? i'm assuming they offer these in wireless and battery powered as that would be easiest. i don't really want to go laying cable or doing much work on this. plus, the simpler it is the faster it would be to get it in place.
I feel you and your neighbors were Cased as well.

Times have changed.
Years ago someone would get directions messed up, and pull up by mistake, and out of common courtesy some would cut the headlights as to not disturb the occupants, being a bit embarrassed. Still they would leave light only a short distance, then turn on as they departed the property.

They might do this one more time, to another neighbor, then admit they were turned around and go find a phone and call those they were to visit "I'm lost and turned around".

To continue checking other neighbors, and with cell phones making it easier to call, I am real suspicious of all this activity.

Progress and areas being more populated moving in, means more folks are taking note of areas like this.
They hear, read, and just suspect Response times are slower.
Just taking note of Fire Response leads to figuring out Sheriff Dept Response times are slower.

Some serious happenings have occurred , some that more newsworthy and part of tragic history - where the rural areas are where these criminals gained vehicles, guns and other needs to do crime.
OKC Bombing is one such tragedy.

Rural Folks are more independent, and on the ball, always have been.
Escaped inmates, Chain Gangs, Tornadoes and other Natural Disasters, and they know they are going to have to be Self Sufficient.

I'd call the Sheriff, and other applicable LEO , Fire and EMT Depts to assist in keeping tabs on the area and suspicious activity.

When I head to some property in rural areas, there are various measures I have to "access".
Simple gates with locks, Electric Gates, Driveway Alarms, and even Surveillance Cameras.
One I pull up , punch in a Code, and gate opens, like a Self Storage Facility uses. To exit, I must again do this.
I used to deliver lost baggage for the airlines and my route took me all over NM and partially into AZ and CO. My shift started at 9pm and as SOP would first call to verify if they wanted their bags ASAP or during daylight hours. Those that wanted their bags ASAP were told to leave a note so that we would have proof if the bags were later stolen, at this time I usually got directions which was usually something like, "take a right off of 84 at CR 222, drive until you see the Silver Airstream at the top of the hill (at 2 am with no lights and no moon), drive past the third cattle guard crossing, past the second stream and then make the third right, my house is the one right after the tree that was scorched by lightning, I will tape the note to the front door." Of course I quit the job two months later, but I don't know how many countless residents I made nervous (and myself too for that matter) turning into the wrong driveway late at night, and then to be courteous, would extinguish my headlights so as not to disturb the occupants as I backed out.

Then again, sm may be right too!

My advice is to get big reflective numbers and a big sign with your name on it, that way, if someone is acting suspicious, at least you will know it's not from lack of VISIBLE names and numbers.
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Lost Baggage and other Legit Persons, even with modern technologies, such as GPS maps on computers, Cell Phones and the like have Protocol and Manners.
Most will have logo , or marked vehicles.
Some will not, or be hard to see the markings at night.

Still, these folks with protocol call ahead, and make arrangements with persons in regard to lost luggage, or similar services.
Yes, they too can get turned around.

With cell phone (not to mention if they have GPS on board) they can call in and report the address was incorrect/ they got lost.
Some Companies have on board tracking, so they know where that vehicle actually is.
They can see the route and driver took a wrong turn, re-trace steps and get back on track.

Not that stolen vehicles are not used by BGs to disguise illegal activities.
Not that some companies do not use Hi-Tech in services, and folks just get lost - being human beings- just regular folks just trying to kinfolks or friends.

Times may have changed, still some things do not , no matter how Hi-Tech life gets.

Trust your gut always, and take prudent steps.
My grandfather had one of the pneumatic hose systems at the end of his driveway, probably 350 feet from their house. This was back in the early 80s. I can't recall that he ever mentioned it as a security measure, but no pizza delivery boy ever had to lay a finger on their doorbell!

My parents have been thinking of getting a motion-based IR sensor for their driveway, but there is so much animal traffic up and down their driveway it'd be almost useless.
Blutarsky,, the drive alarm i put in is infrared,, i catches anything that gets in the beam,,, and IIRC the beam goes out about 100' so it can be placed out of sight so it is not noticed,,,,it is a radio control thing that has a battery in the remote unit and the unit in the house plugs into the wall

i put it about 20-30' down the drive so that if anyone turns around it doesn't go off,,, they don't need to come to the house to turn around,,,it has been in service for about 4 years,,, never had any trouble out of it

after having this thing i would absolutely get another one is this one goes south

i will look and see who the manufacturer is of this unit if you like,,,,,IIRC it was around $125-140 range when i got this one,,,they may be cheaper now with the new technology and all

Check out this thread from my fellow ohioan, who had a similar situation.

You could have been cased. It could have been someone trying to find the right house by reading the numbers. You just don't know, so it's best to take some precautions, just for your own sanity. It's almost always money well spent, and you can sleep better. Just keep the shotgun handy anyway.
Well blutarsky unless you live on a road that could be easily confused with another 1 "say route B and there is a route BB close by" I would say you and the neighbors were cased .

It seems to me perhaps you have fallen into the same trap everyone I know who has moved to a more rural area . You think the seclusion and reported low crime rate makes you safe .

Small towns often do have little or no crime but as they grow and crime increases don't think for a minute they are in a hurry to report it on the FBI's yearly crime report or admit to the residents "Mayors and Chiefs of Police might lose their next election after all" so it can be deceiving .

I would suggest since you have such a large amount of land you still separate the home and some land from the rest with a fence a decent distance from the home and then light that area well .

It seems as though the police take a lax approach to calls so I would also get no less than 2 good sized dogs capable of protection say German Sheppard's .

I would also forgo the shotgun and select a good revolver in 357/38 caliber to keep with you even in the house when watching television late at night .

Chances are they were simply looking into buildings such as a shed or garage for easy to steal items such as tools and such but you never know .

Criminals understand the police response time will be slow if they are even called , you are truly "On your own" till they arrive . Some of the most vicious serial killers in history have selected victims from rural areas and even brazenly knocked on the doors and entered under false pretense prior to killing them .

O 1 more thing going outside was a bit chancy if you had to defend yourself it could get dicey legally since you left the safety of the home , that fenced area and a few good dogs would eliminate that , also make sure if you continue this type of behavior you have an extremely bright durable light in your hands as at the very least you had better be able to identify a target/threat before firing a weapon .

Best of luck in this situation .
Sounds to me like you and neighbors were "Cased". Could be a lost delivery, etc, but the little guy in my head is screaming and waving The Big Red Flag.

My driveway is really short (< 50Ft.) and I have X-10 cams/motion detectors set up, so I can flick on the TV and see what is out front.
I don't have a "driveway occupied" detector, but it seems to be a good idea for your place.
Lights that come on on motion, dog(s), security sign, security system, reinforced doors, a gate and the end of the driveway, etc. would all be a start towards increasing secuirty.
FieroCDSP said:
Check out this thread from my fellow ohioan, who had a similar situation.
funny you mention that thread -- i followed that thread closely back when it happened. we have a smaller piece of land than him, and our neighbor is close enough to be of help (as proven the other night), but the situation he had somehow felt "familiar" in the sense that i figured something like that was at the very least possible here.

here, at night, when you look at the front of our property from the street you can't see a thing (except in the winter when the trees and brush thin out a bit -- but even then you just get some flashes of lights), unless you look straight down the driveway which doesn't have any view of the main house. i guess we've been here too long and have obviously come to feel complacent... it's a shame because we very much like having it dark and private. but our safety and peace of mind is so much more valuable.

one of the things we love most is the wildlife -- we have tons of deer that come every day, so we don't have any of our yard fenced in. we don't have dogs for a few reasons: 1) no fenced yard, 2) the deer would go bye-bye, and 3) not really a fan of dogs ;) although it seems to be one of the single best bad guy detection systems, at this point in time anyway dogs are kinda out. that stance may change, however, if things start to head south with the threat of bad guys in the area.

for the time being, i think the focus will have to be early warning or monitoring -- we already have an alarm system, but it looks like we'll have to keep it on more than just when we go to bed until when we wake up. i'm definitely looking into getting a driveway alert system (both the magnetic one that alerts when a car drives past which will be toward the end of the drive, perhaps 30-40 feet in, as well as an infrared one closer up -- i figure if a car comes that's a sure thing and sound the alert, but the infrared could be tripped by wildlife but could still catch someone walking, maybe have that as a lower priority/volume alert, if that makes sense). also looking at placing a couple motion sensitive flood lights at the darker corners of the house. i've not yet looked into cameras, but that could be a good idea too, perhaps have 3-4 cameras around that record to pc when motion is sensed so we can look back in the morning as well as be able to check in real-time.

i think the thing i'm most afraid of is to somehow both under-react AND over-react. we live out here for a reason. if we wanted to have the property lit up bright then we could move elsewhere to a bigger neighborhood with smaller lots and closer houses. we want to FEEL like we're still living, at least somewhat, in the country but also not give up any safety or peace of mind. there must be some happy middle ground where we still have some of our bases covered with security measures without them being overly intrusive to our desired lifestyle, right?
blutarsky they say that often the simple appearance of security is better than nothing at all , you may have heard that criminals will try to avoid homes with the ADT stickers and signs and look for easier victims .

A few options might be marking a perimeter around your home with those solar lights people use to mark their driveways . Certainly not overly bright but if not spaced out too far will let you see if there is person there not a deer , fairly cheap and easy to use hardware stores sell sets for as little as $15 .

A fence doesn't have to some 8ft high barrier either . Actually depending on the view of the home you could get away with a 3/4 fence perhaps . Enclose the front and sides with a typical 4 ft chain link fence with a electronic gate and leave the back section as open as you can as long as it isn't visible as you approach the home , deer and other wildlife would quickly adapt and enter from the back or hop the fence . You can entice them by putting out some feed and salt blocks if needed .

Get some no trespassing signs as well as some of those that have a simple picture of some breed of protection dog and hang them on the fence and start of your driveway .

I understand that they make these electronic things that sound like a barking dog , one by each door should a stranger come knocking might be a good idea especially if you play it up as you answer the door by yelling at "your dog" to shut up as you try to speak to them threw the door .

I can understand your desire to preserve the peace and quiet and wildlife watching but criminals don't call ahead , nothing may ever happen ever , but then again someone could break in with the intent to kill you while you're reading or replying to this post .

One last thing as you get older you slow down and things like your hearing deteriorate consider not just today but the future .
You could put a locked gate across your driveway, and a pole fence on either side along the road side of your property. Keeps casual vehicles out, looks nice, and doesn't slow down the wildlife.

To get past that with a vehicle, someone would have to tear down the fence, drive around on your neighbors' property, and/or do some serious bushwhacking. I would guess there is probably a ditch alongside the road in front of your property, and you have a single access point with a culvert...?
blutarsky maybe a small but visible NRA flag & a Beware of Dog sign out near the driveway entrance would be an outer layer/mild deterrent to a career criminal who wants an easy target. With these type of folks it's nothing personal, could just as easily be a neighbor who gets cased/robbed as you, they're just looking for the softest target.
Have some kind of early warning system (a large, alert dog is best, but a basic driveway IR warning system will work).
Back it up with a local residents' patrol using level headed, trustworthy neighbors (look for vets or hunters here) in 4 hour shifts, two to a vehicle, and arm & instruct the other householders if they aren't already.
Keep us posted, and above all keep calm & stay determined.
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